Andrew Marshall 2d7d77878c Implement preMountHook & postMountHook
These options previously existed but had no effect. Now they are
implemented. They only affect mount during disko’s filesystem creation,
not during any later mounts.

Adding test case to existing “complex” example and test mostly because
couldn’t think of any better place to put it.
2023-11-12 09:36:50 +00:00

597 lines
20 KiB

{ lib ? import <nixpkgs/lib>
, rootMountPoint ? "/mnt"
, makeTest ? import <nixpkgs/nixos/tests/make-test-python.nix>
, eval-config ? import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix>
with lib;
with builtins;
outputs = import ../default.nix { inherit lib diskoLib; };
diskoLib = {
# like make-disk-image.nix from nixpkgs, but with disko config
makeDiskImages = args: (import ./make-disk-image.nix ({ inherit diskoLib; } // args)).pure;
# a version of makeDiskImage which runs outside of the store
makeDiskImagesScript = args: (import ./make-disk-image.nix ({ inherit diskoLib; } // args)).impure;
testLib = import ./tests.nix { inherit lib makeTest eval-config; };
# like lib.types.oneOf but instead of a list takes an attrset
# uses the field "type" to find the correct type in the attrset
subType = { types, extraArgs ? { parent = { type = "rootNode"; name = "root"; }; } }: lib.mkOptionType {
name = "subType";
description = "one of ${concatStringsSep "," (attrNames types)}";
check = x: if x ? type then types.${x.type}.check x else throw "No type option set in:\n${generators.toPretty {} x}";
merge = loc: foldl'
(_res: def: types.${def.value.type}.merge loc [
# we add a dummy root parent node to render documentation
(lib.recursiveUpdate { value._module.args = extraArgs; } def)
{ };
nestedTypes = types;
# option for valid contents of partitions (basically like devices, but without tables)
partitionType = extraArgs: lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType {
types = { inherit (diskoLib.types) btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; };
inherit extraArgs;
default = null;
description = "The type of partition";
# option for valid contents of devices
deviceType = extraArgs: lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType {
types = { inherit (diskoLib.types) table gpt btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; };
inherit extraArgs;
default = null;
description = "The type of device";
/* deepMergeMap takes a function and a list of attrsets and deep merges them
deepMergeMap :: (AttrSet -> AttrSet ) -> [ AttrSet ] -> Attrset
deepMergeMap (x: x.t = "test") [ { x = { y = 1; z = 3; }; } { x = { bla = 234; }; } ]
=> { x = { y = 1; z = 3; bla = 234; t = "test"; }; }
deepMergeMap = f: foldr (attr: acc: (recursiveUpdate acc (f attr))) { };
/* get a device and an index to get the matching device name
deviceNumbering :: str -> int -> str
deviceNumbering "/dev/sda" 3
=> "/dev/sda3"
deviceNumbering "/dev/disk/by-id/xxx" 2
=> "/dev/disk/by-id/xxx-part2"
deviceNumbering = dev: index:
if match "/dev/([vs]|(xv)d).+" dev != null then
dev + toString index # /dev/{s,v,xv}da style
else if match "/dev/(disk|zvol)/.+" dev != null then
"${dev}-part${toString index}" # /dev/disk/by-id/xxx style, also used by zfs's zvolumes
else if match "/dev/((nvme|mmcblk).+|md/.*[[:digit:]])" dev != null then
"${dev}p${toString index}" # /dev/nvme0n1p1 style
else if match "/dev/md/.+" dev != null then
"${dev}${toString index}" # /dev/md/raid1 style
else if match "/dev/mapper/.+" dev != null then
"${dev}${toString index}" # /dev/mapper/vg-lv1 style
abort ''
${dev} seems not to be a supported disk format. Please add this to disko in https://github.com/nix-community/disko/blob/master/types/default.nix
/* get the index an item in a list
indexOf :: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> int -> int
indexOf (x: x == 2) [ 1 2 3 ] 0
=> 2
indexOf (x: x == "x") [ 1 2 3 ] 0
=> 0
indexOf = f: list: fallback:
iter = index: list:
if list == [ ] then
else if f (head list) then
iter (index + 1) (tail list);
iter 1 list;
/* indent takes a multiline string and indents it by 2 spaces starting on the second line
indent :: str -> str
indent "test\nbla"
=> "test\n bla"
indent = replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "\n " ];
/* A nix option type representing a json datastructure, vendored from nixpkgs to avoid dependency on pkgs */
jsonType =
valueType = lib.types.nullOr
(lib.types.oneOf [
(lib.types.attrsOf valueType)
(lib.types.listOf valueType)
]) // {
description = "JSON value";
/* Given a attrset of deviceDependencies and a devices attrset
returns a sorted list by deviceDependencies. aborts if a loop is found
sortDevicesByDependencies :: AttrSet -> AttrSet -> [ [ str str ] ]
sortDevicesByDependencies = deviceDependencies: devices:
dependsOn = a: b:
elem a (attrByPath b [ ] deviceDependencies);
maybeSortedDevices = toposort dependsOn (diskoLib.deviceList devices);
if (hasAttr "cycle" maybeSortedDevices) then
abort "detected a cycle in your disk setup: ${maybeSortedDevices.cycle}"
/* Takes a devices attrSet and returns it as a list
deviceList :: AttrSet -> [ [ str str ] ]
deviceList { zfs.pool1 = {}; zfs.pool2 = {}; mdadm.raid1 = {}; }
=> [ [ "zfs" "pool1" ] [ "zfs" "pool2" ] [ "mdadm" "raid1" ] ]
deviceList = devices:
concatLists (mapAttrsToList (n: v: (map (x: [ n x ]) (attrNames v))) devices);
/* Takes either a string or null and returns the string or an empty string
maybeStr :: Either (str null) -> str
maybeStr null
=> ""
maybeSTr "hello world"
=> "hello world"
maybeStr = x: optionalString (x != null) x;
/* Takes a Submodules config and options argument and returns a serializable
subset of config variables as a shell script snippet.
defineHookVariables = { options }:
sanitizeName = lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ];
isAttrsOfSubmodule = o: o.type.name == "attrsOf" && o.type.nestedTypes.elemType.name == "submodule";
isSerializable = n: o: !(
lib.hasPrefix "_" n
|| lib.hasSuffix "Hook" n
|| isAttrsOfSubmodule o
# TODO don't hardcode diskoLib.subType options.
|| n == "content" || n == "partitions" || n == "datasets" || n == "swap"
(n: o: lib.nameValuePair (sanitizeName n) o.value)
(lib.filterAttrs isSerializable options));
mkHook = description: lib.mkOption {
inherit description;
type = lib.types.str;
default = "";
mkSubType = module: lib.types.submodule [
options = {
preCreateHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run before create";
postCreateHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run after create";
preMountHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run before mount";
postMountHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run after mount";
config._module.args = {
inherit diskoLib rootMountPoint;
mkCreateOption = { config, options, default }@attrs:
lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
readOnly = true;
type = lib.types.str;
default = ''
( # ${config.type} ${concatMapStringsSep " " (n: toString (config.${n} or "")) ["name" "device" "format" "mountpoint"]} #
${diskoLib.indent (diskoLib.defineHookVariables { inherit options; })}
${diskoLib.indent attrs.default}
description = "Creation script";
mkMountOption = { config, options, default }@attrs:
lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
readOnly = true;
type = diskoLib.jsonType;
default = lib.mapAttrsRecursive (name: value: if builtins.isString value then ''
${diskoLib.indent (diskoLib.defineHookVariables { inherit options; })}
${diskoLib.indent value}
'' else value) attrs.default;
description = "Mount script";
/* Writer for optionally checking bash scripts before writing them to the store
writeCheckedBash :: AttrSet -> str -> str -> derivation
writeCheckedBash = { pkgs, checked ? false, noDeps ? false }: pkgs.writers.makeScriptWriter {
interpreter = if noDeps then "/usr/bin/env bash" else "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
check = lib.optionalString (checked && !pkgs.hostPlatform.isRiscV64 && !pkgs.hostPlatform.isx86_32) (pkgs.writeScript "check" ''
set -efu
${pkgs.shellcheck}/bin/shellcheck -e SC2034 "$1"
/* Takes a disko device specification, returns an attrset with metadata
meta :: lib.types.devices -> AttrSet
meta = toplevel: toplevel._meta;
/* Takes a disko device specification and returns a string which formats the disks
create :: lib.types.devices -> str
create = toplevel: toplevel._create;
/* Takes a disko device specification and returns a string which mounts the disks
mount :: lib.types.devices -> str
mount = toplevel: toplevel._mount;
/* takes a disko device specification and returns a string which unmounts, destroys all disks and then runs create and mount
zapCreateMount :: lib.types.devices -> str
zapCreateMount = toplevel:
set -efux
/* Takes a disko device specification and returns a nixos configuration
config :: lib.types.devices -> nixosConfig
config = toplevel: toplevel._config;
/* Takes a disko device specification and returns a function to get the needed packages to format/mount the disks
packages :: lib.types.devices -> pkgs -> [ derivation ]
packages = toplevel: toplevel._packages;
optionTypes = rec {
filename = lib.mkOptionType {
name = "filename";
check = isString;
merge = mergeOneOption;
description = "A filename";
absolute-pathname = lib.mkOptionType {
name = "absolute pathname";
check = x: isString x && substring 0 1 x == "/" && pathname.check x;
merge = mergeOneOption;
description = "An absolute path";
pathname = lib.mkOptionType {
name = "pathname";
check = x:
# The filter is used to normalize paths, i.e. to remove duplicated and
# trailing slashes. It also removes leading slashes, thus we have to
# check for "/" explicitly below.
xs = filter (s: stringLength s > 0) (splitString "/" x);
isString x && (x == "/" || (length xs > 0 && all filename.check xs));
merge = mergeOneOption;
description = "A path name";
/* topLevel type of the disko config, takes attrsets of disks, mdadms, zpools, nodevs, and lvm vgs.
toplevel = lib.types.submodule (cfg:
devices = { inherit (cfg.config) disk mdadm zpool lvm_vg nodev; };
options = {
disk = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.disk;
default = { };
description = "Block device";
mdadm = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.mdadm;
default = { };
description = "mdadm device";
zpool = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.zpool;
default = { };
description = "ZFS pool device";
lvm_vg = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.lvm_vg;
default = { };
description = "LVM VG device";
nodev = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.nodev;
default = { };
description = "A non-block device";
_meta = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
description = ''
meta informationen generated by disko
currently used for building a dependency list so we know in which order to create the devices
default = diskoLib.deepMergeMap (dev: dev._meta) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices)));
_packages = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
description = ''
packages required by the disko configuration
default = pkgs: unique (flatten (map (dev: dev._pkgs pkgs) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices)))));
_scripts = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
description = ''
The scripts generated by disko
default = { pkgs, checked ? false }: {
destroyScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-destroy" ''
export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [
formatScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-format" ''
export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (cfg.config._packages pkgs)}:$PATH
mountScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-mount" ''
export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (cfg.config._packages pkgs)}:$PATH
diskoScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko" ''
export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath ((cfg.config._packages pkgs) ++ [ pkgs.bash ])}:$PATH
# These are useful to skip copying executables uploading a script to an in-memory installer
destroyScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-destroy" ''
formatScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-format" ''
mountScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-mount" ''
diskoScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko" ''
_destroy = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lib.types.str;
description = ''
The script to unmount (& destroy) all devices defined by disko.devices
default = ''
umount -Rv "${rootMountPoint}" || :
# shellcheck disable=SC2043
for dev in ${toString (lib.catAttrs "device" (lib.attrValues devices.disk))}; do
${../disk-deactivate}/disk-deactivate "$dev"
_create = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lib.types.str;
description = ''
The script to create all devices defined by disko.devices
default =
sortedDeviceList = diskoLib.sortDevicesByDependencies (cfg.config._meta.deviceDependencies or { }) devices;
set -efux
disko_devices_dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf "$disko_devices_dir"' EXIT
mkdir -p "$disko_devices_dir"
${concatMapStrings (dev: (attrByPath (dev ++ [ "_create" ]) {} devices)) sortedDeviceList}
_mount = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lib.types.str;
description = ''
The script to mount all devices defined by disko.devices
default =
fsMounts = diskoLib.deepMergeMap (dev: dev._mount.fs or { }) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices)));
sortedDeviceList = diskoLib.sortDevicesByDependencies (cfg.config._meta.deviceDependencies or { }) devices;
set -efux
# first create the necessary devices
${concatMapStrings (dev: (attrByPath (dev ++ [ "_mount" ]) {} devices).dev or "") sortedDeviceList}
# and then mount the filesystems in alphabetical order
${concatStrings (attrValues fsMounts)}
_disko = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
type = lib.types.str;
description = ''
The script to umount, create and mount all devices defined by disko.devices
default = ''
_config = lib.mkOption {
internal = true;
description = ''
The NixOS config generated by disko
default =
configKeys = flatten (map attrNames (flatten (map (dev: dev._config) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices))))));
collectedConfigs = flatten (map (dev: dev._config) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices))));
lib.genAttrs configKeys (key: lib.mkMerge (lib.catAttrs key collectedConfigs));
# import all tge types from the types directory
types = lib.listToAttrs (
(file: lib.nameValuePair
(lib.removeSuffix ".nix" file)
(diskoLib.mkSubType ./types/${file})
(lib.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./types))
# render types into an json serializable format
serializeType = type:
options = lib.filter (x: !lib.hasPrefix "_" x) (lib.attrNames type.options);
lib.listToAttrs (
(option: lib.nameValuePair
typesSerializerLib = {
rootMountPoint = "";
options = null;
config._module.args.name = "self.name";
lib = {
mkOption = option: {
inherit (option) type description;
default = option.default or null;
types = {
attrsOf = subType: {
type = "attrsOf";
inherit subType;
listOf = subType: {
type = "listOf";
inherit subType;
nullOr = subType: {
type = "nullOr";
inherit subType;
enum = choices: {
type = "enum";
inherit choices;
str = "str";
bool = "bool";
int = "int";
submodule = x: x { inherit (diskoLib.typesSerializerLib) lib config options; };
diskoLib = {
optionTypes.absolute-pathname = "absolute-pathname";
deviceType = "devicetype";
partitionType = "partitiontype";
subType = types: "onOf ${toString (lib.attrNames types)}";
jsonTypes = lib.listToAttrs (
(file: lib.nameValuePair
(lib.removeSuffix ".nix" file)
(diskoLib.serializeType (import ./types/${file} diskoLib.typesSerializerLib))
(lib.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./types))
} // outputs;