Make Session a newtype

This commit is contained in:
Nikita Volkov 2014-12-27 06:17:24 +03:00
parent e8089b6991
commit 95c6996599
2 changed files with 26 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ library
list-t >= 0.3.1 && < 0.5,
mmorph == 1.0.*,
mtl >= 2.1 && < 2.3,
monad-control >= 0.3 && < 1.1,
monad-control == 1.0.*,
transformers-base == 0.4.*,
transformers >= 0.3 && < 0.5,
base-prelude >= 0.1.3 && < 0.2,

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@ -141,9 +141,29 @@ poolSettings size timeout =
-- |
-- A convenience wrapper around 'ReaderT',
-- which provides a shared context for execution of transactions.
type Session c m =
ReaderT (Pool c) (EitherT (TxError c) m)
-- which provides a shared context for execution and error-handling of transactions.
newtype Session c m r =
Session (ReaderT (Pool c) (EitherT (TxError c) m) r)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError (TxError c))
instance MonadTrans (Session c) where
lift = Session . lift . lift
instance MonadTransControl (Session c) where
type StT (Session c) a = Either (TxError c) a
liftWith onUnlift =
Session $ ReaderT $ \e ->
lift $ onUnlift $ \(Session m) ->
runEitherT $ flip runReaderT e $ m
restoreT =
Session . ReaderT . const . EitherT
deriving instance MonadBase IO m => MonadBase IO (Session c m)
instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (Session c m) where
type StM (Session c m) a = ComposeSt (Session c) m a
liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
restoreM = defaultRestoreM
-- |
-- Execute a session using an established connection pool.
@ -153,7 +173,7 @@ type Session c m =
-- if you want.
session :: Pool c -> Session c m a -> m (Either (TxError c) a)
session pool m =
runEitherT $ flip runReaderT pool $ m
runEitherT $ flip runReaderT pool $ case m of Session m -> m
-- * Transaction
@ -199,7 +219,7 @@ deriving instance (Eq (Bknd.CxError c), Eq (Bknd.TxError c)) => Eq (TxError c)
-- that it's impossible to return @'TxListT' s m r@ from it.
tx :: (Bknd.CxTx c, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Bknd.TxMode -> (forall s. Tx c s r) -> Session c m r
tx mode (Tx m) =
ReaderT $ \(Pool pool) ->
Session $ ReaderT $ \(Pool pool) ->
Pool.withResource pool $ \e -> do
c <- hoistEither $ mapLeft BackendCxError e