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package driver
import (
// NewRecordFunc is invoked on a query result row (scanRow) to
// normalize and standardize the data, returning a new record.
// The provided scanRow arg is available for reuse after this
// func returns.
// Ultimately rec should only contain:
// nil, *int64, *bool, *float64, *string, *[]byte, *time.Time
// Thus a func instance might unbox sql.NullString et al, or deal
// with any driver specific quirks.
type NewRecordFunc func(scanRow []any) (rec sqlz.Record, err error)
// InsertMungeFunc is invoked on vals before insertion (or
// update, despite the name). Note that InsertMungeFunc operates
// on the vals slice, while NewRecordFunc returns a new slice.
type InsertMungeFunc func(vals sqlz.Record) error
// StmtExecFunc is provided by driver implementations to wrap
// execution of a prepared statement. Typically the func will
// perform some driver-specific action, such as managing
// retryable errors.
type StmtExecFunc func(ctx context.Context, args ...any) (affected int64, err error)
// NewStmtExecer returns a new StmtExecer instance. The caller is responsible
// for invoking Close on the returned StmtExecer.
func NewStmtExecer(stmt *sql.Stmt, mungeFn InsertMungeFunc, execFn StmtExecFunc, destMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) *StmtExecer {
return &StmtExecer{
stmt: stmt,
mungeFn: mungeFn,
execFn: execFn,
destMeta: destMeta,
// StmtExecer encapsulates the elements required to execute
// a SQL statement. Typically the statement is an INSERT.
// The Munge method should be applied to each
// row of values prior to invoking Exec. The caller
// is responsible for invoking Close.
type StmtExecer struct {
stmt *sql.Stmt
mungeFn InsertMungeFunc
execFn StmtExecFunc
destMeta sqlz.RecordMeta
// DestMeta returns the RecordMeta for the destination table columns.
func (x *StmtExecer) DestMeta() sqlz.RecordMeta {
return x.destMeta
// Munge should be applied to each row of values prior
// to inserting invoking Exec.
func (x *StmtExecer) Munge(rec []any) error {
if x.mungeFn == nil {
return nil
err := x.mungeFn(rec)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Exec executes the statement. The caller should invoke Munge on
// each row of values prior to passing those values to Exec.
func (x *StmtExecer) Exec(ctx context.Context, args ...any) (affected int64, err error) {
return x.execFn(ctx, args...)
// Close closes x's statement.
func (x *StmtExecer) Close() error {
return errz.Err(x.stmt.Close())
// NewRecordFromScanRow iterates over the elements of the row slice
// from rows.Scan, and returns a new (record) slice, replacing any
// wrapper types such as sql.NullString with the unboxed value,
// and other similar sanitization. For example it will
// make a copy of any sql.RawBytes. The row slice
// can be reused by rows.Scan after this function returns.
// Any row elements specified in skip will not be processed; the
// value will be copied directly from row[i] into rec[i]. If any
// element of row otherwise cannot be processed, its value is
// copied directly into rec, and its index is returned in skipped.
// The caller must take appropriate action to deal with all
// elements of rec listed in skipped.
func NewRecordFromScanRow(meta sqlz.RecordMeta, row []any, skip []int) (rec sqlz.Record, skipped []int) {
rec = make([]any, len(row))
// For convenience, make a map of the skip row indices.
mSkip := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, i := range skip {
mSkip[i] = struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < len(row); i++ {
// we're skipping this column, but still need to copy the value.
if _, ok := mSkip[i]; ok {
rec[i] = row[i]
skipped = append(skipped, i)
if row[i] == nil {
rec[i] = nil
switch col := row[i].(type) {
rec[i] = col
skipped = append(skipped, i)
case *int64:
v := *col
rec[i] = &v
case *float64:
v := *col
rec[i] = &v
case *bool:
v := *col
rec[i] = &v
case *string:
v := *col
rec[i] = &v
case *[]byte:
if col == nil || *col == nil {
rec[i] = nil
if meta[i].Kind() != kind.Bytes {
// We only want to use []byte for KindByte. Otherwise
// switch to a string.
s := string(*col)
rec[i] = &s
if len(*col) == 0 {
v := []byte{}
rec[i] = &v
} else {
dest := make([]byte, len(*col))
copy(dest, *col)
rec[i] = &dest
case *sql.NullInt64:
if col.Valid {
v := col.Int64
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *sql.NullString:
if col.Valid {
v := col.String
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *sql.RawBytes:
if col == nil || *col == nil {
// Explicitly set rec[i] so that its type becomes nil
rec[i] = nil
knd := meta[i].Kind()
// If RawBytes is of length zero, there's no
// need to copy.
if len(*col) == 0 {
if knd == kind.Bytes {
v := []byte{}
rec[i] = &v
} else {
// Else treat it as an empty string
var s string
rec[i] = &s
dest := make([]byte, len(*col))
copy(dest, *col)
if knd == kind.Bytes {
rec[i] = &dest
} else {
str := string(dest)
rec[i] = &str
case *sql.NullFloat64:
if col.Valid {
v := col.Float64
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *sql.NullBool:
if col.Valid {
v := col.Bool
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *sqlz.NullBool:
// This custom NullBool type is only used by sqlserver at this time.
// Possibly this code should skip this item, and allow
// the sqlserver munge func handle the conversion?
if col.Valid {
v := col.Bool
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *sql.NullTime:
if col.Valid {
v := col.Time
rec[i] = &v
} else {
rec[i] = nil
case *time.Time:
v := *col
rec[i] = &v
case *int:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *int8:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *int16:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *int32:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *uint:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *uint8:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *uint16:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *uint32:
v := int64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *float32:
v := float64(*col)
rec[i] = &v
if rec[i] != nil && meta[i].Kind() == kind.Decimal {
// Drivers use varying types for numeric/money/decimal.
// We want to standardize on string.
switch col := rec[i].(type) {
case *string:
// Do nothing, it's already string
case *[]byte:
v := string(*col)
rec[i] = &v
case *float64:
v := stringz.FormatFloat(*col)
rec[i] = &v
// Shouldn't happen
v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", col)
rec[i] = &v
return rec, skipped
// Comma is the comma string to use in SQL queries.
const Comma = ", "
// PrepareInsertStmt prepares an insert statement using
// driver-specific syntax from drvr. numRows specifies
// how many rows of values are inserted by each execution of
// the insert statement (1 row being the prototypical usage).
func PrepareInsertStmt(ctx context.Context, drvr SQLDriver, db sqlz.Preparer, destTbl string, destCols []string,
numRows int,
) (stmt *sql.Stmt, err error) {
const stmtTpl = `INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s`
if numRows <= 0 {
return nil, errz.Errorf("numRows must be a positive integer but got %d", numRows)
dialect := drvr.Dialect()
quote := string(dialect.Quote)
tblNameQuoted, colNamesQuoted := stringz.Surround(destTbl, quote), stringz.SurroundSlice(destCols, quote)
colsJoined := strings.Join(colNamesQuoted, Comma)
placeholders := dialect.Placeholders(len(colNamesQuoted), numRows)
query := fmt.Sprintf(stmtTpl, tblNameQuoted, colsJoined, placeholders)
stmt, err = db.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
return stmt, errz.Err(err)
// BatchInsert encapsulates inserting records to a db. The caller sends
// (munged) records on recCh; the record values should be munged via
// the Munge method prior to sending. Records are written to db in
// batches of batchSize as passed to NewBatchInsert (the final batch may
// be less than batchSize). The caller must close recCh to indicate that
// all records have been sent, or cancel the ctx passed to
// NewBatchInsert to stop the insertion goroutine. Any error is returned
// on errCh. Processing is complete when errCh is closed: the caller
// must select on errCh.
type BatchInsert struct {
// RecordCh is the channel that the caller sends records on. The
// caller must close RecordCh when done.
RecordCh chan<- []any
// ErrCh returns any errors that occur during insert. ErrCh is
// closed by BatchInsert when processing is complete.
ErrCh <-chan error
written *atomic.Int64
mungeFn InsertMungeFunc
// Written returns the number of records inserted (at the time of
// invocation). For the final value, Written should be invoked after
// ErrCh is closed.
func (bi *BatchInsert) Written() int64 {
return bi.written.Load()
// Munge should be invoked on every record before sending
// on RecordCh.
func (bi BatchInsert) Munge(rec []any) error {
return bi.mungeFn(rec)
// NewBatchInsert returns a new BatchInsert instance. The internal
// goroutine is started.
// Note that the db arg must guarantee a single connection: that is,
// it must be a sql.Conn or sql.Tx.
func NewBatchInsert(ctx context.Context, log lg.Log, drvr SQLDriver, db sqlz.DB, destTbl string, destColNames []string,
batchSize int,
) (*BatchInsert, error) {
err := requireSingleConn(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recCh := make(chan []any, batchSize*8)
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
rowLen := len(destColNames)
inserter, err := drvr.PrepareInsertStmt(ctx, db, destTbl, destColNames, batchSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bi := &BatchInsert{RecordCh: recCh, ErrCh: errCh, written: atomic.NewInt64(0), mungeFn: inserter.mungeFn}
go func() {
// vals holds rows of values as a single slice. That is, vals is
// a bunch of record fields appended to one big slice to pass
// as args to the INSERT statement
vals := make([]any, 0, rowLen*batchSize)
var rec []any
var affected int64
defer func() {
if inserter != nil {
if err == nil {
// If no pre-existing error, any inserter.Close error
// becomes the error.
err = errz.Err(inserter.Close())
} else {
// If there's already an error, we just log any
// error from inserter.Close: the pre-existing error
// is the primary concern.
if err != nil {
errCh <- err
for {
rec = nil
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
case rec = <-recCh:
if rec != nil {
if len(rec) != rowLen {
err = errz.Errorf("batch insert: record should have %d values but found %d", rowLen, len(rec))
vals = append(vals, rec...)
if len(vals) == 0 {
// Nothing to do here, we're done
if len(vals)/rowLen == batchSize { // We've got a full batch to send
affected, err = inserter.Exec(ctx, vals...)
if err != nil {
if rec == nil {
// recCh is closed (coincidentally exactly on the
// batch size), so we're successfully done.
// reset vals for the next batch
vals = vals[0:0]
if rec != nil {
// recCh is not closed, so we loop to accumulate more records
// If we get this far, it means that rec is nil (indicating
// no more records), but the number of remaining records
// to write is less than batchSize. So, we'll need a new
// inserter to write the remaining records.
// First, close the existing full-batch-size inserter
if inserter != nil {
err = errz.Err(inserter.Close())
inserter = nil
if err != nil {
inserter, err = drvr.PrepareInsertStmt(ctx, db, destTbl, destColNames, len(vals)/rowLen)
if err != nil {
affected, err = inserter.Exec(ctx, vals...)
if err != nil {
// We're done
return bi, nil
// MaxBatchRows returns the maximum number of rows allowed for a
// batch insert for drvr. Note that the returned value may differ
// for each database driver.
func MaxBatchRows(drvr SQLDriver, numCols int) int {
return int(math.Ceil(float64(drvr.Dialect().MaxBatchValues) / float64(numCols)))
// DefaultInsertMungeFunc returns an InsertMungeFunc
// that checks the values of rec against destMeta and
// performs necessary munging. For example, if any element
// is a ptr to an empty string and the dest type
// is a not of kind Text, the empty string was probably
// intended to mean nil. This happens when the original
// source doesn't handle nil, e.g. with CSV, where nil is
// effectively represented by "".
// The returned InsertMungeFunc accounts for common cases, but it's
// possible that certain databases will require a custom
// InsertMungeFunc.
func DefaultInsertMungeFunc(destTbl string, destMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) InsertMungeFunc {
return func(rec sqlz.Record) error {
if len(rec) != len(destMeta) {
return errz.Errorf("insert record has %d vals but dest table %s has %d cols (%s)",
len(rec), destTbl, len(destMeta), strings.Join(destMeta.Names(), Comma))
for i := range rec {
nullable, _ := destMeta[i].Nullable()
if rec[i] == nil && !nullable {
mungeSetZeroValue(i, rec, destMeta)
if destMeta[i].Kind() == kind.Text {
// text doesn't need our help
// The dest col kind is something other than text, let's inspect
// the actual value and check its type.
switch val := rec[i].(type) {
case string:
if val == "" {
if nullable {
rec[i] = nil
} else {
mungeSetZeroValue(i, rec, destMeta)
// else we let the DB figure it out
case *string:
if *val == "" {
if nullable {
rec[i] = nil
} else {
mungeSetZeroValue(i, rec, destMeta)
// else we let the DB figure it out
return nil
// mungeSetZeroValue is invoked when rec[i] is nil, but
// destMeta[i] is not nullable.
func mungeSetZeroValue(i int, rec []any, destMeta sqlz.RecordMeta) {
// REVISIT: do we need to do special handling for kind.Datetime
// and kind.Time (e.g. "00:00" for time)?
z := reflect.Zero(destMeta[i].ScanType()).Interface()
rec[i] = z