#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Glances - An eye on your system # # Copyright (C) 2017 Nicolargo # # Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Glances unitary tests suite for the RESTful API.""" import shlex import subprocess import time import numbers import unittest from glances import __version__ from glances.compat import text_type import requests SERVER_PORT = 61234 URL = "http://localhost:%s/api/2" % SERVER_PORT pid = None # Unitest class # ============== print('RESTful API unitary tests for Glances %s' % __version__) class TestGlances(unittest.TestCase): """Test Glances class.""" def setUp(self): """The function is called *every time* before test_*.""" print('\n' + '=' * 78) def http_get(self, url, deflate=False): """Make the request""" if deflate: ret = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers={'Accept-encoding': 'deflate'}) else: ret = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept-encoding': 'identity'}) return ret def test_000_start_server(self): """Start the Glances Web Server.""" global pid print('INFO: [TEST_000] Start the Glances Web Server') cmdline = "python -m glances -w -p %s" % SERVER_PORT print("Run the Glances Web Server on port %s" % SERVER_PORT) args = shlex.split(cmdline) pid = subprocess.Popen(args) print("Please wait 5 seconds...") time.sleep(5) self.assertTrue(pid is not None) def test_001_all(self): """All.""" method = "all" print('INFO: [TEST_001] Get all stats') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) def test_001a_all_deflate(self): """All.""" method = "all" print('INFO: [TEST_001a] Get all stats (with Deflate compression)') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method), deflate=True) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertTrue(req.headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'deflate') def test_002_pluginslist(self): """Plugins list.""" method = "pluginslist" print('INFO: [TEST_002] Plugins list') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), list) self.assertIn('cpu', req.json()) def test_003_plugins(self): """Plugins.""" method = "pluginslist" print('INFO: [TEST_003] Plugins') plist = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) for p in plist.json(): print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, p)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, p)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) if p in ('uptime', 'now'): self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), text_type) elif p in ('fs', 'percpu', 'sensors', 'alert', 'processlist', 'diskio', 'hddtemp', 'batpercent', 'network', 'folders', 'amps', 'ports', 'irq', 'wifi', 'gpu'): self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), list) elif p in ('psutilversion', 'help'): pass else: self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_004_items(self): """Items.""" method = "cpu" print('INFO: [TEST_004] Items for the CPU method') ilist = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) for i in ilist.json(): print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s/%s" % (URL, method, i)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s/%s" % (URL, method, i)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) print(req.json()[i]) self.assertIsInstance(req.json()[i], numbers.Number) def test_005_values(self): """Values.""" method = "processlist" print('INFO: [TEST_005] Item=Value for the PROCESSLIST method') print("%s/%s/pid/0" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s/pid/0" % (URL, method)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_006_all_limits(self): """All limits.""" method = "all/limits" print('INFO: [TEST_006] Get all limits') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_007_all_views(self): """All views.""" method = "all/views" print('INFO: [TEST_007] Get all views') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_008_plugins_limits(self): """Plugins limits.""" method = "pluginslist" print('INFO: [TEST_008] Plugins limits') plist = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) for p in plist.json(): print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s/limits" % (URL, p)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s/limits" % (URL, p)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_009_plugins_views(self): """Plugins views.""" method = "pluginslist" print('INFO: [TEST_009] Plugins views') plist = self.http_get("%s/%s" % (URL, method)) for p in plist.json(): print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/%s/views" % (URL, p)) req = self.http_get("%s/%s/views" % (URL, p)) self.assertTrue(req.ok) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) def test_010_history(self): """History.""" method = "history" print('INFO: [TEST_010] History') print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/cpu/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/cpu/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) self.assertIsInstance(req.json()['user'], list) self.assertTrue(len(req.json()['user']) > 0) print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/cpu/%s/3" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/cpu/%s/3" % (URL, method)) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) self.assertIsInstance(req.json()['user'], list) self.assertTrue(len(req.json()['user']) > 1) print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/cpu/system/%s" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/cpu/system/%s" % (URL, method)) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) self.assertIsInstance(req.json()['system'], list) self.assertTrue(len(req.json()['system']) > 0) print("HTTP RESTful request: %s/cpu/system/%s/3" % (URL, method)) req = self.http_get("%s/cpu/system/%s/3" % (URL, method)) self.assertIsInstance(req.json(), dict) self.assertIsInstance(req.json()['system'], list) self.assertTrue(len(req.json()['system']) > 1) def test_999_stop_server(self): """Stop the Glances Web Server.""" print('INFO: [TEST_999] Stop the Glances Web Server') print("Stop the Glances Web Server") pid.terminate() time.sleep(1) self.assertTrue(True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()