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518 lines
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package xlsx
import (
excelize "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2"
const msgCloseRowIter = "Close Excel row iterator"
// sheetTable maps a sheet to a database table.
type sheetTable struct {
sheet *xSheet
def *sqlmodel.TableDef
colIngestMungeFns []kind.MungeFunc
hasHeaderRow bool
// xSheet encapsulates access to a worksheet.
type xSheet struct {
file *excelize.File
name string
sampleRows [][]string
// sampleRowsMaxWidth is the width of the widest row in sampleRows.
sampleRowsMaxWidth int
// loadSampleRows loads up to sampleSize rows, storing them to xSheet.sampleRows.
// Note that the row count may be less than sampleSize, if there aren't
// that many rows, or some rows are empty.
func (xs *xSheet) loadSampleRows(ctx context.Context, sampleSize int) error {
iter, err := xs.file.Rows(xs.name)
if err != nil {
return err
defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(lg.FromContext(ctx), msgCloseRowIter, iter)
var count int
for iter.Next() {
if count >= sampleSize {
var cells []string
if cells, err = iter.Columns(); err != nil {
return err
if !loz.IsSliceZeroed(cells) {
xs.sampleRows = append(xs.sampleRows, cells)
if len(cells) > xs.sampleRowsMaxWidth {
xs.sampleRowsMaxWidth = len(cells)
loz.AlignMatrixWidth(xs.sampleRows, "")
return nil
// ingestXLSX loads the data in xfile into destGrip.
// If includeSheetNames is non-empty, only the named sheets are ingested.
func ingestXLSX(ctx context.Context, src *source.Source, destGrip driver.Grip, xfile *excelize.File) error {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
start := time.Now()
log.Debug("Beginning import from XLSX",
lga.Src, src,
lga.Target, destGrip.Source())
var sheets []*xSheet
sheetNames := xfile.GetSheetList()
sheets = make([]*xSheet, len(sheetNames))
for i := range sheetNames {
sheets[i] = &xSheet{file: xfile, name: sheetNames[i]}
srcIngestHeader := getSrcIngestHeader(src.Options)
sheetTbls, err := buildSheetTables(ctx, srcIngestHeader, sheets)
if err != nil {
return err
bar := progress.FromContext(ctx).NewUnitTotalCounter(
"Ingesting sheets",
defer bar.Stop()
for _, sheetTbl := range sheetTbls {
if sheetTbl == nil {
// tblDef can be nil if its sheet is empty (has no data).
var db *sql.DB
if db, err = destGrip.DB(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err = destGrip.SQLDriver().CreateTable(ctx, db, sheetTbl.def); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("Tables created (but not yet populated)",
lga.Count, len(sheetTbls),
lga.Target, destGrip.Source(),
lga.Elapsed, time.Since(start))
var ingestCount, skipped int
for i := range sheetTbls {
if sheetTbls[i] == nil {
// tblDef can be nil if its sheet is empty (has no data).
if err = ingestSheetToTable(ctx, destGrip, sheetTbls[i]); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("Sheets ingested",
lga.Count, ingestCount,
"skipped", skipped,
lga.From, src,
lga.To, destGrip.Source(),
lga.Elapsed, time.Since(start),
return nil
// ingestSheetToTable imports the sheet data into the appropriate table
// in destGrip. The scratch table must already exist.
func ingestSheetToTable(ctx context.Context, destGrip driver.Grip, sheetTbl *sheetTable) error {
var (
log = lg.FromContext(ctx)
startTime = time.Now()
sheet = sheetTbl.sheet
hasHeader = sheetTbl.hasHeaderRow
tblDef = sheetTbl.def
destColKinds = tblDef.ColKinds()
db, err := destGrip.DB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errz.Err(err)
defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, lgm.CloseDB, conn)
drvr := destGrip.SQLDriver()
batchSize := driver.MaxBatchRows(drvr, len(destColKinds))
bi, err := driver.NewBatchInsert(
fmt.Sprintf("Ingest {%s}", sheet.name),
if err != nil {
return err
iter, err := sheetTbl.sheet.file.Rows(sheetTbl.sheet.name)
if err != nil {
return errw(err)
defer lg.WarnIfCloseError(log, msgCloseRowIter, iter)
var cells []string
i := -1
for iter.Next() {
if hasHeader && i == 0 {
if cells, err = iter.Columns(); err != nil {
return err
if loz.IsSliceZeroed(cells) {
// Skip empty row
rec := rowToRecord(ctx, destColKinds, sheetTbl.colIngestMungeFns, sheet.name, i, cells)
if err = bi.Munge(rec); err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case err = <-bi.ErrCh:
if err != nil {
return err
// The batch inserter successfully completed
break LOOP
case bi.RecordCh <- rec:
close(bi.RecordCh) // Indicate that we're finished writing records
err = <-bi.ErrCh // Stop for bi to complete
if err != nil {
return err
if err = iter.Error(); err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "excel: sheet iterator")
log.Debug("Inserted rows from sheet into table",
lga.Count, bi.Written(),
laSheet, sheet.name,
lga.Target, source.Target(destGrip.Source(), tblDef.Name),
lga.Elapsed, time.Since(startTime))
return nil
// buildSheetTables executes buildSheetTable for each sheet. If sheet is
// empty (has no data), the sheetTable element for that sheet will be nil.
func buildSheetTables(ctx context.Context, srcIngestHeader *bool, sheets []*xSheet) ([]*sheetTable, error) {
sheetTbls := make([]*sheetTable, len(sheets))
g, gCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i := range sheets {
i := i
g.Go(func() error {
select {
case <-gCtx.Done():
return gCtx.Err()
sheetTbl, err := buildSheetTable(gCtx, srcIngestHeader, sheets[i])
if err != nil {
if errz.Has[driver.EmptyDataError](err) {
// If the sheet has no data, we log it and skip it.
lg.FromContext(ctx).Warn("Excel sheet has no data",
laSheet, sheets[i].name,
lga.Err, err)
return nil
return err
sheetTbls[i] = sheetTbl
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Remove any nil sheets (which can happen if the sheet is empty).
sheetTbls = lo.Compact(sheetTbls)
return sheetTbls, nil
// getSrcIngestHeader returns nil if driver.OptIngestHeader is not set,
// and has the value of the opt if set.
func getSrcIngestHeader(o options.Options) *bool {
if driver.OptIngestHeader.IsSet(o) {
b := driver.OptIngestHeader.Get(o)
return &b
return nil
// buildSheetTable constructs a table definition for the given sheet, and returns
// a model of the table, or an error. If the sheet is empty, (nil,nil)
// is returned. If srcIngestHeader is nil, the function attempts
// to detect if the sheet has a header row.
// If the sheet has no data, errz.EmptyDataError is returned.
func buildSheetTable(ctx context.Context, srcIngestHeader *bool, sheet *xSheet) (*sheetTable, error) {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
sampleSize := driver.OptIngestSampleSize.Get(options.FromContext(ctx))
if err := sheet.loadSampleRows(ctx, sampleSize); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(sheet.sampleRows) == 0 {
return nil, driver.NewEmptyDataError("excel: sheet {%s} has no row data", sheet.name)
if sheet.sampleRowsMaxWidth == 0 {
return nil, driver.NewEmptyDataError("excel: sheet {%s} has no column data", sheet.name)
var hasHeader bool
if srcIngestHeader != nil {
hasHeader = *srcIngestHeader
} else {
var err error
if hasHeader, err = detectHeaderRow(ctx, sheet); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("Detect header row for sheet", laSheet, sheet.name, lga.Val, hasHeader)
maxCols := sheet.sampleRowsMaxWidth
if maxCols == 0 {
log.Warn("sheet is empty: skipping", laSheet, sheet.name)
return nil, nil //nolint:nilnil
colNames := make([]string, maxCols)
colKinds := make([]kind.Kind, maxCols)
colIngestMungeFns := make([]kind.MungeFunc, maxCols)
firstDataRow := 0
// sheet is non-empty
// Set up the column names
if hasHeader {
firstDataRow = 1
copy(colNames, sheet.sampleRows[0])
} else {
for i := 0; i < maxCols; i++ {
colNames[i] = stringz.GenerateAlphaColName(i, false)
// Set up the column types
if firstDataRow >= len(sheet.sampleRows) {
// the sheet contains only one row (the header row). Let's
// explicitly set the column type nonetheless
for i := 0; i < maxCols; i++ {
colKinds[i] = kind.Text
} else {
// we have at least one data row, let's get the column types
var err error
colKinds, colIngestMungeFns, err = detectSheetColumnKinds(sheet, firstDataRow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colNames, colKinds = syncColNamesKinds(colNames, colKinds)
var err error
if colNames, err = driver.MungeIngestColNames(ctx, colNames); err != nil {
return nil, err
tblDef := &sqlmodel.TableDef{Name: sheet.name}
cols := make([]*sqlmodel.ColDef, len(colNames))
for i, colName := range colNames {
cols[i] = &sqlmodel.ColDef{Table: tblDef, Name: colName, Kind: colKinds[i]}
tblDef.Cols = cols
lg.FromContext(ctx).Debug("Built table def",
laSheet, sheet.name,
"cols", strings.Join(colNames, ", "))
return &sheetTable{
sheet: sheet,
def: tblDef,
hasHeaderRow: hasHeader,
colIngestMungeFns: colIngestMungeFns,
}, nil
// syncColNamesKinds ensures that column names and kinds are in
// a working state vis-à-vis each other. Notably if a colName is
// empty and its equivalent kind is kind.Null, that element
// is filtered out.
func syncColNamesKinds(colNames []string, colKinds []kind.Kind) (names []string, kinds []kind.Kind) {
// Allow for the case of "phantom" columns. That is,
// columns with entirely empty data.
// Note: not sure if this scenario is now reachable
if len(colKinds) < len(colNames) {
colNames = colNames[0:len(colKinds)]
for i := range colNames {
// Filter out the case where the column name is empty
// and the kind is kind.Null or kind.Unknown.
if colNames[i] == "" && (colKinds[i] == kind.Null || colKinds[i] == kind.Unknown) {
names = append(names, colNames[i])
kinds = append(kinds, colKinds[i])
colNames = names
colKinds = kinds
// Check that we don't have any unnamed columns (empty header)
for i := 0; i < len(colNames); i++ {
if colNames[i] == "" {
// Empty col name... possibly we should just throw
// an error, but instead we'll try to generate a col name.
colName := stringz.GenerateAlphaColName(i, false)
for stringz.InSlice(colNames[0:i], colName) {
// If colName already exists, just append an
// underscore and try again.
colName += "_"
colNames[i] = colName
for i := range colKinds {
if colKinds[i] == kind.Null || colKinds[i] == kind.Unknown {
colKinds[i] = kind.Text
return colNames, colKinds
// rowToRecord accepts a row (in arg cells), and converts it into an appropriate
// format for insertion to the DB.
func rowToRecord(ctx context.Context, destColKinds []kind.Kind, ingestMungeFns []kind.MungeFunc,
sheetName string, rowi int, cells []string,
) []any {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
vals := make([]any, len(destColKinds))
for coli, str := range cells {
if coli >= len(vals) {
"Skipping additional cells because there's more cells than expected",
laSheet, sheetName,
lga.Col, fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", rowi, coli),
lga.Count, len(vals),
lga.Expected, len(destColKinds),
if str == "" {
vals[coli] = nil
if fn := ingestMungeFns[coli]; fn != nil {
v, err := fn(str)
if err != nil {
// This shouldn't happen, but if it does, fall back
// to the string value.
vals[coli] = str
log.Warn("Cell munge func failed",
laSheet, sheetName,
"cell", fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", rowi, coli),
lga.Val, vals[coli],
} else {
vals[coli] = v
// No munge func, just set the string.
vals[coli] = str
return vals