
NeoHaskell is a dialect of Haskell that is focused on newcomer-friendliness and productivity.

It is designed to be easy to learn and use, while also being powerful enough to release your app with minimum effort and maximum confidence.

--- # Welcome to the contributor guide If you want to learn about NeoHaskell itself, checkout [the NeoHaskell website]( This guide is intended for streamlining the process of contributing to the NeoHaskell tooling. The repository will be a mono-repo that contains all the different parts of NeoHaskell. # Installing the required tools - Install GHCUP by following [the official instructions]( - Run `ghcup tui` and press `s` on the following options: - GHC 9.2.8 - Cabal - HLS - (When prompted for download, press `y` to accept) The recommended IDE for any NeoHaskell project is [Visual Studio Code]( # Get the code - Fork this repository - `git clone ` - `cd neohaskell && code .` # Install the recommended extensions When opening the project for the first time, you will be prompted to install the recommended extensions, install them. # Collaborate on Discord It's always better to hack with people, so why not joining the [Discord server](