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// Package cli implements sq's CLI. The spf13/cobra library
// is used, with some notable modifications. Although cobra
// provides excellent functionality, it has some issues.
// Most prominently, its documentation suggests reliance
// upon package-level constructs for initializing the
// command tree (bad for testing). Also, it doesn't provide support
// for context.Context: see https://github.com/spf13/cobra/pull/893
// which has been lingering for a while at the time of writing.
// Thus, this cmd package deviates from cobra's suggested
// usage pattern by eliminating all pkg-level constructs
// (which makes testing easier), and also replaces cobra's
// Command.RunE func signature with a signature that accepts
// as its first argument the RunContext type.
// RunContext is similar to context.Context (and contains
// an instance of that), but also encapsulates injectable
// resources such as config and logging.
// The entry point to this pkg is the Execute function.
package cli
import (
// errNoMsg is a sentinel error indicating that a command
// has failed, but that no error message should be printed.
// This is useful in the case where any error information may
// already have been printed as part of the command output.
var errNoMsg = errors.New("")
// Execute builds a RunContext using ctx and default
// settings, and invokes ExecuteWith.
func Execute(ctx context.Context, stdin *os.File, stdout, stderr io.Writer, args []string) error {
rc, err := newDefaultRunContext(ctx, stdin, stdout, stderr)
if err != nil {
printError(rc, err)
return err
defer rc.Close() // ok to call rc.Close on nil rc
return ExecuteWith(rc, args)
// ExecuteWith invokes the cobra CLI framework, ultimately
// resulting in a command being executed. The caller must
// invoke rc.Close.
func ExecuteWith(rc *RunContext, args []string) error {
rc.Log.Debugf("EXECUTE: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
rc.Log.Debugf("Using config: %s", rc.ConfigStore.Location())
rootCmd := newCommandTree(rc)
// The following is a workaround for the fact that cobra doesn't currently
// support executing the root command with arbitrary args. That is to say,
// if you execute:
// sq arg1 arg2
// then cobra will look for a command named "arg1", and when it
// doesn't find such a command, it returns an "unknown command"
// error.
cmd, _, err := rootCmd.Find(args[1:])
if err != nil {
// This err will be the "unknown command" error.
// cobra still returns cmd though. It should be
// the root cmd.
if cmd == nil || cmd.Name() != rootCmd.Name() {
// should never happen
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad cobra cmd state: %v", cmd))
// If we have args [sq, arg1, arg2] the we redirect
// to the "query" command by modifying args to
// look like: [query, arg1, arg2] -- noting that SetArgs
// doesn't want the first args element.
queryCmdArgs := append([]string{"slq"}, args[1:]...)
} else {
if cmd.Name() == rootCmd.Name() {
// Not sure why we have two paths to this, but it appears
// that we've found the root cmd again, so again
// we redirect to "query" cmd.
a := append([]string{"slq"}, args[1:]...)
} else {
// It's just a normal command like "sq ls" or such.
// Explicitly set the args on rootCmd as this makes
// cobra happy when this func is executed via tests.
// Haven't explored the reason why.
// Execute the rootCmd; cobra will find the appropriate
// sub-command, and ultimately execute that command.
err = rootCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
printError(rc, err)
return err
// newCommandTree builds sq's command tree, returning
// the root cobra command.
func newCommandTree(rc *RunContext) (rootCmd *cobra.Command) {
rootCmd = newRootCmd()
// The --help flag must be explicitly added to rootCmd,
// or else cobra tries to do its own (unwanted) thing.
// The behavior of cobra in this regard seems to have
// changed? This particular incantation currently does the trick.
rootCmd.Flags().Bool(flagHelp, false, "Show sq help")
helpCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newHelpCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSLQCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSQLCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcCommand)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcAddCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcListCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newSrcRemoveCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newScratchCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newInspectCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newPingCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newVersionCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newDriversCmd)
notifyCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newNotifyCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyListCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyRemoveCmd)
notifyAddCmd := addCmd(rc, notifyCmd, newNotifyAddCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyAddCmd, newNotifyAddSlackCmd)
addCmd(rc, notifyAddCmd, newNotifyAddHipChatCmd)
tblCmd := addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newTblCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblCopyCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblTruncateCmd)
addCmd(rc, tblCmd, newTblDropCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newInstallBashCompletionCmd)
addCmd(rc, rootCmd, newGenerateZshCompletionCmd)
return rootCmd
// runFunc is an expansion of cobra's RunE func that
// adds a RunContext as the first param.
type runFunc func(rc *RunContext, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error
// addCmd adds the command returned by cmdFn to parentCmd.
func addCmd(rc *RunContext, parentCmd *cobra.Command, cmdFn func() (*cobra.Command, runFunc)) *cobra.Command {
cmd, fn := cmdFn()
if cmd.Name() != "help" {
// Don't add the --help flag to the help command.
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagHelp, false, "help for "+cmd.Name())
cmd.PreRunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
rc.Cmd = cmd
rc.Args = args
err := rc.preRunE()
return err
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
rc.Log.Debugf("sq %s [%s]", cmd.Name(), strings.Join(args, ","))
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flagVersion) {
// Bit of a hack: flag --version on any command
// results in execVersion being invoked
return execVersion(rc, cmd, args)
return fn(rc, cmd, args)
// We handle the errors ourselves (rather than let cobra do it)
cmd.SilenceErrors = true
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return cmd
// RunContext is a container for injectable resources passed
// to all execX funcs. The Close method should be invoked when
// the RunContext is no longer needed.
type RunContext struct {
// Context is the run's context.Context.
Context context.Context
// Stdin typically is os.Stdin, but can be changed for testing.
Stdin *os.File
// Out is the output destination.
// If nil, default to stdout.
Out io.Writer
// ErrOut is the error output destination.
// If nil, default to stderr.
ErrOut io.Writer
// Cmd is the command instance provided by cobra for
// the currently executing command. This field will
// be set before the command's runFunc is invoked.
Cmd *cobra.Command
// Args is the arg slice supplied by cobra for
// the currently executing command. This field will
// be set before the command's runFunc is invoked.
Args []string
// Config is the run's config.
Config *config.Config
// ConfigStore is run's config store.
ConfigStore config.Store
// Log is the run's logger.
Log lg.Log
// writers holds the various writer types that
// the CLI uses to print output.
writers *writers
registry *driver.Registry
files *source.Files
databases *driver.Databases
clnup *cleanup.Cleanup
// newDefaultRunContext returns a RunContext configured
// with standard values for logging, config, etc. This
// effectively is the bootstrap mechanism for sq.
// Note: This func always returns a RunContext, even if
// an error occurs during bootstrap of the RunContext (for
// example if there's a config error). We do this to provide
// enough framework so that such an error can be logged or
// printed per the normal mechanisms if at all possible.
func newDefaultRunContext(ctx context.Context, stdin *os.File, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (*RunContext, error) {
rc := &RunContext{
Context: ctx,
Stdin: stdin,
Out: stdout,
ErrOut: stderr,
log, clnup, loggingErr := defaultLogging()
rc.Log = log
rc.clnup = clnup
cfg, cfgStore, configErr := defaultConfig()
rc.ConfigStore = cfgStore
rc.Config = cfg
switch {
case rc.Log == nil:
rc.Log = lg.Discard()
case rc.clnup == nil:
rc.clnup = cleanup.New()
case rc.Config == nil:
rc.Config = config.New()
if configErr != nil {
// configErr is more important, return that first
return rc, configErr
if loggingErr != nil {
return rc, loggingErr
return rc, nil
// preRunE is invoked by cobra prior to the command RunE being
// invoked. It sets up the registry, databases, writer and related
// fundamental components.
func (rc *RunContext) preRunE() error {
rc.clnup = cleanup.New()
log, cfg := rc.Log, rc.Config
// If the --output=/some/file flag is set, then we need to
// override rc.Out (which is typically stdout) to point it at
// the output destination file.
if cmdFlagChanged(rc.Cmd, flagOutput) {
fpath, _ := rc.Cmd.Flags().GetString(flagOutput)
fpath, err := filepath.Abs(fpath)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to get absolute path for --%s", flagOutput)
f, err := os.Create(fpath)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to open file specified by flag --%s", flagOutput)
rc.clnup.AddC(f) // Make sure the file gets closed eventually
rc.Out = f
rc.writers, rc.Out, rc.ErrOut = newWriters(rc.Log, rc.Cmd, rc.Config.Options, rc.Out, rc.ErrOut)
var scratchSrcFunc driver.ScratchSrcFunc
// scratchSrc could be nil, and that's ok
scratchSrc := cfg.Sources.Scratch()
if scratchSrc == nil {
scratchSrcFunc = sqlite3.NewScratchSource
} else {
scratchSrcFunc = func(log lg.Log, name string) (src *source.Source, clnup func() error, err error) {
return scratchSrc, nil, nil
rc.registry = driver.NewRegistry(log)
rc.databases = driver.NewDatabases(log, rc.registry, scratchSrcFunc)
var err error
rc.files, err = source.NewFiles(log)
if err != nil {
return err
rc.registry.AddProvider(sqlite3.Type, &sqlite3.Provider{Log: log})
rc.registry.AddProvider(postgres.Type, &postgres.Provider{Log: log})
rc.registry.AddProvider(sqlserver.Type, &sqlserver.Provider{Log: log})
rc.registry.AddProvider(mysql.Type, &mysql.Provider{Log: log})
csvp := &csv.Provider{Log: log, Scratcher: rc.databases, Files: rc.files}
rc.registry.AddProvider(csv.TypeCSV, csvp)
rc.registry.AddProvider(csv.TypeTSV, csvp)
rc.files.AddTypeDetectors(csv.DetectCSV, csv.DetectTSV)
rc.registry.AddProvider(xlsx.Type, &xlsx.Provider{Log: log, Scratcher: rc.databases, Files: rc.files})
// One day we may have more supported user driver genres.
userDriverImporters := map[string]userdriver.ImportFunc{
xmlud.Genre: xmlud.Import,
for i, userDriverDef := range cfg.Ext.UserDrivers {
userDriverDef := userDriverDef
errs := userdriver.ValidateDriverDef(userDriverDef)
if len(errs) > 0 {
err := errz.Combine(errs...)
err = errz.Wrapf(err, "failed validation of user driver definition [%d] (%q) from config",
i, userDriverDef.Name)
return err
importFn, ok := userDriverImporters[userDriverDef.Genre]
if !ok {
return errz.Errorf("unsupported genre %q for user driver %q specified via config",
userDriverDef.Genre, userDriverDef.Name)
// For each user driver definition, we register a
// distinct userdriver.Provider instance.
udp := &userdriver.Provider{
Log: log,
DriverDef: userDriverDef,
ImportFn: importFn,
Scratcher: rc.databases,
Files: rc.files,
rc.registry.AddProvider(source.Type(userDriverDef.Name), udp)
return nil
// Close should be invoked to dispose of any open resources
// held by rc. If an error occurs during close and rc.Log
// is not nil, that error is logged at WARN level before
// being returned.
func (rc *RunContext) Close() error {
if rc == nil {
return nil
err := rc.clnup.Run()
if err != nil && rc.Log != nil {
rc.Log.Warnf("failed to close RunContext: %v", err)
return err
// writers is a container for the various output writers.
type writers struct {
fmt *output.Formatting
recordw output.RecordWriter
metaw output.MetadataWriter
srcw output.SourceWriter
notifyw output.NotificationWriter
errw output.ErrorWriter
pingw output.PingWriter
// newWriters returns a writers instance configured per opts and/or
// flags from cmd. The returned out2/errOut2 values may differ
// from the out/errOut args (e.g. decorated to support colorization).
func newWriters(log lg.Log, cmd *cobra.Command, opts config.Options, out, errOut io.Writer) (w *writers, out2, errOut2 io.Writer) {
var fm *output.Formatting
fm, out2, errOut2 = getWriterFormatting(cmd, out, errOut)
// we need to determine --header here because the writer/format
// constructor functions, e.g. table.NewRecordWriter, require it.
hasHeader := false
switch {
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagHeader):
hasHeader = true
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagNoHeader):
hasHeader = false
// get the default --header value from config
hasHeader = opts.Header
verbose := false
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagVerbose) {
verbose, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagVerbose)
// Package tablew has writer impls for all of the writer interfaces,
// so we use its writers as the baseline. Later we check the format
// flags and set the various writer fields depending upon which
// writers the format implements.
w = &writers{
fmt: fm,
recordw: tablew.NewRecordWriter(out2, fm, hasHeader),
metaw: tablew.NewMetadataWriter(out2, fm),
srcw: tablew.NewSourceWriter(out2, fm, hasHeader, verbose),
pingw: tablew.NewPingWriter(out2, fm),
notifyw: tablew.NewNotifyWriter(out2, fm, hasHeader),
errw: tablew.NewErrorWriter(errOut2, fm),
// Invoke getFormat to see if the format was specified
// via config or flag.
format := getFormat(cmd, opts)
switch format {
// No format specified, use JSON
w.recordw = jsonw.NewStdRecordWriter(out2, fm)
w.metaw = jsonw.NewMetadataWriter(out2, fm)
w.errw = jsonw.NewErrorWriter(log, errOut2, fm)
case config.FormatTable:
// Table is the base format, already set above, no need to do anything.
case config.FormatTSV:
w.recordw = csvw.NewRecordWriter(out2, hasHeader, csvw.Tab)
w.pingw = csvw.NewPingWriter(out2, csvw.Tab)
case config.FormatCSV:
w.recordw = csvw.NewRecordWriter(out2, hasHeader, csvw.Comma)
w.pingw = csvw.NewPingWriter(out2, csvw.Comma)
case config.FormatXML:
w.recordw = xmlw.NewRecordWriter(out2, fm)
case config.FormatXLSX:
w.recordw = xlsxw.NewRecordWriter(out2, hasHeader)
case config.FormatRaw:
w.recordw = raww.NewRecordWriter(out2)
case config.FormatHTML:
w.recordw = htmlw.NewRecordWriter(out2)
case config.FormatMarkdown:
w.recordw = markdownw.NewRecordWriter(out2)
case config.FormatJSONA:
w.recordw = jsonw.NewArrayRecordWriter(out2, fm)
case config.FormatJSONL:
w.recordw = jsonw.NewObjectRecordWriter(out2, fm)
return w, out2, errOut2
// getWriterFormatting returns a Formatting instance and
// colorable or non-colorable writers. It is permissible
// for the cmd arg to be nil.
func getWriterFormatting(cmd *cobra.Command, out, errOut io.Writer) (fm *output.Formatting, out2, errOut2 io.Writer) {
fm = output.NewFormatting()
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagPretty) {
fm.Pretty, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagPretty)
// TODO: Should get this default value from config
colorize := true
if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagOutput) {
// We're outputting to a file, thus no color.
colorize = false
} else if cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagMonochrome) {
if mono, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagMonochrome); mono {
colorize = false
if !colorize {
color.NoColor = true // TODO: shouldn't rely on package-level var
out2 = out
errOut2 = errOut
return fm, out2, errOut2
// We do want to colorize
if !isColorTerminal(out) {
// But out can't be colorized.
color.NoColor = true
out2, errOut2 = out, errOut
return fm, out2, errOut2
// out can be colorized.
color.NoColor = false
out2 = colorable.NewColorable(out.(*os.File))
// Check if we can colorize errOut
if isColorTerminal(errOut) {
errOut2 = colorable.NewColorable(errOut.(*os.File))
} else {
// errOut2 can't be colorized, but since we're colorizing
// out, we'll apply the non-colorable filter to errOut.
errOut2 = colorable.NewNonColorable(errOut)
return fm, out2, errOut2
func getFormat(cmd *cobra.Command, opts config.Options) config.Format {
var format config.Format
switch {
// cascade through the format flags in low-to-high order of precedence.
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTSV):
format = config.FormatTSV
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagCSV):
format = config.FormatCSV
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagXLSX):
format = config.FormatXLSX
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagXML):
format = config.FormatXML
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagRaw):
format = config.FormatRaw
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagHTML):
format = config.FormatHTML
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagMarkdown):
format = config.FormatMarkdown
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagTable):
format = config.FormatTable
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSONL):
format = config.FormatJSONL
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSONA):
format = config.FormatJSONA
case cmdFlagChanged(cmd, flagJSON):
format = config.FormatJSON
// no format flag, use the config value
format = opts.Format
return format
// defaultLogging returns a log (and its associated closer) if
// logging has been enabled via envars.
func defaultLogging() (lg.Log, *cleanup.Cleanup, error) {
truncate, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv(envarLogTruncate))
logFilePath, ok := os.LookupEnv(envarLogPath)
if !ok || logFilePath == "" || strings.TrimSpace(logFilePath) == "" {
return lg.Discard(), nil, nil
// Let's try to create the dir holding the logfile... if it already exists,
// then os.MkdirAll will just no-op
parent := filepath.Dir(logFilePath)
err := os.MkdirAll(parent, 0750)
if err != nil {
return lg.Discard(), nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to create parent dir of log file %s", logFilePath)
flag := os.O_APPEND
if truncate {
flag = os.O_TRUNC
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(logFilePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|flag, 0600)
if err != nil {
return lg.Discard(), nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "unable to open log file %q", logFilePath)
clnup := cleanup.New().AddE(logFile.Close)
log := zaplg.NewWith(logFile, "json", true, true, true, 0)
return log, clnup, nil
// defaultConfig loads sq config from the default location
// (~/.config/sq/sq.yml) or the location specified in envars.
func defaultConfig() (*config.Config, config.Store, error) {
cfgDir, ok := os.LookupEnv(envarConfigDir)
if !ok {
// envar not set, let's use the default
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should be able to run without the homedir... revisit this
return nil, nil, errz.Wrap(err, "unable to get user home dir for config purposes")
cfgDir = filepath.Join(home, ".config", "sq")
cfgPath := filepath.Join(cfgDir, "sq.yml")
extDir := filepath.Join(cfgDir, "ext")
cfgStore := &config.YAMLFileStore{Path: cfgPath, ExtPaths: []string{extDir}}
if !cfgStore.FileExists() {
cfg := config.New()
return cfg, cfgStore, nil
// file does exist, let's try to load it
cfg, err := cfgStore.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return cfg, cfgStore, nil
// printError is the centralized function for printing
// and logging errors. This func has a lot of (possibly needless)
// redundancy; ultimately err will print if non-nil (even if
// rc or any of its fields are nil).
func printError(rc *RunContext, err error) {
log := lg.Discard()
if rc != nil && rc.Log != nil {
log = rc.Log
if err == nil {
log.Warnf("printError called with nil error")
if err == errNoMsg {
// errNoMsg is a sentinel err that sq doesn't want to print
switch errz.Cause(err) {
case context.Canceled:
err = errz.New("stopped")
case context.DeadlineExceeded:
err = errz.New("timeout")
var cmd *cobra.Command
if rc != nil {
cmd = rc.Cmd
cmdName := "unknown"
if cmd != nil {
cmdName = fmt.Sprintf("[cmd:%s] ", cmd.Name())
log.Errorf("%s [%T] %+v", cmdName, err, err)
wrtrs := rc.writers
if wrtrs != nil && wrtrs.errw != nil {
// If we have an errorWriter, we print to it
// and return.
// Else we don't have an errorWriter, so we fall through
// If we get this far, something went badly wrong in bootstrap
// (probably the config is corrupt).
// At this point, we could just print err to os.Stderr and be done.
// However, our philosophy is to always provide the ability
// to output errors in json if possible. So, even though cobra
// may not have initialized and our own config may be borked, we
// will still try to determine if the user wants the error
// in json, specified via flags (by directly using the pflag
// package) or via sq config's default output format.
// getWriterFormatting works even if cmd is nil
fm, _, errOut := getWriterFormatting(cmd, os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
if bootstrapIsFormatJSON(rc) {
// The user wants JSON, either via defaults or flags.
jw := jsonw.NewErrorWriter(log, errOut, fm)
// The user didn't want JSON, so we just print to stderr.
if isColorTerminal(os.Stderr) {
fm.Error.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "sq: "+err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "sq: "+err.Error())
// cmdFlagChanged returns true if cmd is non-nil and
// has the named flag and that flag been changed.
func cmdFlagChanged(cmd *cobra.Command, name string) bool {
if cmd == nil {
return false
flag := cmd.Flag(name)
if flag == nil {
return false
return flag.Changed
// bootstrapIsFormatJSON is a last-gasp attempt to check if the user
// supplied --json=true on the command line, to determine if a
// bootstrap error (hopefully rare) should be output in JSON.
func bootstrapIsFormatJSON(rc *RunContext) bool {
// If no RunContext, assume false
if rc == nil {
return false
defaultFormat := config.FormatTable
if rc.Config != nil {
defaultFormat = rc.Config.Options.Format
// If args were provided, create a new flag set and check
// for the --json flag.
if len(rc.Args) > 0 {
flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("bootstrap", pflag.ContinueOnError)
jsonFlag := flags.BoolP(flagJSON, flagJSONShort, false, flagJSONUsage)
err := flags.Parse(rc.Args)
if err != nil {
return false
// No --json flag, return true if the config file default is JSON
if jsonFlag == nil {
return defaultFormat == config.FormatJSON
return *jsonFlag
// No args, return true if the config file default is JSON
return defaultFormat == config.FormatJSON