2014-08-05 15:25:53 +04:00

152 lines
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-- |
-- An open API for implementation of specific backend drivers.
module HighSQL.Backend where
import HighSQL.Prelude hiding (Error)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
data Backend =
Backend {
connect :: IO Connection
data Connection =
forall s.
Connection {
-- |
-- Start a transaction in a write mode if the flag is true.
beginTransaction :: Bool -> IO (),
-- |
-- Finish the transaction,
-- while releasing all the resources acquired with 'executeAndStream'.
-- The boolean defines whether to commit the updates,
-- otherwise it rolls back.
finishTransaction :: Bool -> IO (),
-- |
-- Compile a statement with placeholders.
prepare :: ByteString -> IO s,
-- |
-- Execute a statement with values for placeholders
execute :: s -> [Value] -> IO Int,
-- |
-- Execute a statement with values and an expected results stream size.
-- The expected stream size can be used by the backend to determine
-- an optimal fetching method.
executeAndStream :: s -> [Value] -> Int -> IO ResultSet,
-- |
-- Close the connection.
disconnect :: IO ()
data Error =
-- |
-- A transaction failed and should be retried.
TransactionError |
-- |
-- Cannot connect to a server
-- or the connection got interrupted.
ConnectionError Text |
-- |
-- A free-form backend-specific exception.
BackendError SomeException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Error
-- |
-- A row width and a stream of values.
-- The length of the stream must be a multiple of the row width.
type ResultSet =
(Int, ListT IO Value)
-- * Value
data Value =
Value_Text !Text |
Value_ByteString !ByteString |
Value_Word32 !Word32 |
Value_Word64 !Word64 |
Value_Int32 !Int32 |
Value_Int64 !Int64 |
Value_Integer !Integer |
Value_Char !Char |
Value_Bool !Bool |
Value_Double !Double |
Value_Rational !Rational |
Value_Day !Day |
Value_LocalTime !LocalTime |
Value_TimeOfDay !TimeOfDay |
Value_ZonedTime !ZonedTime |
Value_UTCTime !UTCTime |
Value_NominalDiffTime !NominalDiffTime |
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
class ValueConversion a where
toValue :: a -> Value
fromValue :: Value -> Maybe a
-- Generate standard instances using Template Haskell:
assocs =
(''NominalDiffTime, 'Value_NominalDiffTime),
(''UTCTime, 'Value_UTCTime),
(''ZonedTime, 'Value_ZonedTime),
(''TimeOfDay, 'Value_TimeOfDay),
(''LocalTime, 'Value_LocalTime),
(''Day, 'Value_Day),
(''Rational, 'Value_Rational),
(''Double, 'Value_Double),
(''Bool, 'Value_Bool),
(''Char, 'Value_Char),
(''Integer, 'Value_Integer),
(''Int64, 'Value_Int64),
(''Int32, 'Value_Int32),
(''Word64, 'Value_Word64),
(''Word32, 'Value_Word32),
(''ByteString, 'Value_ByteString),
(''Text, 'Value_Text)
inst :: TH.Name -> TH.Name -> TH.Dec
inst t c =
TH.InstanceD [] (TH.AppT (TH.ConT ''ValueConversion) (TH.ConT t)) [d1, d2]
d1 =
TH.FunD 'toValue [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB (TH.ConE c)) []]
d2 =
TH.FunD 'fromValue [c1, c2]
c1 =
TH.Clause [p] (TH.NormalB e) []
p = TH.ConP c [TH.VarP v]
v = TH.mkName "a"
e = TH.AppE (TH.ConE 'Just) (TH.VarE v)
c2 =
TH.Clause [TH.WildP] (TH.NormalB (TH.ConE 'Nothing)) []
in return $ map (uncurry inst) assocs
instance ValueConversion String where
toValue = Value_Text . Text.pack
fromValue = \case Value_Text a -> Just (Text.unpack a); _ -> Nothing
instance ValueConversion Word where
toValue = Value_Word64 . fromIntegral
fromValue = \case Value_Word64 a -> Just (fromIntegral a); _ -> Nothing
instance ValueConversion Int where
toValue = Value_Int64 . fromIntegral
fromValue = \case Value_Int64 a -> Just (fromIntegral a); _ -> Nothing