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synced 2024-11-28 12:33:44 +03:00
* Type Detector refactor * json driver impl; refactoring of source.Files reader et al * working on kind detector * significant switcheroo of packages * partway throught refactoring Kind * major package switcheroo for Kind
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// Package sakila holds test constants and such for the sakila test sources.
package sakila
import (
// Sakila source handles.
const (
XLSX = "@sakila_xlsx"
XLSXSubset = "@sakila_xlsx_subset"
XLSXNoHeader = "@sakila_xlsx_noheader"
CSVActor = "@sakila_csv_actor"
CSVActorHTTP = "@sakila_csv_actor_http"
CSVActorNoHeader = "@sakila_csv_actor_noheader"
TSVActor = "@sakila_tsv_actor"
TSVActorNoHeader = "@sakila_tsv_actor_noheader"
SL3 = "@sakila_sl3"
Pg9 = "@sakila_pg9"
Pg10 = "@sakila_pg10"
Pg11 = "@sakila_pg11"
Pg12 = "@sakila_pg12"
Pg = Pg12
My56 = "@sakila_my56"
My57 = "@sakila_my57"
My8 = "@sakila_my8"
My = My8
MS17 = "@sakila_ms17"
MS = MS17
// AllHandles returns all the sakila handles. It does not
// include monotable handles such as @sakila_csv_actor.
func AllHandles() []string {
return []string{SL3, Pg9, Pg10, Pg11, Pg12, My56, My57, My8, MS17, XLSX}
// SQLAll returns all the sakila SQL handles.
func SQLAll() []string {
return []string{SL3, Pg9, Pg10, Pg11, Pg12, My56, My57, My8, MS17}
// SQLAllExternal is the same as SQLAll, but only includes
// external (non-embedded) sources. That is, it excludes SL3.
func SQLAllExternal() []string {
return []string{Pg9, Pg10, Pg11, Pg12, My56, My57, My8, MS17}
// SQLLatest returns the handles for the latest
// version of each supported SQL database. This is provided
// in addition to SQLAll to enable quicker iterative testing
// during development.
func SQLLatest() []string {
return []string{SL3, Pg, My, MS}
// PgAll returns the handles for all postgres versions.
func PgAll() []string {
return []string{Pg9, Pg10, Pg11, Pg12}
// MyAll returns the handles for all MySQL versions.
func MyAll() []string {
return []string{My56, My57, My8}
// MSAll returns the handles for all SQL Server versions.
func MSAll() []string {
return []string{MS17}
// Facts regarding the sakila database.
const (
TblActor = "actor"
TblActorCount = 200
TblFilm = "film"
TblFilmCount = 1000
TblFilmActor = "film_actor"
TblFilmActorCount = 5462
TblPayment = "payment"
TblPaymentCount = 16049
MillerEmail = "MARIA.MILLER@sakilacustomer.org"
MillerCustID = 7
MillerAddrID = 11
MillerCityID = 280
// Facts regarding the sakila database.
// TblActorCols returns table "actor" column names.
func TblActorCols() []string {
return []string{"actor_id", "first_name", "last_name", "last_update"}
// TblActorColKinds returns the kinds of the columns from table actor.
func TblActorColKinds() []kind.Kind {
return []kind.Kind{kind.Int, kind.Text, kind.Text, kind.Datetime}
// TblFilmActorCols returns table "film" column names.
func TblFilmActorCols() []string {
return []string{"actor_id", "film_id", "last_update"}
// TblPaymentCols returns table "payment" column names.
func TblPaymentCols() []string {
return []string{"payment_id", "customer_id", "staff_id", "rental_id", "amount", "payment_date", "last_update"}
// AllTbls returns all table names.
func AllTbls() []string {
return []string{"actor", "address", "category", "city", "country", "customer", "film", "film_actor", "film_category", "film_text", "inventory", "language", "payment", "rental", "staff", "store"}
// AllTblsViews returns all table AND view names.
func AllTblsViews() []string {
return []string{"actor", "address", "category", "city", "country", "customer", "customer_list", "film", "film_actor", "film_category", "film_list", "film_text", "inventory", "language", "payment", "rental", "sales_by_film_category", "sales_by_store", "staff", "staff_list", "store"}
// AllTblsExceptFilmText exists because our current postgres image is different
// from the others in that it doesn't have the film_text table.
func AllTblsExceptFilmText() []string {
// TODO: delete AllTblsExceptFilmText when postgres image is updated to include film_text.
return []string{"actor", "address", "category", "city", "country", "customer", "film", "film_actor", "film_category", "inventory", "language", "payment", "rental", "staff", "store"}
// URLs for sakila resources.
const (
URLActorCSV = "https://sq.io/testdata/actor.csv"
URLSubsetXLSX = "https://sq.io/testdata/sakila_subset.xlsx"
URLXLSX = "https://sq.io/testdata/sakila.xlsx"
// Paths for sakila resources.
const (
PathSL3 = "drivers/sqlite3/testdata/sakila.db"
PathXLSX = "drivers/xlsx/testdata/sakila.xlsx"
PathXLSXSubset = "drivers/xlsx/testdata/sakila_subset.xlsx"
PathCSVActor = "drivers/csv/testdata/sakila-csv/actor.csv"
PathCSVActorNoHeader = "drivers/csv/testdata/sakila-csv-noheader/actor.csv"
PathTSVActor = "drivers/csv/testdata/sakila-tsv/actor.tsv"