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package cli_test
import (
// TestCmdSLQ_Insert_Create tests "sq QUERY --insert=@src.tbl".
func TestCmdSLQ_Insert_Create(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
originSrc, destSrc := th.Source(sakila.SL3), th.Source(sakila.SL3)
srcTbl := sakila.TblActor
if th.IsMonotable(originSrc) {
srcTbl = source.MonotableName
destTbl := stringz.UniqSuffix(sakila.TblActor + "_copy")
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*originSrc)
if destSrc.Handle != originSrc.Handle {
insertTo := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", destSrc.Handle, destTbl)
cols := stringz.PrefixSlice(sakila.TblActorCols(), ".")
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s | %s", originSrc.Handle, srcTbl, strings.Join(cols, ", "))
err := tr.Exec("slq", "--insert="+insertTo, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(destSrc, nil, "select * from "+destTbl)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
// TestCmdSLQ_Insert tests "sq slq QUERY --insert=dest.tbl".
func TestCmdSLQ_Insert(t *testing.T) {
for _, origin := range sakila.SQLLatest() {
origin := origin
t.Run("origin_"+origin, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, dest := range sakila.SQLLatest() {
dest := dest
t.Run("dest_"+dest, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
originSrc, destSrc := th.Source(origin), th.Source(dest)
srcTbl := sakila.TblActor
if th.IsMonotable(originSrc) {
srcTbl = source.MonotableName
// To avoid dirtying the destination table, we make a copy
// of it (without data).
tblName := th.CopyTable(
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*originSrc)
if destSrc.Handle != originSrc.Handle {
insertTo := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", destSrc.Handle, tblName)
cols := stringz.PrefixSlice(sakila.TblActorCols(), ".")
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s | %s", originSrc.Handle, srcTbl, strings.Join(cols, ", "))
err := tr.Exec("slq", "--insert="+insertTo, query)
require.NoError(t, err)
sink, err := th.QuerySQL(destSrc, nil, "select * from "+tblName)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(sink.Recs))
func TestCmdSLQ_CSV(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.CSVActor)
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*src)
err := tr.Exec("slq", "--header=false", "--csv", fmt.Sprintf("%s.data", src.Handle))
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
// TestCmdSLQ_OutputFlag verifies that flag --output=<file> works.
func TestCmdSLQ_OutputFlag(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*src)
outputFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", t.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
assert.NoError(t, outputFile.Close())
assert.NoError(t, os.Remove(outputFile.Name()))
err = tr.Exec("slq",
"--header=false", "--csv", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", src.Handle, sakila.TblActor),
"--output", outputFile.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
recs, err := csv.NewReader(outputFile).ReadAll()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
func TestCmdSLQ_Join_cross_source(t *testing.T) {
const queryTpl = `%s.customer | join(%s.address, .address_id) | where(.customer_id == %d) | .[0] | .customer_id, .email, .city_id` //nolint:lll
handles := sakila.SQLLatest()
// Attempt to join every SQL test source against every SQL test source.
for _, h1 := range handles {
h1 := h1
t.Run("origin_"+h1, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, h2 := range handles {
h2 := h2
t.Run("dest_"+h2, func(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src1, src2 := th.Source(h1), th.Source(h2)
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*src1)
if src2.Handle != src1.Handle {
query := fmt.Sprintf(queryTpl, src1.Handle, src2.Handle, sakila.MillerCustID)
err := tr.Exec("slq", "--header=false", "--csv", query)
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, 1, len(recs), "should only be one matching record")
require.Equal(t, 3, len(recs[0]), "should have three fields")
require.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(sakila.MillerCustID), recs[0][0])
require.Equal(t, sakila.MillerEmail, recs[0][1])
require.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(sakila.MillerCityID), recs[0][2])
// TestCmdSLQ_ActiveSrcHandle verifies that source.ActiveHandle is
// interpreted as the active src in a SLQ query.
func TestCmdSLQ_ActiveSrcHandle(t *testing.T) {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(sakila.SL3)
// 1. Verify that the query works as expected using the actual src handle
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*src).Hush()
require.Equal(t, src.Handle, tr.Run.Config.Collection.Active().Handle)
err := tr.Exec("slq", "--header=false", "--csv", "@sakila_sl3.actor")
require.NoError(t, err)
recs := tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
// 2. Verify that it works using source.ActiveHandle as the src handle
tr = testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).Add(*src).Hush()
require.Equal(t, src.Handle, tr.Run.Config.Collection.Active().Handle)
err = tr.Exec("slq", "--header=false", "--csv", source.ActiveHandle+".actor")
require.NoError(t, err)
recs = tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, sakila.TblActorCount, len(recs))
func TestCmdSLQ_PreprocessFlagArgVars(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
in []string
want []string
wantErr bool
name: "empty",
in: []string{},
want: []string{},
name: "no flags",
in: []string{".actor"},
want: []string{".actor"},
name: "non-arg flag",
in: []string{"--json", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--json", ".actor"},
name: "non-arg flag with value",
in: []string{"--json", "true", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--json", "true", ".actor"},
name: "single arg flag",
in: []string{"--arg", "name", "TOM", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--arg", "name:TOM", ".actor"},
name: "invalid arg name",
in: []string{"--arg", "na me", "TOM", ".actor"},
wantErr: true,
name: "invalid arg name (with colon)",
in: []string{"--arg", "na:me", "TOM", ".actor"},
wantErr: true,
name: "colon in value",
in: []string{"--arg", "name", "T:OM", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--arg", "name:T:OM", ".actor"},
name: "single arg flag with whitespace",
in: []string{"--arg", "name", "TOM DOWD", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--arg", "name:TOM DOWD", ".actor"},
name: "two arg flags",
in: []string{"--arg", "name", "TOM", "--arg", "eyes", "blue", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--arg", "name:TOM", "--arg", "eyes:blue", ".actor"},
name: "two arg flags with interspersed flag",
in: []string{"--arg", "name", "TOM", "--json", "true", "--arg", "eyes", "blue", ".actor"},
want: []string{"--arg", "name:TOM", "--json", "true", "--arg", "eyes:blue", ".actor"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, gotErr := cli.PreprocessFlagArgVars(tc.in)
if tc.wantErr {
require.Error(t, gotErr)
require.NoError(t, gotErr)
require.EqualValues(t, tc.want, got)
func TestCmdSLQ_FlagActiveSource(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
tr := testrun.New(ctx, t, nil)
// @sqlite will be the active source
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("add", proj.Abs(sakila.PathSL3), "--handle", "@sqlite"))
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("add", proj.Abs(sakila.PathCSVActor), "--handle", "@csv"))
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec(
require.Len(t, tr.BindCSV(), sakila.TblActorCount)
// Now, use flag.ActiveSrc to switch the source.
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec(
"--src", "@csv",
require.Len(t, tr.BindCSV(), sakila.TblActorCount)
// Double check that we didn't change the persisted active source
tr = testrun.New(ctx, t, tr)
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("src", "--json"))
require.Equal(t, "@sqlite", tr.BindMap()["handle"])
func TestCmdSLQ_FlagActiveSchema(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
handle string
// skipReason is the reason to skip the test case.
skipReason string
// defaultCatalog is the default catalog for the source.
defaultCatalog string
// defaultSchema is the default schema for the source,
// e.g. "public" for Pg, or "dbo" for SQL Server.
defaultSchema string
// altCatalog is the name of a second catalog that
// we know to exist in the source. For example, "model"
// for SQL Server, or "postgres" for Postgres.
altCatalog string
// expectSchemaFuncValue is the value we expect
// the SLQ "schema()" func to return. Generally one would
// expect this to be the same as the value supplied
// to --src.schema, but for SQL Server, the SLQ "schema()"
// func does not honor --src.schema. This is a limitation in
// SQL Server itself; it's not possible to change the default
// schema for a connection.
expectSchemaFuncValue string
handle: sakila.Pg,
defaultCatalog: "sakila",
defaultSchema: "public",
altCatalog: "postgres",
expectSchemaFuncValue: "information_schema",
handle: sakila.MS,
defaultCatalog: "sakila",
defaultSchema: "dbo",
altCatalog: "model",
expectSchemaFuncValue: "dbo",
handle: sakila.My,
defaultCatalog: "def",
defaultSchema: "sakila",
altCatalog: "model",
expectSchemaFuncValue: "information_schema",
handle: sakila.SL3,
skipReason: `SQLite 'schema' support requires implementing 'ATTACH DATABASE'.
See: https://github.com/neilotoole/sq/issues/324`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.handle, func(t *testing.T) {
if tc.skipReason != "" {
th := testh.New(t)
src := th.Source(tc.handle)
tr := testrun.New(th.Context, t, nil).
Add(*th.Source(sakila.CSVActor), *src)
// Confirm that sakila.CSVActor is the active source.
require.NoError(t, tr.Exec("src"))
require.Equal(t, sakila.CSVActor, tr.OutString())
// Test combination of --src and --src.schema
const qInfoSchemaActor = `.tables | .table_catalog, .table_schema, .table_name, .table_type | where(.table_name == "actor")` //nolint:lll
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("--csv", "-H",
"--src", tc.handle,
"--src.schema", "information_schema",
want := [][]string{{tc.defaultCatalog, tc.defaultSchema, "actor", "BASE TABLE"}}
got := tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, want, got)
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("src", tc.handle))
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("-H", "schema()"))
require.Equal(t, tc.defaultSchema, tr.OutString())
// Test just --src.schema (schema part only)
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("--csv", "-H",
"--src.schema", "information_schema",
got = tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, want, got)
if th.SQLDriverFor(src).Dialect().Catalog {
// Test --src.schema (catalog and schema parts)
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("--csv", "-H",
"--src.schema", tc.altCatalog+".information_schema",
`.schemata | .catalog_name | unique`,
got = tr.BindCSV()
require.Equal(t, tc.altCatalog, got[0][0])
// Note that for SQL Server, the SLQ "schema()"
// func does not honor --src.schema. This is a limitation in
// SQL Server itself; it's not possible to change the default
// schema for a connection.
require.NoError(t, tr.Reset().Exec("-H",
"--src.schema", "information_schema",
require.Equal(t, tc.expectSchemaFuncValue, tr.OutString())