2020-04-15 14:39:12 +02:00

60 lines
2.3 KiB

does regenerlise need to worry about restricting occurrences of the
same var to have the same type? now we have the invariant that each
var has a unique type
schema layer should somehow be the same, whether we're discovering
equations or something else. maybe this means splitting lower layers
into "conjecture-by-testing" and "discard-by-pruning" parts?
Things which should be expressed as single modules or whatever:
* term-based exploration
* schema-based exploration
- instantiate schemas
- possibly do smart instantiation
* polymorphism
- regeneralise monomorphic laws
- generate mgus of terms of unifiable types
- (do this at the term or the schema level?)
* the term generation loop
* conditional laws
- a post-filter on discovered laws to instantiate conditional axioms
* quickcheck
* exception catching?
* higher-order functions and partial application?
- generate partially-applied terms?
- what to do about type universe for polymorphism?
- eta-expand discovered laws
- maybe can incrementally expand type universe as new functions appear
* delaying non-orientable laws
- generate terms as usual
- filter equations that come out
- when we spot a bigger term, stop delaying
* lambda terms?
* timeouts? in general, "opting out" of a particular test case?
[this term is not defined on this test case, e.g. partial models]
* discovering inconsistent laws
(when two representative terms get the same normal form)
Pipeline: in goes term ---> out comes set of laws - this is compatible with schemas going in
Term generation loop: maintain set of terms, keep them normalised wrt rules rather than remembering which ones are representatives?
Delaying is interesting. Delaying says:
* I generate a term
* Out comes a law
* Oops I shouldn't have generated this term, wait a bit
* Generate it again later
It should perhaps be part of the main term generation loop?
Schema generation maintains lots of different little test sets.
Bug: discover elem x xs = any (== x) xs
From TODO file:
Instead of conGeneralValue/regeneralise nonsense, have a type
constructor "Mono a" which wraps its argument while having its Typed
instance unify all types.
Model delaying as a function taking list of terms and only delaying
inside that list