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package cli
import (
var (
OptLogEnabled = options.NewBool(
"Enable logging",
"Enable logging.",
OptLogFile = options.NewString(
"Log file path",
`Path to log file. Empty value disables logging.`,
OptLogLevel = NewLogLevelOpt(
`Log level, one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR`,
"Log level, one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.",
// defaultLogging returns a *slog.Logger, its slog.Handler, and
// possibly a *cleanup.Cleanup, which the caller is responsible
// for invoking at the appropriate time. If an error is returned, the
// other returned values will be nil. If logging is not enabled,
// the returned values will also be nil.
func defaultLogging(ctx context.Context, osArgs []string, cfg *config.Config,
) (log *slog.Logger, h slog.Handler, closer func() error, err error) {
bootLog := lg.FromContext(ctx)
enabled := getLogEnabled(ctx, osArgs, cfg)
if !enabled {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
// First, get the log file path. It can come from flag, envar, or config.
logFilePath := strings.TrimSpace(getLogFilePath(ctx, osArgs, cfg))
if logFilePath == "" {
bootLog.Debug("Logging: not enabled (log file path not set)")
return nil, nil, nil, nil
lvl := getLogLevel(ctx, osArgs, cfg)
// Allow for $HOME/sq.log etc.
logFilePath = os.ExpandEnv(logFilePath)
bootLog.Debug("Logging: enabled", lga.Path, logFilePath)
// Let's try to create the dir holding the logfile... if it already exists,
// then os.MkdirAll will just no-op
parent := filepath.Dir(logFilePath)
err = os.MkdirAll(parent, 0o750)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "logging: failed to create parent dir of log file %s", logFilePath)
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(logFilePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0o600)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "logging: unable to open log file: %s", logFilePath)
closer = logFile.Close
h = newJSONHandler(logFile, lvl)
return slog.New(h), h, closer, nil
func stderrLogger() (*slog.Logger, slog.Handler) {
h := newJSONHandler(os.Stderr, slog.LevelDebug)
return slog.New(h), h
func newJSONHandler(w io.Writer, lvl slog.Leveler) slog.Handler {
h := &slog.HandlerOptions{
AddSource: true,
Level: lvl,
ReplaceAttr: slogReplaceAttrs,
return slog.NewJSONHandler(w, h)
func slogReplaceAttrs(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
a = slogReplaceSource(groups, a)
a = slogReplaceDuration(groups, a)
return a
// slogReplaceSource overrides the default slog.SourceKey attr
// to print "pkg/file.go" instead.
func slogReplaceSource(_ []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
// We want source to be "pkg/file.go".
if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
fp := a.Value.String()
a.Value = slog.StringValue(filepath.Join(filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(fp)), filepath.Base(fp)))
return a
// slogReplaceDuration prints the friendly version of duration.
func slogReplaceDuration(_ []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
if a.Value.Kind() == slog.KindDuration {
a.Value = slog.StringValue(a.Value.Duration().String())
return a
// logFrom is a convenience function for getting a *slog.Logger from a
// *cobra.Command or context.Context.
// If no logger present, lg.Discard() is returned.
func logFrom(cmd *cobra.Command) *slog.Logger {
if cmd == nil {
return lg.Discard()
ctx := cmd.Context()
if ctx == nil {
return lg.Discard()
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
if log == nil {
return lg.Discard()
return log
// getLogEnabled determines if logging is enabled based on flags, envars, or config.
// Any error is logged to the ctx logger.
func getLogEnabled(ctx context.Context, osArgs []string, cfg *config.Config) bool {
bootLog := lg.FromContext(ctx)
var enabled bool
val, ok, err := getBootstrapFlagValue(flag.LogEnabled, "", flag.LogEnabledUsage, osArgs)
if err != nil {
bootLog.Error("Reading log 'enabled' from flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogEnabled, lga.Err, err)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Using log 'enabled' specified via flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogEnabled, lga.Val, val)
enabled, err = stringz.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
"Reading bool flag",
lga.Flag, flag.LogEnabled,
lga.Val, val,
// When in doubt, enable logging?
return true
return enabled
val, ok = os.LookupEnv(config.EnvarLogEnabled)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Using log 'enabled' specified via envar",
lga.Env, config.EnvarLogEnabled,
lga.Val, val,
enabled, err = stringz.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
"Reading bool envar",
lga.Env, config.EnvarLogEnabled,
lga.Val, val,
// When in doubt, enable logging?
return true
return enabled
var o options.Options
if cfg != nil {
o = cfg.Options
enabled = OptLogEnabled.Get(o)
bootLog.Debug("Using log 'enabled' specified via config", lga.Key, OptLogEnabled.Key(), lga.Val, enabled)
return enabled
// getLogLevel gets the log level, based on flags, envars, or config.
// Any error is logged to the ctx logger.
func getLogLevel(ctx context.Context, osArgs []string, cfg *config.Config) slog.Level {
bootLog := lg.FromContext(ctx)
val, ok, err := getBootstrapFlagValue(flag.LogLevel, "", flag.LogLevelUsage, osArgs)
if err != nil {
bootLog.Error("Reading log level from flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogLevel, lga.Err, err)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Using log level specified via flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogLevel, lga.Val, val)
lvl := new(slog.Level)
if err = lvl.UnmarshalText([]byte(val)); err != nil {
bootLog.Error("Invalid log level specified via flag",
lga.Flag, flag.LogLevel,
lga.Val, val,
lga.Err, err)
} else {
return *lvl
val, ok = os.LookupEnv(config.EnvarLogLevel)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Using log level specified via envar",
lga.Env, config.EnvarLogLevel,
lga.Val, val)
lvl := new(slog.Level)
if err = lvl.UnmarshalText([]byte(val)); err != nil {
bootLog.Error("Invalid log level specified by envar",
lga.Env, config.EnvarLogLevel,
lga.Val, val,
lga.Err, err)
} else {
return *lvl
var o options.Options
if cfg != nil {
o = cfg.Options
lvl := OptLogLevel.Get(o)
bootLog.Debug("Using log level specified via config", lga.Key, OptLogLevel.Key(), lga.Val, lvl)
return lvl
// getLogFilePath gets the log file path, based on flags, envars, or config.
// If a log file is not specified (and thus logging is disabled), empty string
// is returned.
func getLogFilePath(ctx context.Context, osArgs []string, cfg *config.Config) string {
bootLog := lg.FromContext(ctx)
fp, ok, err := getBootstrapFlagValue(flag.LogFile, "", flag.LogFileUsage, osArgs)
if err != nil {
bootLog.Error("Reading log file from flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogFile, lga.Err, err)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Log file specified via flag", lga.Flag, flag.LogFile, lga.Path, fp)
return fp
fp, ok = os.LookupEnv(config.EnvarLogPath)
if ok {
bootLog.Debug("Log file specified via envar", lga.Env, config.EnvarLogPath, lga.Path, fp)
return fp
var o options.Options
if cfg != nil {
o = cfg.Options
fp = OptLogFile.Get(o)
bootLog = bootLog.With(lga.Key, OptLogFile.Key(), lga.Path, fp)
if !o.IsSet(OptLogFile) {
bootLog.Debug("Log file not explicitly set in config; using default")
return fp
if fp == "" {
bootLog.Debug(`Log file explicitly set to "" in config; logging disabled`)
bootLog.Debug("Log file specified via config")
return fp
// getDefaultLogFilePath returns the OS-dependent log file path,
// or an empty string if it can't be determined. The file (and its
// parent dir) may not exist.
func getDefaultLogFilePath() string {
p, err := userlogdir.UserLogDir()
if err != nil {
return ""
return filepath.Join(p, "sq", "sq.log")
var _ options.Opt = LogLevelOpt{}
// NewLogLevelOpt returns a new LogLevelOpt instance.
func NewLogLevelOpt(key string, defaultVal slog.Level, usage, help string) LogLevelOpt {
opt := options.NewBaseOpt(key, "", 0, usage, help)
return LogLevelOpt{BaseOpt: opt, defaultVal: defaultVal}
// LogLevelOpt is an options.Opt for slog.Level.
type LogLevelOpt struct {
defaultVal slog.Level
// Process implements options.Processor. It converts matching
// string values in o into slog.Level. If no match found,
// the input arg is returned unchanged. Otherwise, a clone is
// returned.
func (op LogLevelOpt) Process(o options.Options) (options.Options, error) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil
key := op.Key()
v, ok := o[key]
if !ok || v == nil {
return o, nil
// v should be a string
switch x := v.(type) {
case string:
// continue below
case int:
v = slog.Level(x)
// continue below
case slog.Level:
return o, nil
return nil, errz.Errorf("option {%s} should be {%T} or {%T} but got {%T}: %v",
key, slog.LevelDebug, "", x, x)
var s string
s, ok = v.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, errz.Errorf("option {%s} should be {%T} but got {%T}: %v",
key, s, v, v)
var lvl slog.Level
if err := lvl.UnmarshalText([]byte(s)); err != nil {
return nil, errz.Wrapf(err, "option {%s} is not a valid {%T}", key, lvl)
o = o.Clone()
o[key] = lvl
return o, nil
// Get returns op's value in o. If o is nil, or no value
// is set, op's default value is returned.
func (op LogLevelOpt) Get(o options.Options) slog.Level {
if o == nil {
return op.defaultVal
v, ok := o[op.Key()]
if !ok {
return op.defaultVal
var lvl slog.Level
lvl, ok = v.(slog.Level)
if !ok {
return op.defaultVal
return lvl
// GetAny implements options.Opt.
func (op LogLevelOpt) GetAny(o options.Options) any {
return op.Get(o)
// DefaultAny implements options.Opt.
func (op LogLevelOpt) DefaultAny() any {
return op.defaultVal