Detect the semicolons with the quasi-quoter

This commit is contained in:
Nikita Volkov 2014-11-30 00:15:34 +03:00
parent 6ce1f5ddb0
commit e13d21aa38

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@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ type Result =
parse :: Text -> Either String Result
parse =
parseOnly countPlaceholders
parseOnly $ flip execStateT 0 $
statement *>
(lift endOfInput <|>
(void (lift (char ';')) <* fail "A semicolon detected. Only single statements are allowed"))
countPlaceholders =
count <|> pure 0
count =
many $ void stringLit <|> void (notChar '?')
char '?'
fmap succ countPlaceholders
statement =
skipMany1 $
void (lift stringLit) <|>
void (lift (char '?') <* modify succ) <|>
void (lift (notChar ';'))
stringLit :: Parser Text
stringLit =