From ee7c3fbbc7c4ae4028bc6fc07127ad99e91b2975 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: nerdycat Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 15:40:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Create --- | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 217 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d59ccc3..fca1196 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,2 +1,217 @@ -# Cupcake -An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS (Swift version). +

+cupcake +

+ +

+Platform +Language +Version +License +

+ +## Introduction +Cupcake is a framework that allow you to easily create and layout UI components for iOS 8 and above. It use chaining syntax and provides some frequent used functionalities that are missing in UIKit. + +--- +## Easy way to create UIFont, UIImage and UIColor objects + +You can create UIFont object with `Font()` function. + + Font(15) //UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15) + Font("15") //UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(15) + Font("body") //UIFontTextStyle.body + Font("Helvetica,15") //helvetica with size of 15 + +You can create UIImage object with `Img()` function. + + Img("imageName") //image with name + Img("#imageName") //prefixed with # will return a stretchable image + Img("$imageName") //prefixed with $ will return a template image + Img("red") //1x1 size image with red color + +You can create UIColor object with `Color()` function. + + Color("red") // + Color("0,0,255") //RGB color + Color("#0000FF") //Hex color + Color("random") //random color + + Color("red,0.5") //even with alpha + Color("0,0,255,0.8") + Color("#0000FF,0.5") + Color("random,0.2") + + Color(Img("pattern")) //or image + + +## Easy way to create NSAttributedString objects and String manipulations + +You can create NSAttributedString object with `AttStr()` function. + + AttStr("hello").color("red") //red color string + AttStr("hello, 101").select("[0-9]+").underline //101 with underline + AttStr("A smile ", Img("smile"), " !!") //insert image attachment + +String manipulations: + + Str(1024) //convert anything to string + Str("1 + 1 = %d", 2) //formatted string + + "hello world".subFrom(2).subTo("ld") //"llo wor" + "hello world".subAt(1..<4) //"ell" + "hello 12345".subMatch("\\d+") //"12345" + + +## 4 basic UI components + +You can create UIView, UILabel, UIImageView and UIButton objects simply by using `View`, `Label`, `ImageView` and `Button` variables. + +"red").border(1).radius(4).shadow(0.7, 2) + + Label.str("hello\ncupcake").font(30).color("#FB3A9F").lines(2).align(.center) + + ImageView.img("cat").mode(.scaleAspectFit) + + Button.str("kitty").font("20").color("#CFC8AC").highColor("darkGray").onClick({ _ in + print("click") + }).img("cat").padding(10).border(1, "#CFC8AC") + +As you can see, `.font()`, `.img()` and `.color()` can take the same parameters as `Font()`, `Img()` and `Color()`. Also you can pass String, NSAttributedString and any other values to `.str()`. + + +## Enhancements + +You can add click handler and adjust click area to any view. +To round a view with half height no matter what size it is, simply use `.radius(-1)`. + + ImageView.img("mario").radius(-1).touchInsets(-40).onClick({ _ in + print("extending touch area") + }) + +You can add line spacing and link handling to UILabel. + + let str = "Lorem ipsum 20 dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium #adipisicing pecu, sed do #eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et 3.14 dolore magna aliqua." + let attStr = AttStr(str).select("elit", .number, .hashTag, .range(-7, 6)).link() + + Label.str(attStr).lineGap(10).lines().onLink({ text in + print(text) + }) + +`.bg()` allow you to set background for any view with color or image. +`.highBg()` allow you to set highlighted background for UIButton (which is very useful). +Also you can add spacing to title and image within button or even exchange their position. + + Button.str("More").img("arrow").color("black").bg("lightGray,0.3").highBg("lightGray").gap(5).reversed() + +You can add placeholder and limit text input to UITextField and UITextView. + + TextField.hint("placeholder").maxLength(10).padding(0, 10).keyboard(.numberPad) + + TextView.hint("placeholder").maxLength(140).padding(10).onChange({ textView in + print(textView.text) + }) + + +## Easy way to Setup Constraints + +You use `.pin()` to setup simple constraints relative to self or superview. + + .pin(200) //height constriant + .pin(100, 200) //width and height constraints + .pin(.xy(50, 50)) //left and top constraints relative to superview + .pin(.maxXY(50, 50)) //right and bottom constraints relative to superview + .pin(.center) //center equals to superview + ... + .pin(.lowHugging) //low content hugging priority, useful when embed in StackView + .pin(.lowRegistance) //low content compression resistance priority, useful when embed in StackView + + +You use `.makeCons()` and `.remakeCons()` to setup any constraints just like SnapKit. + + .makeCons({ + $, 50) + $0.size.equal(view2).multiply(0.5, 0.7) + }) + + .remakeCons({ make in + make.origin.equal(view2).offset(10, 20) + make.width.equal(100) + make.height.equal(view2).multiply(2) + }) + +You use `.embedIn()` to embed inside superview with edge constriants. + + .embedIn(superview) //top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 + .embedIn(superview, 10) //top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10 + .embedIn(superview, 10, 20) //top: 10, left: 20, bottom: 10, right: 20 + .embedIn(superview, 10, 20, 30) //top: 10, left: 20, right: 30 + .embedIn(superview, 10, 20, 30, 40) //top: 10, left: 20, bottom: 30, right: 40 + .embedIn(superview, 10, 20, nil) //top: 10, left: 20 + + +## Easy way to Layout + +Setup constraints for every views manually could be tedious. Luckily, you can build most of the layouts by simply using `HStack()` and `VStack()` (which are similar to UIStackView) and hopefully without creating any explicit constirants. + + indexLabel = Label.font(17).color("darkGray").align(.center).pin(.w(44)) + iconView =, 64).radius(10).border(1.0 / UIScreen.main.scale, "#CCC") + + titleLabel = Label.font(15).lines(2) + categoryLabel = Label.font(13).color("darkGray") + + ratingLabel = Label.font(11).color("orange") + countLabel = Label.font(11).color("darkGray") + + actionButton = Button.font("15").color("#0065F7").border(1, "#0065F7").radius(3) + actionButton.highColor("white").highBg("#0065F7").padding(5, 10) + + iapLabel = Label.font(9).color("darkGray").lines(2).str("In-App\nPurchases").align(.center) + + let ratingStack = HStack(ratingLabel, countLabel).gap(5) + let midStack = VStack(titleLabel, categoryLabel, ratingStack).gap(4) + let actionStack = VStack(actionButton, iapLabel).gap(4).align(.center) + + HStack(indexLabel, iconView, 10, midStack, "<-->", 10, actionStack).embedIn(self.contentView, 10, 0, 10, 15) + + appStore + + +## Lightweight Styling + +Some of the chaining properties can be set as style. + + //local style + let style1 = Styles.color("darkGray").font(15) + Label.styles(style1).str("hello world") + + //global style + Styles("style2").bg("red").padding(10).border(3, "#FC6560").radius(-1) + Button.styles(style1, "style2").str("hello world") + + +## Others + +You can create static tableView with `PlainTable()` or `GroupTable()` functions. + + let titles = ["Basic", "Enhancement", "Stack", "StaticTable", "Examples"] + PlainTable(titles).onClick({ row in + print(row.indexPath) + }) + +You can present `Alert` And `ActionSheet` using the chaining syntax as well. + + Alert.title("Alert").message("message go here").action("OK").show() + + ActionSheet.title("ActionSheet").message("message go here").action("Action1", { + print("Action1") + }).action("Action2", { + print("Action2") + }).cancel("Cancel").show() + + +## Installation + pod "Cupcake" + + + +