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synced 2025-01-04 22:43:51 +03:00
- Support for ingest cache, download cache, and progress bars.
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package sqlite3_test
import (
func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
const query = `SELECT * from actor limit 1`
wantKinds := []kind.Kind{kind.Int, kind.Text, kind.Text, kind.Datetime}
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, wantKinds, sink.RecMeta.Kinds())
row := sink.Recs[0]
for i := range row {
require.NotNil(t, row[i])
// TestScalarFuncsQuery performs a smoke test of executing
// a query with some scalar funcs to verify that
// column type info is being correctly determined.
func TestScalarFuncsQuery(t *testing.T) {
const query = `SELECT 'huzzah', NULL, ABS(film_id), LOWER(rating),
LAST_INSERT_ROWID(), MAX(rental_rate, replacement_cost)
FROM film LIMIT 1`
wantKinds := []kind.Kind{
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, wantKinds, sink.RecMeta.Kinds())
// TestTypeTime tests the behavior of CURRENT_TIME.
// Apparently it's coming back to us as a string, thus
// it will be interpreted as kind.Text, not kind.Time.
// This is probably the best we can do, without attempting
// to scan each value to check for time-ness.
func TestCurrentTime(t *testing.T) {
const query = `SELECT CURRENT_TIME AS time_now`
wantKinds := []kind.Kind{
kind.Text, // We wish this could be kind.Time
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
require.Equal(t, wantKinds, sink.RecMeta.Kinds())
func TestKindFromDBTypeName(t *testing.T) {
ctx := lg.NewContext(context.Background(), lgt.New(t))
testCases := map[string]kind.Kind{
"": kind.Bytes,
"NUMERIC": kind.Decimal,
"INT": kind.Int,
"INTEGER": kind.Int,
"TINYINT": kind.Int,
"SMALLINT": kind.Int,
"MEDIUMINT": kind.Int,
"BIGINT": kind.Int,
"INT2": kind.Int,
"INT8": kind.Int,
"CHARACTER(20)": kind.Text,
"VARCHAR(255)": kind.Text,
"VARYING CHARACTER(255)": kind.Text,
"NCHAR(55)": kind.Text,
"NATIVE CHARACTER(70)": kind.Text,
"NVARCHAR(100)": kind.Text,
"TEXT": kind.Text,
"CLOB": kind.Text,
"REAL": kind.Float,
"DOUBLE": kind.Float,
"FLOAT": kind.Float,
"DECIMAL(10,5)": kind.Decimal,
"BOOLEAN": kind.Bool,
"DATETIME": kind.Datetime,
"TIMESTAMP": kind.Datetime,
"DATE": kind.Date,
"TIME": kind.Time,
for dbTypeName, wantKind := range testCases {
gotKind := sqlite3.KindFromDBTypeName(ctx, "col", dbTypeName, nil)
require.Equal(t, wantKind, gotKind, "%s should produce %s but got %s", dbTypeName)
func TestRecordMetadata(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
tbl string
rowCount int64
colNames []string
colKinds []kind.Kind
scanTypes []reflect.Type
colsMeta []*metadata.Column
tbl: sakila.TblActor,
rowCount: sakila.TblActorCount,
colNames: sakila.TblActorCols(),
colKinds: []kind.Kind{kind.Int, kind.Text, kind.Text, kind.Datetime},
scanTypes: []reflect.Type{
sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullString, sqlz.RTypeNullString,
colsMeta: []*metadata.Column{
{Name: "actor_id", Position: 0, PrimaryKey: true, BaseType: "INTEGER", ColumnType: "INTEGER", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "first_name", Position: 1, BaseType: "VARCHAR(45)", ColumnType: "VARCHAR(45)", Kind: kind.Text, Nullable: false},
{Name: "last_name", Position: 2, BaseType: "VARCHAR(45)", ColumnType: "VARCHAR(45)", Kind: kind.Text, Nullable: false},
{Name: "last_update", Position: 3, BaseType: "TIMESTAMP", ColumnType: "TIMESTAMP", Kind: kind.Datetime, Nullable: false, DefaultValue: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"},
tbl: sakila.TblFilmActor,
rowCount: sakila.TblFilmActorCount,
colNames: sakila.TblFilmActorCols(),
colKinds: []kind.Kind{kind.Int, kind.Int, kind.Datetime},
scanTypes: []reflect.Type{sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullTime},
colsMeta: []*metadata.Column{
{Name: "actor_id", Position: 0, PrimaryKey: true, BaseType: "INT", ColumnType: "INT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "film_id", Position: 1, PrimaryKey: true, BaseType: "INT", ColumnType: "INT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "last_update", Position: 2, BaseType: "TIMESTAMP", ColumnType: "TIMESTAMP", Kind: kind.Datetime, Nullable: false},
tbl: sakila.TblPayment,
rowCount: sakila.TblPaymentCount,
colNames: sakila.TblPaymentCols(),
colKinds: []kind.Kind{kind.Int, kind.Int, kind.Int, kind.Int, kind.Decimal, kind.Datetime, kind.Datetime},
scanTypes: []reflect.Type{
sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullInt64,
sqlz.RTypeNullInt64, sqlz.RTypeNullDecimal, sqlz.RTypeNullTime, sqlz.RTypeNullTime,
colsMeta: []*metadata.Column{
{Name: "payment_id", Position: 0, PrimaryKey: true, BaseType: "INT", ColumnType: "INT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "customer_id", Position: 1, BaseType: "INT", ColumnType: "INT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "staff_id", Position: 2, BaseType: "SMALLINT", ColumnType: "SMALLINT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "rental_id", Position: 3, BaseType: "INT", ColumnType: "INT", Kind: kind.Int, Nullable: true, DefaultValue: "NULL"},
{Name: "amount", Position: 4, BaseType: "DECIMAL(5,2)", ColumnType: "DECIMAL(5,2)", Kind: kind.Decimal, Nullable: false},
{Name: "payment_date", Position: 5, BaseType: "TIMESTAMP", ColumnType: "TIMESTAMP", Kind: kind.Datetime, Nullable: false},
{Name: "last_update", Position: 6, BaseType: "TIMESTAMP", ColumnType: "TIMESTAMP", Kind: kind.Datetime, Nullable: false},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.tbl, func(t *testing.T) {
th, _, drvr, grip, db := testh.NewWith(t, sakila.SL3)
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", strings.Join(tc.colNames, ", "), tc.tbl)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(th.Context, query) //nolint:rowserrcheck
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { assert.NoError(t, rows.Close()) })
hasNext := rows.Next() // invoke rows.Next before invoking RecordMeta
colTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
require.NoError(t, err)
recMeta, _, err := drvr.RecordMeta(th.Context, colTypes)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(tc.colNames), len(recMeta))
scanDests := recMeta.NewScanRow()
for hasNext {
// Scan rows to verify scan dests are ok
require.NoError(t, rows.Scan(scanDests...))
hasNext = rows.Next()
require.NoError(t, rows.Err())
gotScanTypes := recMeta.ScanTypes()
require.Equal(t, len(tc.scanTypes), len(gotScanTypes))
for i := range tc.scanTypes {
require.Equal(t, tc.scanTypes[i], gotScanTypes[i])
// Now check our table metadata
gotTblMeta, err := grip.TableMetadata(th.Context, tc.tbl)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.tbl, gotTblMeta.Name)
require.Equal(t, tc.rowCount, gotTblMeta.RowCount)
require.Equal(t, len(tc.colsMeta), len(gotTblMeta.Columns))
for i := range tc.colsMeta {
require.Equal(t, *tc.colsMeta[i], *gotTblMeta.Columns[i])
func TestPayments(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, "SELECT * FROM payment")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblPaymentCount, len(sink.Recs))
// TestAggregateFuncsQuery performs a smoke test of executing
// a query with aggregate funcs to verify that
// column type info is being correctly determined.
func TestAggregateFuncsQuery(t *testing.T) {
const query = `SELECT COUNT(*),
FROM film`
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(src, nil, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sink.Recs))
func BenchmarkDatabase_SourceMetadata(b *testing.B) {
const numTables = 1000
th, src, drvr, grip, db := testh.NewWith(b, testsrc.MiscDB)
tblNames := createTypeTestTbls(th, src, numTables, true)
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
srcMeta, err := grip.SourceMetadata(th.Context, false)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.True(b, len(srcMeta.Tables) > len(tblNames))
for _, tblName := range tblNames {
require.NoError(b, drvr.DropTable(th.Context, db, tablefq.From(tblName), true))
func TestGetTblRowCounts(t *testing.T) {
const numTables = 10
th, src, _, _, db := testh.NewWith(t, testsrc.MiscDB)
tblNames := createTypeTestTbls(th, src, numTables, true)
counts, err := sqlite3.GetTblRowCounts(th.Context, db, tblNames)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(tblNames), len(counts))
func BenchmarkGetTblRowCounts(b *testing.B) {
const numTables = 1300
th, src, drvr, _, db := testh.NewWith(b, testsrc.MiscDB)
tblNames := createTypeTestTbls(th, src, numTables, true)
testCases := []struct {
name string
fn func(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblNames []string) ([]int64, error)
{name: "benchGetTblRowCountsBaseline", fn: benchGetTblRowCountsBaseline},
{name: "getTblRowCounts", fn: sqlite3.GetTblRowCounts},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
b.Run(tc.name, func(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
counts, err := tc.fn(th.Context, db, tblNames)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.Len(b, counts, len(tblNames))
for _, tblName := range tblNames {
require.NoError(b, drvr.DropTable(th.Context, db, tablefq.From(tblName), true))
// benchGetTblRowCountsBaseline is a baseline impl of getTblRowCounts
// for benchmark comparison.
func benchGetTblRowCountsBaseline(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblNames []string,
) ([]int64, error) {
tblCounts := make([]int64, len(tblNames))
for i := range tblNames {
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %q", tblNames[i]))
err := row.Scan(&tblCounts[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
return tblCounts, nil