Implement composite encoder

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Nikita Volkov 2022-09-25 15:42:48 +03:00
parent 75ffa3f13c
commit a5d4b702e6
3 changed files with 66 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ library
hashtables >=1.3 && <2,
mtl >=2 && <3,
network-ip >= && <0.4,
postgresql-binary >=0.13 && <0.14,
postgresql-binary >=0.13.1 && <0.14,
postgresql-libpq ==0.9.*,
profunctors >=5.1 && <6,
scientific >=0.3 && <0.4,

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@ -44,11 +44,16 @@ module Hasql.Encoders
-- * Array
-- * Composite

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@ -272,12 +272,23 @@ unknown :: Value ByteString
unknown = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.unknown (const A.bytea_strict))
-- |
-- Lift an array encoder into a parameter encoder.
-- Lift an array encoder into a value encoder.
array :: Array a -> Value a
array (Array (Array.Array valueOID arrayOID arrayEncoder renderer)) =
let encoder env input = A.array (PTI.oidWord32 valueOID) (arrayEncoder env input)
in Value (Value.Value arrayOID arrayOID encoder renderer)
-- |
-- Lift a composite encoder into a value encoder.
composite :: Composite a -> Value a
composite (Composite encode print) =
Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.unknown encodeValue printValue)
encodeValue idt val =
A.composite $ encode val idt
printValue val =
"ROW (" <> C.intercalate ", " (print val) <> ")"
-- |
-- Lift a value encoder of element into a unidimensional array encoder of a foldable value.
@ -340,3 +351,51 @@ element = \case
{-# INLINEABLE dimension #-}
dimension :: (forall a. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> c -> a) -> Array b -> Array c
dimension foldl (Array imp) = Array (Array.dimension foldl imp)
-- * Composite
-- |
-- Composite or row-types encoder.
data Composite a
= Composite
(a -> Bool -> A.Composite)
(a -> [C.Builder])
instance Contravariant Composite where
contramap f (Composite encode print) =
Composite (encode . f) (print . f)
instance Divisible Composite where
divide f (Composite encodeL printL) (Composite encodeR printR) =
(\val idt -> case f val of (lVal, rVal) -> encodeL lVal idt <> encodeR rVal idt)
(\val -> case f val of (lVal, rVal) -> printL lVal <> printR rVal)
conquer = mempty
instance Semigroup (Composite a) where
Composite encodeL printL <> Composite encodeR printR =
(\val idt -> encodeL val idt <> encodeR val idt)
(\val -> printL val <> printR val)
instance Monoid (Composite a) where
mempty = Composite mempty mempty
-- | Single field of a row-type.
field :: NullableOrNot Value a -> Composite a
field = \case
NonNullable (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encode print)) ->
(\val idt -> A.field (PTI.oidWord32 elementOID) (encode idt val))
(\val -> [print val])
Nullable (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encode print)) ->
( \val idt -> case val of
Nothing -> A.nullField (PTI.oidWord32 elementOID)
Just val -> A.field (PTI.oidWord32 elementOID) (encode idt val)
( \val ->
case val of
Nothing -> ["NULL"]
Just val -> [print val]