.. _sensors: Sensors ======= *Availability: Linux* .. image:: ../_static/sensors.png Glances can display the sensors information using ``psutil``, ``hddtemp`` and ``batinfo``: - motherboard and CPU temperatures - hard disk temperature - battery capacity There is no alert on this information. .. note 1:: Limit values and sensors alias names can be defined in the configuration file under the ``[sensors]`` section. .. note 2:: The support for multiple batteries is only available if you have the batinfo Python lib installed on your system because for the moment PSUtil only support one battery. .. note 3:: If a sensors has temperature and fan speed with the same name unit, it is possible to alias it using: unitname_temperature_core_alias=Alias for temp unitname_fan_speed_alias=Alias for fan speed .. note 4:: If a sensors has multiple identical features names (see #2280), then Glances will add a suffix to the feature name. For example, if you have one sensor with two Composite features, the second one will be named Composite_1. .. note 5:: The plugin could crash on some operating system (FreeBSD) with the TCP or UDP blackhole option > 0 (see issue #2106). In this case, you should disable the sensors (--disable-plugin sensors or from the configuration file).