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-- You can execute this file with 'cabal bench demo'.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_, mapM_, forM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Foldable
-- Import the API from the "hasql" library
import qualified Hasql as H
-- Import the backend API from the "hasql-postgres" library
import qualified Hasql.Postgres as HP
main = do
let postgresSettings = HP.ParamSettings "localhost" 5432 "postgres" "" "postgres"
-- Prepare the pool settings with a smart constructor,
-- which checks the inputted values on correctness.
-- Set the connection pool size to 6 and the timeout to 30 seconds.
poolSettings <- maybe (fail "Improper session settings") return $
H.poolSettings 6 30
-- Acquire the database connections pool.
-- Gotta help the compiler with the type signature of the pool a bit.
pool :: H.Pool HP.Postgres
<- H.acquirePool postgresSettings poolSettings
-- Provide a context for execution of transactions.
-- 'Session' is merely a convenience wrapper around 'ReaderT'.
H.session pool $ do
-- Execute a group of statements without any locking and ACID guarantees:
H.tx Nothing $ do
H.unitTx [H.stmt|DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a|]
H.unitTx [H.stmt|CREATE TABLE a (id SERIAL NOT NULL, balance INT8, PRIMARY KEY (id))|]
-- Insert three rows:
replicateM_ 3 $ do
H.unitTx [H.stmt|INSERT INTO a (balance) VALUES (0)|]
-- Declare a list of transfer settings, which we'll later use.
-- The tuple structure is:
-- @(withdrawalAccountID, arrivalAccountID, amount)@
let transfers :: [(Int, Int, Int)] =
[(1, 2, 20), (2, 1, 30), (2, 3, 100)]
forM_ transfers $ \(id1, id2, amount) -> do
-- Run a transaction with ACID guarantees.
-- Hasql will automatically roll it back and retry it in case of conflicts.
H.tx (Just (H.Serializable, (Just True))) $ do
-- Use MaybeT to handle empty results:
runMaybeT $ do
-- To distinguish results rows containing just one column,
-- we use 'Identity' as a sort of a single element tuple.
Identity balance1 <- MaybeT $ H.maybeTx $ [H.stmt|SELECT balance FROM a WHERE id=?|] id1
Identity balance2 <- MaybeT $ H.maybeTx $ [H.stmt|SELECT balance FROM a WHERE id=?|] id2
lift $ H.unitTx $ [H.stmt|UPDATE a SET balance=? WHERE id=?|] (balance1 - amount) id1
lift $ H.unitTx $ [H.stmt|UPDATE a SET balance=? WHERE id=?|] (balance2 + amount) id2
-- Output all the updated rows:
-- Unfortunately in this case there's no way to infer the type of the results,
-- so we need to specify it explicitly:
rows <- H.tx Nothing $ H.vectorTx $ [H.stmt|SELECT * FROM a|]
forM_ rows $ \(id :: Int, amount :: Int) -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ID: " ++ show id ++ ", Amount: " ++ show amount
-- Release all previously acquired resources. Just for fun.
H.releasePool pool