Ariel Otilibili dec419f443 Refactored webui* rules
* part of #2906
* output is unchanged.

$ git log --oneline -n1 --pretty=short
commit f2f97e2f (HEAD -> makefile)
Author: Ariel Otilibili <>

    Refactored `webui*` rules

$ make webui -n >> /tmp/makefile; echo $?

$ make webui-audit -n >> /tmp/makefile; echo $?

$ make webui-audit-fix -n >> /tmp/makefile; echo $?

$ git switch develop
Switched to branch 'develop'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.

$ git log --oneline -n1 --pretty=short
commit 24c87253 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Merge: 42af55b3 fa7fc5bd
Author: Nicolas Hennion <>

    Merge pull request #2941 from ariel-anieli/refactor-alert

$ make webui -n >> /tmp/develop; echo $?

$ make webui-audit -n >> /tmp/develop; echo $?

$ make webui-audit-fix -n >> /tmp/develop; echo $?

$ diff /tmp/develop /tmp/makefile; echo $?

Signed-off-by: Ariel Otilibili <>
2024-09-23 22:47:56 +02:00

325 lines
12 KiB

PORT ?= 8008
venv_full:= venv/bin
venv_dev := venv-dev/bin
venv_min := venv-min/bin
CONF := conf/glances.conf
PIP := $(venv_full)/pip
PYTHON := $(venv_full)/python
LASTTAG = $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
VENV_TYPES := full min dev
VENV_PYTHON := $(VENV_TYPES:%=venv-%-python)
VENV_UPG := $(VENV_TYPES:%=venv-%-upgrade)
VENV_DEPS := $(VENV_TYPES:%=venv-%)
IMAGES_TYPES := full minimal dev
DISTROS := alpine ubuntu
alpine_images := $(IMAGES_TYPES:%=docker-alpine-%)
ubuntu_images := $(IMAGES_TYPES:%=docker-ubuntu-%)
DOCKER_IMAGES := $(alpine_images) $(ubuntu_images)
UNIT_TESTS := test-core test-restful test-xmlrpc
DOCKER_BUILD := docker buildx build
DOCKER_RUN := docker run
PODMAN_SOCK ?= /run/user/$(shell id -u)/podman/podman.sock
DOCKER_SOCK ?= /var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_OPTS := --rm -e TZ="${TZ}" -e GLANCES_OPT="" --pid host --network host
# if the command is only `make`, the default tasks will be the printing of the help.
.PHONY: help test docs docs-server venv venv-min venv-dev
help: ## List all make commands available
@grep -E '^[\.a-zA-Z_%-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
awk -F ":" '{print $1}' | \
grep -v % | \
sed 's/\\//g' | \
sort | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":[^:]*?##"}; {printf "\033[1;34mmake %-50s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
# ===================================================================
# Virtualenv
# ===================================================================
venv-%-upgrade: UPGRADE = --upgrade
venv-$(TYPE) venv-$(TYPE)-upgrade: VIRTUAL_ENV = $(venv_$(TYPE))
$(foreach TYPE,$(VENV_TYPES),$(eval $(DEFINE_VARS_FOR_TYPE)))
$(VENV_PYTHON): venv-%-python:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 $(if $(filter full,$*),venv,venv-$*)
$(VENV_INST_UPG): venv-%:
$(if $(UPGRADE),$(VIRTUAL_ENV)/pip install --upgrade pip,)
$(foreach REQ,$(REQS), $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/pip install $(UPGRADE) -r $(REQ);)
$(if $(PRE_COMMIT),$(VIRTUAL_ENV)/pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit,)
venv-python: $(VENV_PYTHON) ## Install all Python 3 venv
venv: $(VENV_DEPS) ## Install all Python 3 dependencies
venv-upgrade: $(VENV_UPG) ## Upgrade all Python 3 dependencies
# For full installation (with optional dependencies)
venv-full venv-full-upgrade: REQS = requirements.txt optional-requirements.txt
venv-full-python: ## Install Python 3 venv
venv-full: venv-python ## Install Python 3 run-time
venv-full-upgrade: ## Upgrade Python 3 run-time dependencies
# For minimal installation (without optional dependencies)
venv-min venv-min-upgrade: REQS = requirements.txt
venv-min-python: ## Install Python 3 venv minimal
venv-min: venv-min-python ## Install Python 3 minimal run-time dependencies
venv-min-upgrade: ## Upgrade Python 3 minimal run-time dependencies
# For development
venv-dev venv-dev-upgrade: REQS = dev-requirements.txt doc-requirements.txt
venv-dev: PRE_COMMIT = 1
venv-dev-python: ## Install Python 3 venv
venv-dev: venv-python ## Install Python 3 dev dependencies
venv-dev-upgrade: ## Upgrade Python 3 dev dependencies
# ===================================================================
# Tests
# ===================================================================
$(UNIT_TESTS): test-%:
$(PYTHON) $<
test-core: ## Run core unit tests
test-restful: ## Run Restful unit tests
test-xmlrpc: ## Run XMLRPC unit tests
test: $(UNIT_TESTS) ## Run unit tests
test-with-upgrade: venv-upgrade venv-dev-upgrade test ## Upgrade deps and run unit tests
test-min: ## Run core unit tests in minimal environment
test-min-with-upgrade: venv-min-upgrade ## Upgrade deps and run unit tests in minimal environment
# ===================================================================
# Linters, profilers and cyber security
# ===================================================================
format: ## Format the code
$(venv_dev)/python -m ruff format .
lint: ## Lint the code.
$(venv_dev)/python -m ruff check . --fix
codespell: ## Run codespell to fix common misspellings in text files
$(venv_dev)/codespell -S .git,./docs/_build,./Glances.egg-info,./venv*,./glances/outputs,*.svg -L hart,bu,te,statics -w
semgrep: ## Run semgrep to find bugs and enforce code standards
$(venv_dev)/semgrep scan --config=auto
profiling-%: SLEEP = 3
profiling-%: TIMES = 30
profiling-%: OUT_DIR = docs/_static
@echo "Start Glances for $(TIMES) iterations (more or less 1 mins, please do not exit !)"
sleep $(SLEEP)
profiling-gprof: CPROF = glances.cprof
profiling-gprof: ## Callgraph profiling (need "apt install graphviz")
$(PYTHON) -m cProfile -o $(CPROF) --stop-after $(TIMES)
$(venv_dev)/gprof2dot -f pstats $(CPROF) | dot -Tsvg -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-cgraph.svg
rm -f $(CPROF)
profiling-pyinstrument: ## PyInstrument profiling
$(PIP) install pyinstrument
$(PYTHON) -m pyinstrument -r html -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-pyinstrument.html -m glances --stop-after $(TIMES)
profiling-pyspy: ## Flame profiling (currently not compatible with Python 3.12)
$(venv_dev)/py-spy record -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-flame.svg -d 60 -s -- $(PYTHON) --stop-after $(TIMES)
profiling: profiling-gprof profiling-pyinstrument profiling-pyspy ## Profiling of the Glances software
trace-malloc: ## Trace the malloc() calls
@echo "Malloc test is running, please wait ~30 secondes..."
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --trace-malloc --stop-after 15 --quiet
memory-leak: ## Profile memory leaks
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --memory-leak
memory-profiling: TIMES = 2400
memory-profiling: PROFILE = mprofile_*.dat
memory-profiling: ## Profile memory usage
@echo "It's a very long test (~4 hours)..."
rm -f $(PROFILE)
@echo "1/2 - Start memory profiling with the history option enable"
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --stop-after $(TIMES) --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output $(OUT_DIR)/glances-memory-profiling-with-history.png
rm -f $(PROFILE)
@echo "2/2 - Start memory profiling with the history option disable"
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --disable-history --stop-after $(TIMES) --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output $(OUT_DIR)/glances-memory-profiling-without-history.png
rm -f $(PROFILE)
# Trivy installation:
trivy: ## Run Trivy to find vulnerabilities in container images
trivy fs .
# ===================================================================
# Docs
# ===================================================================
docs: ## Create the documentation
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --api-doc > ./docs/api.rst
cd docs && ./ && cd ..
docs-server: docs ## Start a Web server to serve the documentation
(sleep 2 && sensible-browser "http://localhost:$(PORT)") &
cd docs/_build/html/ && ../../../venv/bin/python -m http.server $(PORT)
release-note: ## Generate release note
git --no-pager log $(LASTTAG)..HEAD --first-parent --pretty=format:"* %s"
@echo "\n"
git --no-pager shortlog -s -n $(LASTTAG)..HEAD
install: ## Open a Web Browser to the installation procedure
sensible-browser ""
# ===================================================================
# WebUI
# Follow ./glances/outputs/static/ for more information
# ===================================================================
webui webui%: DIR = glances/outputs/static/
webui: ## Build the Web UI
cd $(DIR) && npm ci && npm run build
webui-audit: ## Audit the Web UI
cd $(DIR) && npm audit
webui-audit-fix: ## Fix audit the Web UI
cd $(DIR) && npm audit fix && npm ci && npm run build
# ===================================================================
# Packaging
# ===================================================================
flatpak: venv-dev-upgrade ## Generate FlatPack JSON file
git clone
$(PYTHON) ./flatpak-builder-tools/pip/flatpak-pip-generator glances
rm -rf ./flatpak-builder-tools
@echo "Now follow:"
# Snap package is automatically build on the platform
# But you can try an offline build with the following command
# ===================================================================
# Docker
# Need Docker Buildx package (apt install docker-buildx on Ubuntu)
# ===================================================================
$($(DISTRO)_images): docker-$(DISTRO)-%: docker-files/$(DISTRO).Dockerfile
$(DOCKER_BUILD) --target $$* -f $$< -t glances:local-$(DISTRO)-$$* .
docker: docker-alpine docker-ubuntu ## Generate local docker images
docker-alpine: $(alpine_images) ## Generate local docker images (Alpine)
docker-ubuntu: $(ubuntu_images) ## Generate local docker images (Ubuntu)
docker-alpine-full: ## Generate local docker image (Alpine full)
docker-alpine-minimal: ## Generate local docker image (Alpine minimal)
docker-alpine-dev: ## Generate local docker image (Alpine dev)
docker-ubuntu-full: ## Generate local docker image (Ubuntu full)
docker-ubuntu-minimal: ## Generate local docker image (Ubuntu minimal)
docker-ubuntu-dev: ## Generate local docker image (Ubuntu dev)
# ===================================================================
# Run
# ===================================================================
run: ## Start Glances in console mode (also called standalone)
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF)
run-debug: ## Start Glances in debug console mode (also called standalone)
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -d
run-local-conf: ## Start Glances in console mode with the system conf file
$(PYTHON) -m glances
run-local-conf-hide-public: ## Start Glances in console mode with the system conf file and hide public information
$(PYTHON) -m glances --hide-public-info
run-min: ## Start minimal Glances in console mode (also called standalone)
$(venv_min)/python -m glances -C $(CONF)
run-min-debug: ## Start minimal Glances in debug console mode (also called standalone)
$(venv_min)/python -m glances -C $(CONF) -d
run-min-local-conf: ## Start minimal Glances in console mode with the system conf file
$(venv_min)/python -m glances
$(DOCKER_RUNTIMES): run-docker-%:
$(DOCKER_RUN) $(DOCKER_OPTS) $(DOCKER_SOCKS) -it glances:local-$*
run-docker-alpine-minimal: ## Start Glances Alpine Docker minimal in console mode
run-docker-alpine-full: ## Start Glances Alpine Docker full in console mode
run-docker-alpine-dev: ## Start Glances Alpine Docker dev in console mode
run-docker-ubuntu-minimal: ## Start Glances Ubuntu Docker minimal in console mode
run-docker-ubuntu-full: ## Start Glances Ubuntu Docker full in console mode
run-docker-ubuntu-dev: ## Start Glances Ubuntu Docker dev in console mode
run-webserver: ## Start Glances in Web server mode
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -w
run-webserver-local-conf: ## Start Glances in Web server mode with the system conf file
$(PYTHON) -m glances -w
run-webserver-local-conf-hide-public: ## Start Glances in Web server mode with the system conf file and hide public info
$(PYTHON) -m glances -w --hide-public-info
run-restapiserver: ## Start Glances in REST API server mode
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -w --disable-webui
run-server: ## Start Glances in server mode (RPC)
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -s
run-client: ## Start Glances in client mode (RPC)
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -c localhost
run-browser: ## Start Glances in browser mode (RPC)
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --browser
run-issue: ## Start Glances in issue mode
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --issue
run-multipass: ## Install and start Glances in a VM (only available on Ubuntu with multipass already installed)
multipass launch -n glances-on-lts lts
multipass exec glances-on-lts -- sudo snap install glances
multipass exec glances-on-lts -- glances
multipass stop glances-on-lts
multipass delete glances-on-lts
show-version: ## Show Glances version number
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) -V