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package sqlite3
import "C"
import (
// tableMetadata returns metadata for tblName in db.
func tableMetadata(ctx context.Context, log lg.Log, db sqlz.DB, tblName string) (*source.TableMetadata, error) {
tblMeta := &source.TableMetadata{Name: tblName}
tblMeta.Size = -1 // No easy way of getting size of table, so set to -1
// But we can get the row count
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '%s'", tblMeta.Name)
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query)
err := row.Scan(&tblMeta.RowCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
// cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
// 0 actor_id INT 1 <null> 1
// 1 film_id INT 1 <null> 2
// 2 last_update TIMESTAMP 1 <null> 0
query = fmt.Sprintf("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO('%s')", tblMeta.Name)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
defer log.WarnIfCloseError(rows)
for rows.Next() {
col := &source.ColMetadata{}
var notnull int64
defaultValue := &sql.NullString{}
pkValue := &sql.NullInt64{}
err = rows.Scan(&col.Position, &col.Name, &col.BaseType, ¬null, defaultValue, pkValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
col.PrimaryKey = pkValue.Int64 > 0 // pkVal can be 0,1,2 etc
col.ColumnType = col.BaseType
col.Nullable = notnull == 0
col.DefaultValue = defaultValue.String
col.Kind = kindFromDBTypeName(log, col.Name, col.BaseType, nil)
tblMeta.Columns = append(tblMeta.Columns, col)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
return tblMeta, nil
// recordMetaFromColumnTypes returns recordMetaFromColumnTypes for rows.
func recordMetaFromColumnTypes(log lg.Log, colTypes []*sql.ColumnType) (sqlz.RecordMeta, error) {
recMeta := make([]*sqlz.FieldMeta, len(colTypes))
for i, colType := range colTypes {
// sqlite is very forgiving at times, e.g. execute
// a query with a non-existent column name.
// This can manifest as an empty db type name. This also
// happens for functions such as COUNT(*).
dbTypeName := colType.DatabaseTypeName()
kind := kindFromDBTypeName(log, colType.Name(), dbTypeName, colType.ScanType())
colTypeData := sqlz.NewColumnTypeData(colType, kind)
// It's necessary to explicitly set the scan type because
// the backing driver doesn't set it for whatever reason.
setScanType(log, colTypeData)
recMeta[i] = sqlz.NewFieldMeta(colTypeData)
return recMeta, nil
// setScanType ensures colTypeData.ScanType is set appropriately.
// If the scan type is nil, a scan type will be set based upon
// the col kind. The scan type can be nil in the case where rows.ColumnTypes
// was invoked before rows.Next (this is necessary for an empty table).
// If the scan type is NOT a sql.NullTYPE, the corresponding sql.NullTYPE will
// be set.
func setScanType(log lg.Log, colType *sqlz.ColumnTypeData) {
scanType, kind := colType.ScanType, colType.Kind
if scanType != nil {
// If the scan type is already set, ensure it's sql.NullTYPE.
switch scanType {
// It's already a sql.NullTYPE.
case sqlz.RTypeInt64:
colType.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullInt64
case sqlz.RTypeFloat64:
colType.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullFloat64
case sqlz.RTypeString:
colType.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullString
case sqlz.RTypeBool:
colType.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullBool
case sqlz.RTypeTime:
colType.ScanType = sqlz.RTypeNullTime
case sqlz.RTypeBytes:
// no need to change if it's []byte
switch kind {
// Shouldn't happen?
log.Warnf("Unknown kind for col '%s' with database type '%s'", colType.Name, colType.DatabaseTypeName)
scanType = sqlz.RTypeBytes
case sqlz.KindText, sqlz.KindDecimal:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullString
case sqlz.KindInt:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullInt64
case sqlz.KindBool:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullBool
case sqlz.KindFloat:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullFloat64
case sqlz.KindBytes:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeBytes
case sqlz.KindDatetime:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullTime
case sqlz.KindDate:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullTime
case sqlz.KindTime:
scanType = sqlz.RTypeNullString
colType.ScanType = scanType
// kindFromDBTypeName determines the sqlz.Kind from the database
// type name. For example, "VARCHAR(64)" -> sqlz.KindText.
// See https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html#determination_of_column_affinity
// The scanType arg may be nil (it may not be available to the caller): when
// non-nil it may be used to determine ambiguous cases. For example,
// dbTypeName is empty string for "COUNT(*)"
func kindFromDBTypeName(log lg.Log, colName, dbTypeName string, scanType reflect.Type) sqlz.Kind {
if dbTypeName == "" {
// dbTypeName can be empty for functions such as COUNT() etc.
// But we can infer the type from scanType (if non-nil).
if scanType == nil {
// According to the SQLite3 docs:
// 3. If the declared type for a column contains the
// string "BLOB" or **if no type is specified** then the
// column has affinity BLOB.
return sqlz.KindBytes
switch scanType {
// Default to KindBytes as mentioned above.
return sqlz.KindBytes
case sqlz.RTypeInt64:
return sqlz.KindInt
case sqlz.RTypeFloat64:
return sqlz.KindFloat
case sqlz.RTypeString:
return sqlz.KindText
var kind sqlz.Kind
dbTypeName = strings.ToUpper(dbTypeName)
// See the examples of type names in the sqlite docs linked above.
// Given variations such as VARCHAR(255), we first trim the parens
// parts. Thus VARCHAR(255) becomes VARCHAR.
i := strings.IndexRune(dbTypeName, '(')
if i > 0 {
dbTypeName = dbTypeName[0:i]
// Try direct matches against common type names
switch dbTypeName {
kind = sqlz.KindInt
kind = sqlz.KindFloat
case "DECIMAL":
kind = sqlz.KindDecimal
kind = sqlz.KindText
case "BLOB":
kind = sqlz.KindBytes
kind = sqlz.KindDatetime
case "DATE":
kind = sqlz.KindDate
case "TIME":
kind = sqlz.KindTime
case "BOOLEAN":
kind = sqlz.KindBool
case "NUMERIC":
// NUMERIC is problematic. It could be an int, float, big decimal, etc.
// KindDecimal is safest as it can accept any numeric value.
kind = sqlz.KindDecimal
// If we have a match, return now.
if kind != sqlz.KindUnknown {
return kind
// We didn't find an exact match, we'll use the Affinity rules
// per the SQLite link provided earlier, noting that we default
// to KindText (the docs specify default affinity NUMERIC, which
// sq handles as KindText).
switch {
log.Warnf("Unknown SQLite database type name %q for %q: using %q", dbTypeName, colName, sqlz.KindUnknown)
kind = sqlz.KindUnknown
case strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "INT"):
kind = sqlz.KindInt
case strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "TEXT"),
strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "CHAR"),
strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "CLOB"):
kind = sqlz.KindText
case strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "BLOB"):
kind = sqlz.KindBytes
case strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "REAL"),
strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "FLOA"),
strings.Contains(dbTypeName, "DOUB"):
kind = sqlz.KindFloat
return kind
// DBTypeForKind returns the database type for kind.
// For example: KindInt --> INTEGER
func DBTypeForKind(kind sqlz.Kind) string {
switch kind {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown kind %q", kind))
case sqlz.KindText, sqlz.KindNull, sqlz.KindUnknown:
return "TEXT"
case sqlz.KindInt:
return "INTEGER"
case sqlz.KindFloat:
return "REAL"
case sqlz.KindBytes:
return "BLOB"
case sqlz.KindDecimal:
return "NUMERIC"
case sqlz.KindBool:
return "BOOLEAN"
case sqlz.KindDatetime:
return "DATETIME"
case sqlz.KindDate:
return "DATE"
case sqlz.KindTime:
return "TIME"
// getAllTblMeta gets metadata for each of the
// non-system tables in db.
func getAllTblMeta(ctx context.Context, log lg.Log, db sqlz.DB) ([]*source.TableMetadata, error) {
// This query returns a row for each column of each table,
// order by table name then col id (ordinal).
// Results will look like:
// table_name type cid name type "notnull" dflt_value pk
// actor table 0 actor_id numeric 1 <null> 1
// actor table 1 first_name VARCHAR(45) 1 <null> 0
// actor table 2 last_name VARCHAR(45) 1 <null> 0
// actor table 3 last_update TIMESTAMP 1 <null> 0
// address table 0 address_id int 1 <null> 1
// address table 1 address VARCHAR(50) 1 <null> 0
// address table 2 address2 VARCHAR(50) 0 NULL 0
// address table 3 district VARCHAR(20) 1 <null> 0
// Note: dflt_value of col "address2" is the string "NULL", rather
// that NULL value itself.
const query = `
SELECT m.name as table_name, m.type, p.cid, p.name, p.type, p.'notnull' as 'notnull', p.dflt_value, p.pk
FROM sqlite_master AS m JOIN pragma_table_info(m.name) AS p
ORDER BY m.name, p.cid
var tblMetas []*source.TableMetadata
var curTblName string
var curTblType string // either "table" or "view"
var curTblMeta *source.TableMetadata
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
defer log.WarnIfCloseError(rows)
for rows.Next() {
col := &source.ColMetadata{}
var notnull int64
defaultValue := &sql.NullString{}
pkValue := &sql.NullInt64{}
err = rows.Scan(&curTblName, &curTblType, &col.Position, &col.Name, &col.BaseType, ¬null, defaultValue, pkValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
if strings.HasPrefix(curTblName, "sqlite_") {
// Skip system table "sqlite_sequence" etc.
if curTblType != "table" {
// REVISIT: Skipping "view" for now; there's prob a good case for
// adding support for view metadata though.
if curTblMeta == nil || curTblMeta.Name != curTblName {
curTblMeta = &source.TableMetadata{
Name: curTblName,
Size: -1, // No easy way of getting the storage size of a table
countRow := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %q", curTblName))
err = countRow.Scan(&curTblMeta.RowCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
tblMetas = append(tblMetas, curTblMeta)
col.PrimaryKey = pkValue.Int64 > 0 // pkVal can be 0,1,2 etc
col.ColumnType = col.BaseType
col.Nullable = notnull == 0
col.DefaultValue = defaultValue.String
col.Kind = kindFromDBTypeName(log, col.Name, col.BaseType, nil)
curTblMeta.Columns = append(curTblMeta.Columns, col)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, errz.Err(err)
return tblMetas, nil