module Hasql.Private.Query where import Hasql.Prelude import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ import qualified Hasql.Private.IO as IO import qualified Hasql.Private.Connection as Connection import qualified Hasql.Decoders.Results as Decoders.Results import qualified Hasql.Encoders.Params as Encoders.Params -- | -- An abstraction over parametric queries. -- -- It is composable using -- the standard interfaces of the category theory, -- which it has instances of. -- E.g., here's how you can compose queries -- using the Arrow notation: -- -- @ -- -- | -- -- Given an Update query, -- -- which uses the \@fmap (> 0) 'Decoders.Results.rowsAffected'\@ decoder -- -- to detect, whether it had any effect, -- -- and an Insert query, -- -- produces a query which performs Upsert. -- composeUpsert :: Query a Bool -> Query a () -> Query a () -- composeUpsert update insert = -- proc params -> do -- updated <- update -< params -- if updated -- then 'returnA' -< () -- else insert -< params -- @ newtype Query a b = Query (Kleisli (ReaderT Connection.Connection (EitherT Decoders.Results.Error IO)) a b) deriving (Category, Arrow, ArrowChoice, ArrowLoop, ArrowApply) instance Functor (Query a) where {-# INLINE fmap #-} fmap = (^<<) instance Profunctor Query where {-# INLINE lmap #-} lmap = (^>>) {-# INLINE rmap #-} rmap = (^<<) statement :: ByteString -> Encoders.Params.Params a -> Decoders.Results.Results b -> Bool -> Query a b statement template encoder decoder preparable = Query $ Kleisli $ \params -> ReaderT $ \(Connection.Connection pqConnection integerDatetimes registry) -> do EitherT $ IO.sendParametricQuery pqConnection integerDatetimes registry template encoder preparable params EitherT $ IO.getResults pqConnection integerDatetimes decoder