# disko - Declarative disk partitioning Project logo [Documentation Index](./docs/INDEX.md) NixOS is a Linux distribution where everything is described as code, with one exception: during installation, the disk partitioning and formatting are manual steps. **disko** aims to correct this sad 🤡 omission. This is especially useful for unattended installations, re-installation after a system crash or for setting up more than one identical server. ## Overview **disko** can either be used after booting from a Nixos installer, or in conjunction with [nixos-anywhere](https://github.com/numtide/nixos-anywhere) if you're installing remotely. Before using **disko**, the specifications of the disks, partitions, type of formatting and the mount points must be defined in a Nix configuration. You can find [examples](./example) of typical configurations in the Nix community repository, and use one of these as the basis of your own configuration. You can keep your configuration and re-use it for other installations, or for a system rebuild. **disko** is flexible, in that it supports most of the common formatting and partitioning options, including: - Disk layouts: GPT, MBR, and mixed. - Partition tools: LVM, mdadm, LUKS, and more. - Filesystems: ext4, btrfs, ZFS, bcachefs, tmpfs, and others. It can work with these in various configurations and orders, and supports recursive layouts. ## How to use disko Disko doesn't require installation: it can be run directly from nix-community repository. The [Quickstart Guide](./docs/quickstart.md) documents how to run Disko in its simplest form when installing NixOS. For information on other use cases, including upgrading from an older version of **disko**, using **disko** without NixOS and downloading the module, see the [How To Guide](./docs/quickstart.md) For more detailed options, such as command line switches, see the [Reference Guide](./docs/reference.md) To access sample configurations for commonly-used disk layouts, refer to the [examples](./examples) provided. ## Sample Configuration and CLI command A simple disko configuration may look like this: ``` { disks ? [ "/dev/vdb" ], ... }: { disk = {  vdb = {   device = builtins.elemAt disks 0;   type = "disk";   content = {    type = "table";    format = "gpt";    partitions = [     {      type = "partition";      name = "ESP";      start = "1MiB";      end = "100MiB";      bootable = true;      content = {       type = "filesystem";       format = "vfat";       mountpoint = "/boot";      };     }     {      name = "root";      type = "partition";      start = "100MiB";      end = "100%";      part-type = "primary";      bootable = true;      content = {       type = "filesystem";       format = "ext4";       mountpoint = "/";      };     }    ];   };  }; }; } ``` If you'd saved this configuration in /tmp/disko-config.nix , and wanted to create a disk named /dev/nvme0n1, you would run the following command to partition, format and mount the disk. $ sudo nix run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode zap_create_mount /tmp/disko-config.nix --arg disks '[ "/dev/nvme0n1" ]' ## Related Tools This tool is used by [nixos-anywhere](https://github.com/numtide/nixos-anywhere), which carries out a fully-automated remote install of NixOS. We also acknowledge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpart, the conceptual ancestor of this project. ## Licensing and Contribution details This software is provided free under the [MIT Licence](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). If you would like to become a contributor, please see our [contribution guidelines.](https://github.com/numtide/docs/contribution-guidelines.md) --- This project is supported by [Numtide](https://numtide.com/).  ![Untitledpng](https://codahosted.io/docs/6FCIMTRM0p/blobs/bl-sgSunaXYWX/077f3f9d7d76d6a228a937afa0658292584dedb5b852a8ca370b6c61dabb7872b7f617e603f1793928dc5410c74b3e77af21a89e435fa71a681a868d21fd1f599dd10a647dd855e14043979f1df7956f67c3260c0442e24b34662307204b83ea34de929d)     We are a team of independent freelancers that love open source.  We help our customers make their project lifecycles more efficient by: - Providing and supporting useful tools such as this one - Building and deploying infrastructure, and offering dedicated DevOps support - Building their in-house Nix skills, and integrating Nix with their workflows - Developing additional features and tools - Carrying out custom research and development. [Contact us](https://numtide.com/contact) if you have a project in mind, or if you need help with any of our supported tools, including this one. We'd love to hear from you.