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module Hasql.Transaction where
import Hasql.Prelude hiding (Read, Write, Error)
import Hasql.Backend (Backend)
import Hasql.RowParser (RowParser)
import qualified Hasql.Backend as Backend
import qualified Hasql.RowParser as RowParser
import qualified ListT
-- |
-- A transaction specialized for backend @b@,
-- running on an anonymous state-thread @s@
-- and producing a result @r@.
newtype Transaction b s r =
Transaction (ReaderT (Backend.Connection b) IO r)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
type Mode =
Maybe (Backend.IsolationLevel, Bool)
txIO ::
Backend b =>
Mode -> Backend.Connection b -> (forall s. Transaction b s r) -> IO r
txIO mode connection (Transaction reader) =
handle backendHandler $
maybe (const id) (inTransaction) mode
(runReaderT reader connection)
inTransaction ::
Backend b =>
Backend.TransactionMode -> Backend.Connection b -> IO r -> IO r
inTransaction mode c io =
Backend.beginTransaction mode c
try io >>= \case
Left Backend.TransactionConflict -> do
Backend.finishTransaction False c
inTransaction mode c io
Left e -> throwIO e
Right r -> do
Backend.finishTransaction True c
return r
backendHandler :: Backend.Error -> IO a
backendHandler =
Backend.CantConnect t -> throwIO $ CantConnect t
Backend.ConnectionLost t -> throwIO $ ConnectionLost t
Backend.UnexpectedResultStructure t -> throwIO $ UnexpectedResultStructure t
Backend.TransactionConflict -> $bug "Unexpected TransactionConflict exception"
-- * Results Stream
-- |
-- A stream of results,
-- which fetches only those that you reach.
-- It is implemented as a wrapper around 'ListT.ListT',
-- hence all the utility functions of the list transformer API
-- are applicable to this type.
-- It uses the same trick as 'ST' to become impossible to be
-- executed outside of its transaction.
-- Therefore you can only access it while remaining in a transaction,
-- and, when the transaction finishes,
-- all the acquired resources get automatically released.
type ResultsStream b s r =
TransactionListT s (Transaction b s) r
newtype TransactionListT s m r =
TransactionListT (ListT.ListT m r)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadPlus,
Monoid, ListT.ListMonad)
instance ListT.ListTrans (TransactionListT s) where
uncons =
(ListT.uncons :: ListT.ListT m r -> m (Maybe (r, ListT.ListT m r)))
-- * Error
-- |
-- The only exception type that this API can raise.
data Error =
-- |
-- Cannot connect to a server.
CantConnect Text |
-- |
-- The connection got interrupted.
ConnectionLost Text |
-- |
-- Unexpected result structure.
-- Indicates usage of inappropriate statement executor.
UnexpectedResultStructure Text |
-- |
-- Attempt to parse a statement execution result into an incompatible type.
-- Indicates either a mismatching schema or an incorrect query.
ResultParsingError Text
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Error
-- * Transactions
type StatementTx b s r =
Backend b =>
Backend.Statement b -> Transaction b s r
-- |
-- Execute a statement, which produces no result.
unitTx :: StatementTx b s ()
unitTx s =
Transaction $ ReaderT $ Backend.execute s
-- |
-- Execute a statement and count the amount of affected rows.
-- Useful for resolving how many rows were updated or deleted.
countTx :: (Backend.Mapping b Word64) => StatementTx b s Word64
countTx s =
Transaction $ ReaderT $ Backend.executeAndCountEffects s
-- |
-- Execute a statement,
-- which produces a results stream:
-- a @SELECT@ or an @INSERT@,
-- which produces a generated value (e.g., an auto-incremented id).
streamTx :: RowParser b r => StatementTx b s (ResultsStream b s r)
streamTx s =
Transaction $ ReaderT $ \c -> do
fmap hoistBackendStream $ Backend.executeAndStream s c
-- |
-- Execute a @SELECT@ statement
-- and produce a results stream,
-- which utilizes a database cursor.
-- This function allows you to fetch virtually limitless results in a constant memory.
cursorStreamTx :: (RowParser b r) => StatementTx b s (ResultsStream b s r)
cursorStreamTx s =
Transaction $ ReaderT $ \c -> do
fmap hoistBackendStream $ Backend.executeAndStreamWithCursor s c
-- * Helpers
hoistBackendStream :: RowParser b r => Backend.ResultsStream b -> ResultsStream b s r
hoistBackendStream (w, s) =
TransactionListT $ hoist (Transaction . lift) $ do
row <- ($ s) $ ListT.slice $ fromMaybe ($bug "Invalid row width") $ ListT.positive w
either (lift . throwIO . ResultParsingError) return $ RowParser.parse row