Nikita Volkov 7f1c0cfb9b Revert "Migrate to new text-builder"
This reverts commit d9bf8c8cea.
2021-11-02 10:26:35 +03:00

372 lines
9.7 KiB

A DSL for declaration of query parameter encoders.
module Hasql.Private.Encoders
import Hasql.Private.Prelude hiding (bool)
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as A
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Data as B
import qualified Text.Builder as C
import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Params as Params
import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Value as Value
import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Array as Array
import qualified Hasql.Private.PTI as PTI
import qualified Hasql.Private.Prelude as Prelude
-- * Parameters Product Encoder
Encoder of some representation of a parameters product.
Has instances of 'Contravariant', 'Divisible' and 'Monoid',
which you can use to compose multiple parameters together.
someParamsEncoder :: 'Params' (Int64, Maybe Text)
someParamsEncoder =
('fst' '>$<' 'param' ('nonNullable' 'int8')) '<>'
('snd' '>$<' 'param' ('nullable' 'text'))
As a general solution for tuples of any arity, instead of 'fst' and 'snd',
consider the functions of the @contrazip@ family
from the \"contravariant-extras\" package.
E.g., here's how you can achieve the same as the above:
someParamsEncoder :: 'Params' (Int64, Maybe Text)
someParamsEncoder =
'contrazip2' ('param' ('nonNullable' 'int8')) ('param' ('nullable' 'text'))
Here's how you can implement encoders for custom composite types:
data Person = Person { name :: Text, gender :: Gender, age :: Int }
data Gender = Male | Female
personParams :: 'Params' Person
personParams =
(name '>$<' 'param' ('nonNullable' 'text')) '<>'
(gender '>$<' 'param' ('nonNullable' genderValue)) '<>'
('fromIntegral' . age '>$<' 'param' ('nonNullable' 'int8'))
genderValue :: 'Value' Gender
genderValue = 'enum' genderText 'text' where
genderText gender = case gender of
Male -> "male"
Female -> "female"
newtype Params a = Params (Params.Params a)
deriving (Contravariant, Divisible, Decidable, Monoid, Semigroup)
No parameters. Same as `mempty` and `conquered`.
noParams :: Params ()
noParams = mempty
Lift a single parameter encoder, with its nullability specified,
associating it with a single placeholder.
param :: NullableOrNot Value a -> Params a
param = \ case
NonNullable (Value valueEnc) -> Params (Params.value valueEnc)
Nullable (Value valueEnc) -> Params (Params.nullableValue valueEnc)
-- * Nullability
Extensional specification of nullability over a generic encoder.
data NullableOrNot encoder a where
NonNullable :: encoder a -> NullableOrNot encoder a
Nullable :: encoder a -> NullableOrNot encoder (Maybe a)
Specify that an encoder produces a non-nullable value.
nonNullable :: encoder a -> NullableOrNot encoder a
nonNullable = NonNullable
Specify that an encoder produces a nullable value.
nullable :: encoder a -> NullableOrNot encoder (Maybe a)
nullable = Nullable
-- * Value
Value encoder.
newtype Value a = Value (Value.Value a)
deriving (Contravariant)
Encoder of @BOOL@ values.
{-# INLINABLE bool #-}
bool :: Value Bool
bool = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.bool (const A.bool))
Encoder of @INT2@ values.
{-# INLINABLE int2 #-}
int2 :: Value Int16
int2 = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.int2 (const A.int2_int16))
Encoder of @INT4@ values.
{-# INLINABLE int4 #-}
int4 :: Value Int32
int4 = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.int4 (const A.int4_int32))
Encoder of @INT8@ values.
{-# INLINABLE int8 #-}
int8 :: Value Int64
int8 = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.int8 (const A.int8_int64))
Encoder of @FLOAT4@ values.
{-# INLINABLE float4 #-}
float4 :: Value Float
float4 = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.float4 (const A.float4))
Encoder of @FLOAT8@ values.
{-# INLINABLE float8 #-}
float8 :: Value Double
float8 = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.float8 (const A.float8))
Encoder of @NUMERIC@ values.
{-# INLINABLE numeric #-}
numeric :: Value B.Scientific
numeric = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.numeric (const A.numeric))
Encoder of @CHAR@ values.
Note that it supports Unicode values and
identifies itself under the @TEXT@ OID because of that.
{-# INLINABLE char #-}
char :: Value Char
char = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.text (const A.char_utf8))
Encoder of @TEXT@ values.
{-# INLINABLE text #-}
text :: Value Text
text = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.text (const A.text_strict))
Encoder of @BYTEA@ values.
{-# INLINABLE bytea #-}
bytea :: Value ByteString
bytea = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.bytea (const A.bytea_strict))
Encoder of @DATE@ values.
{-# INLINABLE date #-}
date :: Value B.Day
date = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.date (const A.date))
Encoder of @TIMESTAMP@ values.
{-# INLINABLE timestamp #-}
timestamp :: Value B.LocalTime
timestamp = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.timestamp (Prelude.bool A.timestamp_float A.timestamp_int))
Encoder of @TIMESTAMPTZ@ values.
{-# INLINABLE timestamptz #-}
timestamptz :: Value B.UTCTime
timestamptz = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.timestamptz (Prelude.bool A.timestamptz_float A.timestamptz_int))
Encoder of @TIME@ values.
{-# INLINABLE time #-}
time :: Value B.TimeOfDay
time = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.time (Prelude.bool A.time_float A.time_int))
Encoder of @TIMETZ@ values.
{-# INLINABLE timetz #-}
timetz :: Value (B.TimeOfDay, B.TimeZone)
timetz = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.timetz (Prelude.bool A.timetz_float A.timetz_int))
Encoder of @INTERVAL@ values.
{-# INLINABLE interval #-}
interval :: Value B.DiffTime
interval = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.interval (Prelude.bool A.interval_float A.interval_int))
Encoder of @UUID@ values.
{-# INLINABLE uuid #-}
uuid :: Value B.UUID
uuid = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.uuid (const A.uuid))
Encoder of @INET@ values.
{-# INLINABLE inet #-}
inet :: Value (B.NetAddr B.IP)
inet = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.inet (const A.inet))
Encoder of @JSON@ values from JSON AST.
{-# INLINABLE json #-}
json :: Value B.Value
json = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.json (const A.json_ast))
Encoder of @JSON@ values from raw JSON.
{-# INLINABLE jsonBytes #-}
jsonBytes :: Value ByteString
jsonBytes = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.json (const A.json_bytes))
Encoder of @JSONB@ values from JSON AST.
{-# INLINABLE jsonb #-}
jsonb :: Value B.Value
jsonb = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.jsonb (const A.jsonb_ast))
Encoder of @JSONB@ values from raw JSON.
{-# INLINABLE jsonbBytes #-}
jsonbBytes :: Value ByteString
jsonbBytes = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.jsonb (const A.jsonb_bytes))
Given a function,
which maps a value into a textual enum label used on the DB side,
produces an encoder of that value.
{-# INLINABLE enum #-}
enum :: (a -> Text) -> Value a
enum mapping = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.text (const (A.text_strict . mapping)) (C.text . mapping))
Identifies the value with the PostgreSQL's \"unknown\" type,
thus leaving it up to Postgres to infer the actual type of the value.
The value transimitted is any value encoded in the Postgres' Text data format.
For reference, see the
<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/protocol-overview.html#protocol-format-codes Formats and Format Codes>
section of the Postgres' documentation.
{-# INLINABLE unknown #-}
unknown :: Value ByteString
unknown = Value (Value.unsafePTIWithShow PTI.unknown (const A.bytea_strict))
Lift an array encoder into a parameter encoder.
array :: Array a -> Value a
array (Array (Array.Array valueOID arrayOID arrayEncoder renderer)) = let
encoder env input = A.array (PTI.oidWord32 valueOID) (arrayEncoder env input)
in Value (Value.Value arrayOID arrayOID encoder renderer)
Lift a value encoder of element into a unidimensional array encoder of a foldable value.
This function is merely a shortcut to the following expression:
('array' . 'dimension' 'foldl'' . 'element')
You can use it like this:
vectorOfInts :: Value (Vector Int64)
vectorOfInts = 'foldableArray' ('nonNullable' 'int8')
Please notice that in case of multidimensional arrays nesting 'foldableArray' encoder
won't work. You have to explicitly construct the array encoder using 'array'.
{-# INLINE foldableArray #-}
foldableArray :: Foldable foldable => NullableOrNot Value element -> Value (foldable element)
foldableArray = array . dimension foldl' . element
-- * Array
Generic array encoder.
Here's an example of its usage:
someParamsEncoder :: 'Params' [[Int64]]
someParamsEncoder = 'param' ('nonNullable' ('array' ('dimension' 'foldl'' ('dimension' 'foldl'' ('element' ('nonNullable' 'int8'))))))
Please note that the PostgreSQL @IN@ keyword does not accept an array, but rather a syntactical list of
values, thus this encoder is not suited for that. Use a @value = ANY($1)@ condition instead.
newtype Array a = Array (Array.Array a)
deriving (Contravariant)
Lifts a 'Value' encoder into an 'Array' encoder.
element :: NullableOrNot Value a -> Array a
element = \ case
NonNullable (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encoder renderer)) ->
Array (Array.value elementOID arrayOID encoder renderer)
Nullable (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encoder renderer)) ->
Array (Array.nullableValue elementOID arrayOID encoder renderer)
Encoder of an array dimension,
which thus provides support for multidimensional arrays.
* An implementation of the left-fold operation,
such as @Data.Foldable.'foldl''@,
which determines the input value.
* A component encoder, which can be either another 'dimension' or 'element'.
{-# INLINABLE dimension #-}
dimension :: (forall a. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> c -> a) -> Array b -> Array c
dimension foldl (Array imp) = Array (Array.dimension foldl imp)