.. _prometheus: Prometheus ========== You can export statistics to a ``Prometheus`` server through an exporter. When the *--export-prometheus* is used, Glances creates a Prometheus exporter listening on (define in the Glances configuration file). .. code-block:: ini [prometheus] host=localhost port=9091 prefix=glances and run Glances with: .. code-block:: console $ glances --export-prometheus You can check that Glances exports the stats using this URL: http://localhost:9091 .. image:: ../_static/prometheus_exporter.png In order to store the metrics in a Prometheus server, you should add this exporter to your Prometheus server configuration with the following lines (in the prometheus.yml configuration file): .. code-block:: ini scrape_configs: - job_name: 'glances_exporter' scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9091'] .. image:: ../_static/prometheus_server.png