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module Hasql.Private.Decoders.Result where
import Hasql.Private.Prelude hiding (maybe, many)
import Hasql.Private.Errors
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ
import qualified Hasql.Private.Decoders.Row as Row
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Attoparsec
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Hasql.Private.Prelude as Prelude
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MutableVector
newtype Result a =
Result (ReaderT (Bool, LibPQ.Result) (ExceptT ResultError IO) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
{-# INLINE run #-}
run :: Result a -> (Bool, LibPQ.Result) -> IO (Either ResultError a)
run (Result reader) env =
runExceptT (runReaderT reader env)
{-# INLINE noResult #-}
noResult :: Result ()
noResult =
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.CommandOk -> True
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
{-# INLINE rowsAffected #-}
rowsAffected :: Result Int64
rowsAffected =
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.CommandOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(_, result) -> ExceptT $
LibPQ.cmdTuples result & fmap cmdTuplesReader
cmdTuplesReader =
notNothing >=> notEmpty >=> decimal
notNothing =
Prelude.maybe (Left (UnexpectedResult "No bytes")) Right
notEmpty bytes =
if ByteString.null bytes
then Left (UnexpectedResult "Empty bytes")
else Right bytes
decimal bytes =
mapLeft (\m -> UnexpectedResult ("Decimal parsing failure: " <> fromString m)) $
Attoparsec.parseOnly (Attoparsec.decimal <* Attoparsec.endOfInput) bytes
{-# INLINE checkExecStatus #-}
checkExecStatus :: (LibPQ.ExecStatus -> Bool) -> Result ()
checkExecStatus predicate =
{-# SCC "checkExecStatus" #-}
status <- Result $ ReaderT $ \(_, result) -> lift $ LibPQ.resultStatus result
unless (predicate status) $ do
case status of
LibPQ.BadResponse -> serverError
LibPQ.NonfatalError -> serverError
LibPQ.FatalError -> serverError
_ -> Result $ lift $ ExceptT $ pure $ Left $ UnexpectedResult $ "Unexpected result status: " <> (fromString $ show status)
{-# INLINE serverError #-}
serverError :: Result ()
serverError =
Result $ ReaderT $ \(_, result) -> ExceptT $ do
code <-
fmap fold $
LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagSqlstate
message <-
fmap fold $
LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagMessagePrimary
detail <-
LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagMessageDetail
hint <-
LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagMessageHint
pure $ Left $ ServerError code message detail hint
{-# INLINE maybe #-}
maybe :: Row.Row a -> Result (Maybe a)
maybe rowDec =
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(integerDatetimes, result) -> ExceptT $ do
maxRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
case maxRows of
0 -> return (Right Nothing)
1 -> do
maxCols <- LibPQ.nfields result
let fromRowError (col, err) = RowError 0 col err
fmap (fmap Just . mapLeft fromRowError) $ Row.run rowDec (result, 0, maxCols, integerDatetimes)
_ -> return (Left (UnexpectedAmountOfRows (rowToInt maxRows)))
rowToInt (LibPQ.Row n) =
fromIntegral n
intToRow =
LibPQ.Row . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE single #-}
single :: Row.Row a -> Result a
single rowDec =
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(integerDatetimes, result) -> ExceptT $ do
maxRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
case maxRows of
1 -> do
maxCols <- LibPQ.nfields result
let fromRowError (col, err) = RowError 0 col err
fmap (mapLeft fromRowError) $ Row.run rowDec (result, 0, maxCols, integerDatetimes)
_ -> return (Left (UnexpectedAmountOfRows (rowToInt maxRows)))
rowToInt (LibPQ.Row n) =
fromIntegral n
intToRow =
LibPQ.Row . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE vector #-}
vector :: Row.Row a -> Result (Vector a)
vector rowDec =
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(integerDatetimes, result) -> ExceptT $ do
maxRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
maxCols <- LibPQ.nfields result
mvector <- MutableVector.unsafeNew (rowToInt maxRows)
failureRef <- newIORef Nothing
forMFromZero_ (rowToInt maxRows) $ \rowIndex -> do
rowResult <- Row.run rowDec (result, intToRow rowIndex, maxCols, integerDatetimes)
case rowResult of
Left !(!colIndex,!x) -> writeIORef failureRef (Just (RowError rowIndex colIndex x))
Right !x -> MutableVector.unsafeWrite mvector rowIndex x
readIORef failureRef >>= \case
Nothing -> Right <$> Vector.unsafeFreeze mvector
Just x -> pure (Left x)
rowToInt (LibPQ.Row n) =
fromIntegral n
intToRow =
LibPQ.Row . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE foldl #-}
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Row.Row b -> Result a
foldl step init rowDec =
{-# SCC "foldl" #-}
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(integerDatetimes, result) -> ExceptT $ {-# SCC "traversal" #-} do
maxRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
maxCols <- LibPQ.nfields result
accRef <- newIORef init
failureRef <- newIORef Nothing
forMFromZero_ (rowToInt maxRows) $ \rowIndex -> do
rowResult <- Row.run rowDec (result, intToRow rowIndex, maxCols, integerDatetimes)
case rowResult of
Left !(!colIndex,!x) -> writeIORef failureRef (Just (RowError rowIndex colIndex x))
Right !x -> modifyIORef' accRef (\acc -> step acc x)
readIORef failureRef >>= \case
Nothing -> Right <$> readIORef accRef
Just x -> pure (Left x)
rowToInt (LibPQ.Row n) =
fromIntegral n
intToRow =
LibPQ.Row . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> Row.Row b -> Result a
foldr step init rowDec =
{-# SCC "foldr" #-}
checkExecStatus $ \case
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> True
_ -> False
Result $ ReaderT $ \(integerDatetimes, result) -> ExceptT $ do
maxRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
maxCols <- LibPQ.nfields result
accRef <- newIORef init
failureRef <- newIORef Nothing
forMToZero_ (rowToInt maxRows) $ \rowIndex -> do
rowResult <- Row.run rowDec (result, intToRow rowIndex, maxCols, integerDatetimes)
case rowResult of
Left !(!colIndex,!x) -> writeIORef failureRef (Just (RowError rowIndex colIndex x))
Right !x -> modifyIORef accRef (\acc -> step x acc)
readIORef failureRef >>= \case
Nothing -> Right <$> readIORef accRef
Just x -> pure (Left x)
rowToInt (LibPQ.Row n) =
fromIntegral n
intToRow =
LibPQ.Row . fromIntegral