Maximilian Bosch 6ad5c9c17c module: use defaultText to not depend on the configuration when building the manual
I do build my workstation with `documentation.nixos.includeAllModules`
to also have private modules and external stuff in my local options'

Not sure why exactly this breaks with

    error: attribute 'loader' missing

    at /nix/store/h6qicay9fgggx9nf6apdl6zkdpdp28xx-source/module.nix:46:19:

        45|         type = lib.types.bool;
        46|         default = config.boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable || config.boot.loader.grub.efiSupport;
          |                   ^
        47|       };

but using defaultText is the usual fix that also works here.
2023-10-13 20:57:40 +00:00

101 lines
3.5 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, extendModules, ... }@args:
diskoLib = import ./lib {
inherit lib;
rootMountPoint = config.disko.rootMountPoint;
makeTest = import (pkgs.path + "/nixos/tests/make-test-python.nix");
eval-config = import (pkgs.path + "/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix");
cfg = config.disko;
options.disko = {
devices = lib.mkOption {
type = diskoLib.toplevel;
default = { };
description = "The devices to set up";
rootMountPoint = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = "/mnt";
description = "Where the device tree should be mounted by the mountScript";
enableConfig = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
configure nixos with the specified devices
should be true if the system is booted with those devices
should be false on an installer image etc.
type = lib.types.bool;
default = true;
checkScripts = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
Whether to run shellcheck on script outputs
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
tests = {
efi = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
Whether efi is enabled for the `system.build.installTest`.
We try to automatically detect efi based on the configured bootloader.
type = lib.types.bool;
defaultText = "config.boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable || config.boot.loader.grub.efiSupport";
default = config.boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable || config.boot.loader.grub.efiSupport;
extraChecks = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
extra checks to run in the `system.build.installTest`.
type = lib.types.lines;
default = "";
example = ''
machine.succeed("test -e /var/secrets/my.secret")
extraConfig = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
Extra NixOS config for your test. Can be used to specify a different luks key for tests.
A dummy key is in /tmp/secret.key
default = { };
config = lib.mkIf (cfg.devices.disk != { }) {
system.build = (cfg.devices._scripts { inherit pkgs; checked = cfg.checkScripts; }) // {
# we keep these old outputs for compatibility
disko = builtins.trace "the .disko output is deprecated, please use .diskoScript instead" (cfg.devices._scripts pkgs).diskoScript;
diskoNoDeps = builtins.trace "the .diskoNoDeps output is deprecated, please use .diskoScriptNoDeps instead" (cfg.devices._scripts pkgs).diskoScriptNoDeps;
diskoImages = diskoLib.makeDiskImages {
nixosConfig = args;
diskoImagesScript = diskoLib.makeDiskImagesScript {
nixosConfig = args;
installTest = diskoLib.testLib.makeDiskoTest {
inherit extendModules pkgs;
name = "${config.networking.hostName}-disko";
disko-config = builtins.removeAttrs config [ "_module" ];
testMode = "direct";
efi = cfg.tests.efi;
extraSystemConfig = cfg.tests.extraConfig;
extraTestScript = cfg.tests.extraChecks;
# we need to specify the keys here, so we don't get an infinite recursion error
# Remember to add config keys here if they are added to types
fileSystems = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig cfg.devices._config.fileSystems or { };
boot = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig cfg.devices._config.boot or { };
swapDevices = lib.mkIf cfg.enableConfig cfg.devices._config.swapDevices or [ ];