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// Package cli implements sq's CLI. The spf13/cobra library
// provides the core command processing.
// Although cobra provides excellent functionality, it has some issues.
// Most prominently, its documentation suggests reliance
// upon package-level constructs for initializing the
// command tree (bad for testing).
// Thus, this cmd package deviates from cobra's suggested
// usage pattern by eliminating all pkg-level constructs
// (which makes testing easier).
// All interaction with cobra should happen inside this package, or
// via the utility cli/cobraz package.
// That is to say, the spf13/cobra package should not be imported
// anywhere outside this package and cli/cobraz.
// The entry point to this pkg is the Execute function.
package cli
import (
func init() { //nolint:gochecknoinits
cobra.EnableCommandSorting = false
const (
msgInvalidArgs = "invalid args"
msgNoActiveSrc = "no active data source"
msgEmptyQueryString = "query string is empty"
msgSrcNoData = "source has no data"
msgSrcEmptyTableName = "source has empty table name"
// errNoMsg is a sentinel error indicating that a command
// has failed, but that no error message should be printed.
// This is useful in the case where any error information may
// already have been printed as part of the command output.
var errNoMsg = errors.New("")
// Execute builds a Run using ctx and default
// settings, and invokes ExecuteWith.
func Execute(ctx context.Context, stdin *os.File, stdout, stderr io.Writer, args []string) error {
ru, log, err := newRun(ctx, stdin, stdout, stderr, args)
if err != nil {
printError(ctx, ru, err)
return err
defer ru.Close() // ok to call ru.Close on nil ru
ctx = lg.NewContext(ctx, log)
return ExecuteWith(ctx, ru, args)
// ExecuteWith invokes the cobra CLI framework, ultimately
// resulting in a command being executed. The caller must
// invoke ru.Close.
func ExecuteWith(ctx context.Context, ru *run.Run, args []string) error {
log := lg.FromContext(ctx)
log.Debug("EXECUTE", "args", strings.Join(args, " "))
log.Debug("Build info", "build", buildinfo.Info())
"config.version", ru.Config.Version,
lga.Path, ru.ConfigStore.Location(),
ctx = run.NewContext(ctx, ru)
rootCmd := newCommandTree(ru)
var err error
// The following is a workaround for the fact that cobra doesn't
// currently (as of 2017, so yeah, "currently") support executing
// the root command with arbitrary args. That is to say, if you execute:
// $ sq @sakila_sl3.actor
// then cobra will look for a command named "@sakila_sl3.actor",
// and when it doesn't find such a command, it returns
// an "unknown command" error.
// NOTE: This entire mechanism is ancient. Perhaps cobra
// now handles this situation?
// We need to perform handling for autocomplete
if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == cobra.ShellCompRequestCmd {
if hasMatchingChildCommand(rootCmd, args[1]) {
// If there is a matching child command, we let rootCmd
// handle it, as per normal.
} else {
// There's no command matching the first argument to __complete.
// Therefore, we assume that we want to perform completion
// for the "slq" command (which is the pseudo-root command).
effectiveArgs := append([]string{cobra.ShellCompRequestCmd, "slq"}, args[1:]...)
} else {
var cmd *cobra.Command
cmd, _, err = rootCmd.Find(args)
if err != nil {
// This err will be the "unknown command" error.
// cobra still returns cmd though. It should be
// the root cmd.
if cmd == nil || cmd.Name() != rootCmd.Name() {
// Not sure if this can happen anymore? Can prob delete?
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad cobra cmd state: %v", cmd))
// If we have args [sq, arg1, arg2] then we redirect
// to the "slq" command by modifying args to
// look like: [query, arg1, arg2] -- noting that SetArgs
// doesn't want the first args element.
effectiveArgs := append([]string{"slq"}, args...)
if effectiveArgs, err = preprocessFlagArgVars(effectiveArgs); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if cmd.Name() == rootCmd.Name() {
// Not sure why we have two paths to this, but it appears
// that we've found the root cmd again, so again
// we redirect to "slq" cmd.
effectiveArgs := append([]string{"slq"}, args...)
if effectiveArgs, err = preprocessFlagArgVars(effectiveArgs); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// It's just a normal command like "sq ls" or such.
// Explicitly set the args on rootCmd as this makes
// cobra happy when this func is executed via tests.
// Haven't explored the reason why.
// Execute rootCmd; cobra will find the appropriate
// sub-command, and ultimately execute that command.
err = rootCmd.ExecuteContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
printError(ctx, ru, err)
return err
// cobraMu exists because cobra relies upon package-level
// constructs. This does not sit well with parallel tests.
var cobraMu sync.Mutex
// newCommandTree builds sq's command tree, returning
// the root cobra command.
func newCommandTree(ru *run.Run) (rootCmd *cobra.Command) {
defer cobraMu.Unlock()
rootCmd = newRootCmd()
rootCmd.DisableAutoGenTag = true
rootCmd.Flags().SortFlags = false
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().SortFlags = false
helpCmd := addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newHelpCmd())
// From the end user's perspective, slqCmd is *effectively* the
// root cmd. We need to perform some trickery to make it output help
// such that "sq help" and "sq --help" output the same thing.
slqCmd := newSLQCmd()
slqCmd.SetHelpFunc(func(command *cobra.Command, i []string) {
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, slqCmd)
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newSrcAddCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newSrcCommand())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newGroupCommand())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newListCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newMoveCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newRemoveCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newInspectCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newPingCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newSQLCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newScratchCmd())
tblCmd := addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newTblCmd())
addCmd(ru, tblCmd, newTblCopyCmd())
addCmd(ru, tblCmd, newTblTruncateCmd())
addCmd(ru, tblCmd, newTblDropCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newDiffCmd())
driverCmd := addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newDriverCmd())
addCmd(ru, driverCmd, newDriverListCmd())
configCmd := addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newConfigCmd())
addCmd(ru, configCmd, newConfigListCmd())
addCmd(ru, configCmd, newConfigGetCmd())
addCmd(ru, configCmd, newConfigSetCmd())
addCmd(ru, configCmd, newConfigLocationCmd())
addCmd(ru, configCmd, newConfigEditCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newCompletionCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newVersionCmd())
addCmd(ru, rootCmd, newManCmd())
return rootCmd
// hasMatchingChildCommand returns true if s is a full or prefix
// match for any of cmd's children. For example, if cmd has
// children [inspect, ls, rm], then "insp" or "ls" would return true.
func hasMatchingChildCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, s string) bool {
for _, child := range cmd.Commands() {
if strings.HasPrefix(child.Name(), s) {
return true
return false
// addCmd adds the command returned by cmdFn to parentCmd.
func addCmd(ru *run.Run, parentCmd, cmd *cobra.Command) *cobra.Command {
cmd.DisableFlagsInUseLine = true
cmd.Flags().SortFlags = false
cmd.PersistentFlags().SortFlags = false
if cmd.Name() != "help" {
// Don't add the --help flag to the help command.
cmd.Flags().Bool(flag.Help, false, "help for "+cmd.Name())
cmd.DisableAutoGenTag = true
cmd.PreRunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ru.Cmd = cmd
ru.Args = args
return preRun(cmd, ru)
runE := cmd.RunE
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cmd.Flags().Changed(flag.Version) {
// Bit of a hack: flag --version on any command
// results in execVersion being invoked
return execVersion(cmd, args)
return runE(cmd, args)
// We handle the errors ourselves (rather than let cobra do it)
cmd.SilenceErrors = true
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return cmd