Neil O'Toole f07edef14d
Add flag --src.schema (#326)
* Support for --src.schema in commands "slq", "sql", and "inspect"
2023-11-18 17:05:48 -07:00

213 lines
5.6 KiB

package cli
import (
func newInspectCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "inspect [@HANDLE|@HANDLE.TABLE|.TABLE]",
Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(1),
ValidArgsFunction: (&handleTableCompleter{
max: 1,
RunE: execInspect,
Short: "Inspect data source schema and stats",
Long: `Inspect a data source, or a particular table in a source,
listing table details such as column names and row counts, etc.
NOTE: If a schema is large, it may take some time for the command to complete.
If @HANDLE is not provided, the active data source is assumed.
When flag --overview is true, only the source's' metadata is shown,
not the schema. The flag is disregarded when inspecting a table.
When flag --dbprops is true, only the database properties for the source's
*underlying* database are shown. The flag is disregarded when inspecting a table.
Use --verbose with the --text format to see more detail. The --json and --yaml
formats both show extensive detail.`,
Example: ` # Inspect active data source.
$ sq inspect
# Inspect @pg1 data source.
$ sq inspect @pg1
# Inspect @pg1 data source, showing verbose output.
$ sq inspect -v @pg1
# Show output in JSON (useful for piping to jq).
$ sq inspect --json @pg1
# Show output in YAML.
$ sq inspect --yaml @pg1
# Show only the DB properties for @pg1.
$ sq inspect --dbprops @pg1
# Show only the source metadata (and not schema details).
$ sq inspect --overview @pg1
# Inspect table "actor" in @pg1 data source.
$ sq inspect @pg1.actor
# Inspect "actor" in active data source.
$ sq inspect .actor
# Inspect a non-default schema in source @my1.
$ sq inspect @my1 --src.schema information_schema
# Inspect piped data.
$ cat data.xlsx | sq inspect`,
cmd.Flags().String(flag.ActiveSchema, "", flag.ActiveSchemaUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flag.JSON, flag.JSONShort, false, flag.JSONUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flag.Compact, flag.CompactShort, false, flag.CompactUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flag.YAML, flag.YAMLShort, false, flag.YAMLUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flag.InspectOverview, flag.InspectOverviewShort, false, flag.InspectOverviewUsage)
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flag.InspectDBProps, flag.InspectDBPropsShort, false, flag.InspectDBPropsUsage)
cmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive(flag.InspectOverview, flag.InspectDBProps)
return cmd
func execInspect(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := cmd.Context()
ru := run.FromContext(ctx)
var (
coll = ru.Config.Collection
src *source.Source
table string
err error
if len(args) == 0 {
// No args supplied.
// There are two paths from here:
// - There's input on stdin, which we'll inspect, or
// - We're inspecting the active src
// check if there's input on stdin
src, err = checkStdinSource(ctx, ru)
if err != nil {
return err
if src != nil {
// We have a valid source on stdin.
// Add the source to the set.
err = coll.Add(src)
if err != nil {
return err
// Set the stdin pipe data source as the active source,
// as it's commonly the only data source the user is acting upon.
src, err = coll.SetActive(src.Handle, false)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// No source on stdin. Let's see if there's an active source.
src = coll.Active()
if src == nil {
return errz.Errorf("no data source specified and no active data source")
} else {
// We received an argument, which can be one of these forms:
// @sakila -- inspect the named source
// @sakila.actor -- inspect a table of the named source
// .actor -- inspect a table from the active source
var handle string
handle, table, err = source.ParseTableHandle(args[0])
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrap(err, "invalid input")
if handle == "" {
src = coll.Active()
if src == nil {
return errz.Errorf("no data source specified and no active data source")
} else {
src, err = coll.Get(handle)
if err != nil {
return err
// Handle flag.ActiveSchema (--src.schema=SCHEMA). This func will mutate
// src's Catalog and Schema fields if appropriate.
if err = processFlagActiveSchema(cmd, src); err != nil {
return err
if err = applySourceOptions(cmd, src); err != nil {
return err
dbase, err := ru.Databases.Open(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to inspect %s", src.Handle)
if table != "" {
var tblMeta *source.TableMetadata
tblMeta, err = dbase.TableMetadata(ctx, table)
if err != nil {
return err
return ru.Writers.Metadata.TableMetadata(tblMeta)
if cmdFlagIsSetTrue(cmd, flag.InspectDBProps) {
var db *sql.DB
if db, err = dbase.DB(ctx); err != nil {
return err
var props map[string]any
sqlDrvr := dbase.SQLDriver()
if props, err = sqlDrvr.DBProperties(ctx, db); err != nil {
return err
return ru.Writers.Metadata.DBProperties(props)
overviewOnly := cmdFlagIsSetTrue(cmd, flag.InspectOverview)
srcMeta, err := dbase.SourceMetadata(ctx, overviewOnly)
if err != nil {
return errz.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s source metadata", src.Handle)
// This is a bit hacky, but it works... if not "--verbose", then just zap
// the DBVars, as we usually don't want to see those
if !cmdFlagIsSetTrue(cmd, flag.Verbose) {
srcMeta.DBProperties = nil
return ru.Writers.Metadata.SourceMetadata(srcMeta, !overviewOnly)