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synced 2024-12-18 21:52:28 +03:00
* Renamed source.Type to source.DriverType for clarity * More renaming wrt source.DriverType * Renamed output.Formatting to output.Printing
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package mysql
import (
const (
// Type is the MySQL source driver type.
Type = source.DriverType("mysql")
// dbDrvr is the backing MySQL SQL driver impl name.
dbDrvr = "mysql"
var _ driver.Provider = (*Provider)(nil)
// Provider is the MySQL implementation of driver.Provider.
type Provider struct {
Log *slog.Logger
SQLConfig *driver.SQLConfig
// DriverFor implements driver.Provider.
func (p *Provider) DriverFor(typ source.DriverType) (driver.Driver, error) {
if typ != Type {
return nil, errz.Errorf("unsupported driver type {%s}", typ)
return &driveri{log: p.Log, sqlConfig: p.SQLConfig}, nil
var _ driver.SQLDriver = (*driveri)(nil)
// driveri is the MySQL implementation of driver.Driver.
type driveri struct {
log *slog.Logger
sqlConfig *driver.SQLConfig
// DriverMetadata implements driver.Driver.
func (d *driveri) DriverMetadata() driver.Metadata {
return driver.Metadata{
Type: Type,
Description: "MySQL",
Doc: "https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql",
IsSQL: true,
// Dialect implements driver.Driver.
func (d *driveri) Dialect() dialect.Dialect {
return dialect.Dialect{
Type: Type,
Placeholders: placeholders,
IdentQuote: '`',
Enquote: stringz.BacktickQuote,
IntBool: true,
MaxBatchValues: 250,
Ops: dialect.DefaultOps(),
func placeholders(numCols, numRows int) string {
rows := make([]string, numRows)
for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
rows[i] = "(" + stringz.RepeatJoin("?", numCols, driver.Comma) + ")"
return strings.Join(rows, driver.Comma)
// Renderer implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) Renderer() *render.Renderer {
return render.NewDefaultRenderer()
// RecordMeta implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) RecordMeta(colTypes []*sql.ColumnType) (sqlz.RecordMeta, driver.NewRecordFunc, error) {
recMeta := recordMetaFromColumnTypes(d.log, colTypes)
mungeFn := getNewRecordFunc(recMeta)
return recMeta, mungeFn, nil
// CreateTable implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) CreateTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblDef *sqlmodel.TableDef) error {
createStmt := buildCreateTableStmt(tblDef)
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, createStmt)
return errz.Err(err)
// AlterTableAddColumn implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) AlterTableAddColumn(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, col string, knd kind.Kind) error {
q := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `%s` ", tbl, col) + dbTypeNameFromKind(knd)
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, q)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "alter table: failed to add column {%s} to table {%s}", col, tbl)
return nil
// CurrentSchema implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) CurrentSchema(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB) (string, error) {
var name string
if err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, `SELECT DATABASE()`).Scan(&name); err != nil {
return "", errz.Err(err)
return name, nil
// AlterTableRename implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) AlterTableRename(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, newName string) error {
q := fmt.Sprintf("RENAME TABLE `%s` TO `%s`", tbl, newName)
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, q)
return errz.Wrapf(err, "alter table: failed to rename table {%s} to {%s}", tbl, newName)
// AlterTableRenameColumn implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) AlterTableRenameColumn(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl, col, newName string) error {
q := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE `%s` RENAME COLUMN `%s` TO `%s`", tbl, col, newName)
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, q)
return errz.Wrapf(err, "alter table: failed to rename column {%s.%s} to {%s}", tbl, col, newName)
// PrepareInsertStmt implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) PrepareInsertStmt(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, destTbl string, destColNames []string,
numRows int,
) (*driver.StmtExecer, error) {
destColsMeta, err := d.getTableRecordMeta(ctx, db, destTbl, destColNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt, err := driver.PrepareInsertStmt(ctx, d, db, destTbl, destColsMeta.Names(), numRows)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
execer := driver.NewStmtExecer(stmt, newInsertMungeFunc(destTbl, destColsMeta), newStmtExecFunc(stmt), destColsMeta)
return execer, nil
// PrepareUpdateStmt implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) PrepareUpdateStmt(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, destTbl string, destColNames []string,
where string,
) (*driver.StmtExecer, error) {
destColsMeta, err := d.getTableRecordMeta(ctx, db, destTbl, destColNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query, err := buildUpdateStmt(destTbl, destColNames, where)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt, err := db.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
execer := driver.NewStmtExecer(stmt, newInsertMungeFunc(destTbl, destColsMeta), newStmtExecFunc(stmt), destColsMeta)
return execer, nil
func newStmtExecFunc(stmt *sql.Stmt) driver.StmtExecFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, args ...any) (int64, error) {
res, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, errz.Err(err)
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
return affected, errz.Err(err)
// CopyTable implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) CopyTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, fromTable, toTable string, copyData bool) (int64, error) {
stmt := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` SELECT * FROM `%s`", toTable, fromTable)
if !copyData {
stmt += " WHERE 0"
affected, err := sqlz.ExecAffected(ctx, db, stmt)
if err != nil {
return 0, errz.Err(err)
return affected, nil
// TableExists implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) TableExists(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl string) (bool, error) {
var count int64
err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, tbl).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return false, errz.Err(err)
return count == 1, nil
// DropTable implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) DropTable(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tbl string, ifExists bool) error {
var stmt string
if ifExists {
stmt = fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s` RESTRICT", tbl)
} else {
stmt = fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE `%s` RESTRICT", tbl)
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, stmt)
return errz.Err(err)
// TableColumnTypes implements driver.SQLDriver.
func (d *driveri) TableColumnTypes(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblName string,
colNames []string,
) ([]*sql.ColumnType, error) {
const queryTpl = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0"
dialect := d.Dialect()
quote := string(dialect.IdentQuote)
tblNameQuoted := dialect.Enquote(tblName)
colsClause := "*"
if len(colNames) > 0 {
colNamesQuoted := stringz.SurroundSlice(colNames, quote)
colsClause = strings.Join(colNamesQuoted, driver.Comma)
query := fmt.Sprintf(queryTpl, colsClause, tblNameQuoted)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
colTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(d.log, lgm.CloseDBRows, rows.Close)
return nil, errz.Err(err)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
lg.WarnIfFuncError(d.log, lgm.CloseDBRows, rows.Close)
return nil, errz.Err(err)
err = rows.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
return colTypes, nil
func (d *driveri) getTableRecordMeta(ctx context.Context, db sqlz.DB, tblName string,
colNames []string,
) (sqlz.RecordMeta, error) {
colTypes, err := d.TableColumnTypes(ctx, db, tblName, colNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
destCols, _, err := d.RecordMeta(colTypes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return destCols, nil
// Open implements driver.DatabaseOpener.
func (d *driveri) Open(_ context.Context, src *source.Source) (driver.Database, error) {
dsn, err := dsnFromLocation(src, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
db, err := sql.Open(dbDrvr, dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
return &database{log: d.log, db: db, src: src, drvr: d}, nil
// ValidateSource implements driver.Driver.
func (d *driveri) ValidateSource(src *source.Source) (*source.Source, error) {
if src.Type != Type {
return nil, errz.Errorf("expected driver type {%s} but got {%s}", Type, src.Type)
return src, nil
// Ping implements driver.Driver.
func (d *driveri) Ping(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source) error {
dbase, err := d.Open(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(d.log, lgm.CloseDB, dbase.DB())
return dbase.DB().PingContext(ctx)
// Truncate implements driver.SQLDriver. Arg reset is
// always ignored: the identity value is always reset by
// the TRUNCATE statement.
func (d *driveri) Truncate(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, tbl string, _ bool) (affected int64,
err error,
) {
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/truncate-table.html
dsn, err := dsnFromLocation(src, true)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
db, err := sql.Open(dbDrvr, dsn)
if err != nil {
return 0, errz.Err(err)
defer lg.WarnIfFuncError(d.log, lgm.CloseDB, db.Close)
// Not sure about the Tx requirements?
tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelSerializable})
if err != nil {
return 0, errz.Err(err)
// For whatever reason, the "affected" count from TRUNCATE
// always returns zero. So, we're going to synthesize it.
var beforeCount int64
err = tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s`", tbl)).Scan(&beforeCount)
if err != nil {
return 0, errz.Append(err, errz.Err(tx.Rollback()))
affected, err = sqlz.ExecAffected(ctx, tx, fmt.Sprintf("TRUNCATE TABLE `%s`", tbl))
if err != nil {
return affected, errz.Append(err, errz.Err(tx.Rollback()))
if affected != 0 {
// Note: At the time of writing, this doesn't happen:
// zero is always returned (which we don't like).
// If this changes (driver changes?) then we'll revisit.
d.log.Warn("Unexpectedly got non-zero rows affected from TRUNCATE", lga.Count, affected)
return affected, errz.Err(tx.Commit())
// TRUNCATE succeeded, therefore tbl is empty, therefore
// the count of truncated rows must be beforeCount?
return beforeCount, errz.Err(tx.Commit())
// database implements driver.Database.
type database struct {
log *slog.Logger
db *sql.DB
src *source.Source
drvr *driveri
// DB implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) DB() *sql.DB {
return d.db
// SQLDriver implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) SQLDriver() driver.SQLDriver {
return d.drvr
// Source implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) Source() *source.Source {
return d.src
// TableMetadata implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) TableMetadata(ctx context.Context, tblName string) (*source.TableMetadata, error) {
return getTableMetadata(ctx, d.db, tblName)
// SourceMetadata implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) SourceMetadata(ctx context.Context) (*source.Metadata, error) {
return getSourceMetadata(ctx, d.src, d.db)
// Close implements driver.Database.
func (d *database) Close() error {
d.log.Debug(lgm.CloseDB, lga.Src, d.src)
return errz.Err(d.db.Close())
// hasErrCode returns true if err (or its cause error)
// is of type *mysql.MySQLError and err.Number equals code.
func hasErrCode(err error, code uint16) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
var mysqlErr *mysql.MySQLError
if errors.As(err, &mysqlErr) {
return mysqlErr.Number == code
return false
const errNumTableNotExist = uint16(1146)
// dsnFromLocation builds the mysql driver DSN from src.Location.
// If parseTime is true, the param "parseTime=true" is added. This
// is because of: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29341590/how-to-parse-time-from-database/29343013#29343013
func dsnFromLocation(src *source.Source, parseTime bool) (string, error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(src.Location, "mysql://") || len(src.Location) < 10 {
return "", errz.Errorf("invalid source location %s", src.RedactedLocation())
u, err := dburl.Parse(src.Location)
if err != nil {
return "", errz.Wrapf(err, "invalid source location %s", src.RedactedLocation())
// Convert the location to the desired driver DSN.
// Location: mysql://sakila:p_ssW0rd@localhost:3306/sqtest?allowOldPasswords=1
// Driver DSN: sakila:p_ssW0rd@tcp(localhost:3306)/sqtest?allowOldPasswords=1
driverDSN := u.DSN
myCfg, err := mysql.ParseDSN(driverDSN) // verify
if err != nil {
return "", errz.Wrapf(err, "invalid source location: %s", driverDSN)
myCfg.ParseTime = parseTime
driverDSN = myCfg.FormatDSN()
return driverDSN, nil