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synced 2024-11-30 00:55:22 +03:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -39,13 +39,8 @@ library
-- template-haskell:
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
module HighSQL
-- * Pool
-- * Error
-- * Transaction
-- ** Execution
-- |
-- Functions for execution of transactions.
-- They determine the transactional locking strategy of the database.
-- ** Statement Quasi-Quote
-- * Results Stream
import HighSQL.API as API
import HighSQL.QQ as QQ
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
module HighSQL.API where
import HighSQL.Prelude hiding (read, Read, write, Write, Error)
import qualified Data.Pool as Pool
import qualified HighSQL.CompositionT as CompositionT
import qualified HighSQL.Backend as Backend
import qualified HighSQL.Conversion as Conversion
import qualified ListT
-- * Pool
-- |
-- A pool of connections to the database.
newtype Pool =
Pool (Pool.Pool Backend.Connection)
-- |
-- Pool initization settings.
data Settings =
Settings {
-- |
-- The number of stripes (distinct sub-pools) to maintain.
-- The smallest acceptable value is 1.
striping1 :: Word32,
-- |
-- The maximum number of connections to keep open per a pool stripe.
-- The smallest acceptable value is 1.
-- Requests for connections will block if this limit is reached
-- on a single stripe,
-- even if other stripes have idle connections available.
striping2 :: Word32,
-- |
-- The amount of time for which an unused connection is kept open.
-- The smallest acceptable value is 0.5 seconds.
connectionTimeout :: NominalDiffTime
-- |
-- Initialize a pool given a backend and settings
-- and run an IO computation with it,
-- while automating the resource management.
withPool :: Backend.Backend -> Settings -> (Pool -> IO a) -> IO a
withPool b s =
bracket acquire release
acquire =
pool <-
(Backend.connect b) (Backend.disconnect) (striping1 s)
(connectionTimeout s) (striping2 s)
return (Pool pool)
release (Pool pool) =
Pool.purgePool pool
-- * Error
-- |
-- The only exception type that this API can raise.
data Error =
-- |
-- Cannot connect to a server
-- or the connection got interrupted.
ConnectionError Text |
-- |
-- Attempt to parse a statement execution result into an incompatible type.
-- Indicates either a mismatching schema or an incorrect query.
ResultParsingError [Backend.Value] TypeRep |
-- |
-- A free-form backend-specific exception.
BackendError SomeException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Error
-- * Transaction
-- |
-- A transaction with a level @l@,
-- running on an anonymous state-thread @s@
-- and gaining a result @r@.
newtype T l s r =
T (CompositionT.T (ReaderT Backend.Connection IO) r)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-- |
-- Execute a transaction in a write mode (if 'True') using a connections pool.
-- * Automatically determines,
-- whether it's actually a transaction or just a single action
-- and executes accordingly.
-- * Automatically retries the transaction in case of a
-- 'Backend.TransactionError' exception.
-- * Rethrows all the other exceptions after wrapping them in 'Error'.
transaction :: Bool -> Pool -> (forall s. T l s r) -> IO r
transaction w (Pool p) (T t) =
e <-
try $ Pool.withResource p $
\c ->
case CompositionT.run t of
(False, r) ->
runReaderT r c
(True, r) ->
retry =
Backend.beginTransaction c w
e <- try $ runReaderT r c
case e of
Left (Backend.TransactionError) ->
Backend.finishTransaction c False
Left e ->
Backend.finishTransaction c False
throwIO e
Right r ->
Backend.finishTransaction c True
return r
case e of
Left (Backend.ConnectionError t) ->
throwIO (ConnectionError t)
Left (Backend.BackendError e) ->
throwIO (BackendError e)
Left (Backend.TransactionError) ->
$bug "Unexpected TransactionError"
Right r ->
return r
-- ** Levels
data Read
-- |
-- Execute a transaction on a connections pool.
-- Requires minimal locking from the database,
-- however you can only execute the \"SELECT\" statements in it.
-- The API ensures of that on the type-level.
read :: Pool -> (forall s. T Read s r) -> IO r
read = transaction False
data Write
-- |
-- Execute a transaction on a connections pool.
-- Allows to execute the \"SELECT\", \"UPDATE\", \"INSERT\"
-- and \"DELETE\" statements.
-- However, compared to 'read', this transaction requires the database to choose
-- a more resource-demanding locking strategy.
write :: Pool -> (forall s. T Write s r) -> IO r
write = transaction True
data Admin
-- |
-- Execute a transaction on a connections pool.
-- Same as 'write', but allows you to perform any kind of statements,
-- including \"CREATE\", \"DROP\" and \"ALTER\".
admin :: Pool -> (forall s. T Admin s r) -> IO r
admin = transaction True
-- ** Privileges
-- |
-- \"SELECT\"
class SelectPrivilege l where
-- |
-- Produce a results stream from a statement.
select ::
forall s r.
(Conversion.Row r, Typeable r) => Statement -> ResultsStream s (T l s) r
select (Statement bs vl) =
(w, s) <-
lift $ T $ lift $ do
Backend.Connection {..} <- ask
liftIO $ do
ps <- prepare bs
executeStreaming ps vl Nothing
l <- ResultsStream $ hoist (T . liftIO) $ replicateM w s
maybe (throwParsingError l (typeOf (undefined :: r))) return $ Conversion.fromRow l
throwParsingError vl t =
ResultsStream $ lift $ T $ liftIO $ throwIO $ ResultParsingError vl t
instance SelectPrivilege Read
instance SelectPrivilege Write
instance SelectPrivilege Admin
-- |
-- \"UPDATE\", \"INSERT\", \"DELETE\"
class UpdatePrivilege l where
-- |
-- Execute and count the amount of affected rows.
update :: Statement -> T l s Integer
update (Statement bs vl) =
T $ do
Backend.Connection {..} <- lift $ ask
liftIO $ do
ps <- prepare bs
executeCountingEffects ps vl
-- |
-- Execute and return the possibly auto-incremented number.
insert :: Statement -> T l s (Maybe Integer)
insert (Statement bs vl) =
T $ do
Backend.Connection {..} <- lift $ ask
liftIO $ do
ps <- prepare bs
executeIncrementing ps vl
instance UpdatePrivilege Write
instance UpdatePrivilege Admin
-- |
-- \"CREATE\", \"ALTER\", \"DROP\", \"TRUNCATE\"
class CreatePrivilege l where
create :: Statement -> T l s ()
create (Statement bs vl) =
T $ do
Backend.Connection {..} <- lift $ ask
liftIO $ do
ps <- prepare bs
execute ps vl
instance CreatePrivilege Admin
-- * Statement
data Statement =
Statement !ByteString ![Backend.Value]
deriving (Show)
-- * Results Stream
-- |
-- A stream of results,
-- which fetches only those that you reach.
-- It is implemented as a wrapper around 'ListT.ListT',
-- hence all the utility functions of the list transformer API
-- are applicable to this type.
-- It uses the same trick as 'ST' to become impossible to be run outside of
-- its transaction.
-- Hence you can only access it while remaining in a transaction,
-- and when the transaction finishes it safely gets automatically released.
newtype ResultsStream s m r =
ResultsStream (ListT.ListT m r)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadPlus,
Monoid, ListT.ListMonad, ListT.ListTrans)
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
module HighSQL.CompositionT where
import HighSQL.Prelude
-- |
-- A monad transformer,
-- which serves a purpose of detecting composition of the inner monad.
data T m r =
T Bool (m r)
-- |
-- Unwrap into a boolean signifying whether the base monad is a composition and
-- the base monad itself.
run :: T m r -> (Bool, m r)
run (T c m) = (c, m)
instance Monad m => Monad (T m) where
return a =
T False (return a)
(>>=) (T _ m) k =
T True (m >>= \a -> case k a of T _ m' -> m')
instance Functor f => Functor (T f) where
fmap f (T c m) = T c (fmap f m)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (T f) where
pure a =
T False (pure a)
(<*>) (T _ a) (T _ b) =
T True (a <*> b)
instance MonadTrans T where
lift m =
T False m
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (T m) where
liftIO io =
T False (liftIO io)
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- An open API for implementation of specific backend drivers.
module HighSQL.Conversion where
import HighSQL.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified HighSQL.Backend as Backend
-- * Value
class Value a where
toValue :: a -> Backend.Value
fromValue :: Backend.Value -> Maybe a
-- Generate standard instances using Template Haskell:
inst :: Name -> Dec
inst t =
InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT ''Value) (ConT t)) [d1, d2]
c =
mkName $ "Backend." ++ nameBase t
d1 =
FunD 'toValue [Clause [] (NormalB (ConE c)) []]
d2 =
FunD 'fromValue [c1, c2]
c1 =
Clause [p] (NormalB e) []
p = ConP c [VarP v]
v = mkName "a"
e = AppE (ConE 'Just) (VarE v)
c2 =
Clause [WildP] (NormalB (ConE 'Nothing)) []
mapM (return . inst)
[''NominalDiffTime, ''UTCTime, ''ZonedTime, ''TimeOfDay, ''LocalTime,
''Day, ''Rational, ''Double, ''Bool, ''Char, ''Integer, ''Int64, ''Int32,
''Word64, ''Word32, ''ByteString, ''Text]
instance Value String where
toValue = Backend.Text . Text.pack
fromValue = \case Backend.Text a -> Just (Text.unpack a); _ -> Nothing
instance Value Word where
toValue = Backend.Word64 . fromIntegral
fromValue = \case Backend.Word64 a -> Just (fromIntegral a); _ -> Nothing
instance Value Int where
toValue = Backend.Int64 . fromIntegral
fromValue = \case Backend.Int64 a -> Just (fromIntegral a); _ -> Nothing
instance Value a => Value (Maybe a) where
toValue = Backend.Maybe . fmap toValue
fromValue = \case Backend.Maybe a -> traverse fromValue a; _ -> Nothing
-- * Row
class Row r where
fromRow :: [Backend.Value] -> Maybe r
-- Generate tuple instaces using Template Haskell:
inst :: Int -> Dec
inst arity =
InstanceD constraints head [fromRowDec]
varNames =
[1 .. arity] >>= \i -> return (mkName ('_' : show i))
varTypes =
map VarT varNames
constraints =
map (ClassP ''Value . pure) varTypes
head =
AppT (ConT ''Row) (foldl AppT (TupleT arity) varTypes)
fromRowDec =
FunD 'fromRow [c1, c2]
c1 =
Clause [ListP (map VarP varNames)] (NormalB e) []
e =
foldQueue queue
con = ConE (tupleDataName arity)
queue =
(con :) $
(VarE '(<$>) :) $
intersperse (VarE '(<*>)) $
map (AppE (VarE 'fromValue) . VarE) varNames
foldQueue =
e : o : t -> UInfixE e o (foldQueue t)
e : [] -> e
_ -> $bug "Unexpected queue size"
c2 =
Clause [WildP] (NormalB (ConE 'Nothing)) []
mapM (return . inst) [2 .. 24]
-- Generate single-type instaces using Template Haskell:
inst :: Name -> Dec
inst n =
InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT ''Row) (ConT n)) [fromRowDec]
fromRowDec =
FunD 'fromRow [c1, c2]
c1 =
Clause [ListP [VarP v]] (NormalB e) []
v = mkName "a"
e = AppE (VarE 'fromValue) (VarE v)
c2 =
Clause [WildP] (NormalB (ConE 'Nothing)) []
mapM (return . inst)
[''NominalDiffTime, ''UTCTime, ''ZonedTime, ''TimeOfDay, ''LocalTime,
''Day, ''Rational, ''Double, ''Bool, ''Char, ''Integer, ''Int64,
''Int32, ''Word64, ''Word32, ''ByteString, ''Text]
instance Row () where
fromRow = \case [] -> Just (); _ -> Nothing
instance Row String where
fromRow = fmap Text.unpack . fromRow
instance Row Word where
fromRow = fmap (fromIntegral :: Word64 -> Word) . fromRow
instance Row Int where
fromRow = fmap (fromIntegral :: Int64 -> Int) . fromRow
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
module HighSQL.QQ where
import HighSQL.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import qualified HighSQL.QQ.Parser as Parser
import qualified HighSQL.API as API
import qualified HighSQL.Backend as Backend
import qualified HighSQL.Conversion as Conversion
-- |
-- Produces a lambda-expression,
-- which takes as many parameters as there are placeholders in the statement
-- and, depending on the statement kind, results in one of the following types:
-- [@SELECT@]
-- A stream of results, with 'API.T' as the inner monad:
-- @'API.ResultsStream' s ('API.T' l s) r@
-- [@INSERT@]
-- A transaction,
-- which returns the possibly auto-incremented value
-- (of the @id@ column typically):
-- @'API.T' l s (Maybe Integer)@
-- A transaction,
-- which returns the amount of affected rows:
-- @'API.T' l s Integer@
-- A unit transaction:
-- @'API.T' l s ()@
-- Example:
-- >write session $ do
-- > artistIDMaybe <- ListT.head $ [q| SELECT id FROM artists WHERE name = ? |] "Metallica"
-- > userIDMaybe <- ListT.head $ [q| SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = ? |] "Nikita Volkov"
-- > forM_ ((,) <$> artistIDMaybe <*> userIDMaybe) $ \(artistID, userID) ->
-- > [q| INSERT INTO artists_fans (artist_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?) |] artistID userID
-- Of course, the same thing can be implemented a bit smarter:
-- >write session $ sequence_ $ ListT.head $ do
-- > artistID <- [q| SELECT id FROM artists WHERE name = ? |] "Metallica"
-- > userID <- [q| SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = ? |] "Nikita Volkov"
-- > return $ [q| INSERT INTO artists_fans (artist_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?) |] artistID userID
-- In both examples above we execute a 'write' transaction,
-- in which we query two tables and insert a row into a third one.
q :: QuasiQuoter
q =
(const $ fail "Pattern context is not supported")
(const $ fail "Type context is not supported")
(const $ fail "Declaration context is not supported")
parseExp :: String -> Q Exp
parseExp s =
(k, n) <-
either (fail . (showString "Parsing failure: ")) return (Parser.parse (fromString s))
return $ fmapLamE (AppE (VarE (conName k))) (statementF s n)
conName =
Parser.Select -> 'API.select
Parser.Update -> 'API.update
Parser.Insert -> 'API.insert
Parser.Delete -> 'API.update
Parser.Create -> 'API.create
Parser.Alter -> 'API.create
Parser.Drop -> 'API.create
Parser.Truncate -> 'API.create
-- |
-- An expression of an arbitrary arg-length function,
-- which produces a "API.Statement".
statementF :: String -> Int -> Exp
statementF s n =
LamE pats exp
vars = map (mkName . ('_' :) . show) [1 .. n]
pats = map VarP vars
exp = AppE (AppE (ConE 'API.Statement) (LitE (StringL s))) (ListE exps)
exps = map (AppE (VarE 'Conversion.toValue) . VarE) vars
fmapLamE :: (Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Exp
fmapLamE f =
LamE pats exp -> LamE pats (f exp)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user