
198 lines
5.8 KiB

{lib, ...}: let
l = lib // builtins;
# Replace a list entry at defined index with set value
ireplace = idx: value: list:
l.genList (i:
if i == idx
then value
else (l.elemAt list i)) (l.length list);
orBlank = x:
if x != null
then x
else "";
operators = let
mkComparison = ret: version: v:
builtins.compareVersions version v == ret;
mkCaretComparison = version: v: let
ver = builtins.splitVersion v;
major = l.toInt (l.head ver);
upper = builtins.toString (l.toInt (l.head ver) + 1);
if major == 0
then mkTildeComparison version v
else operators.">=" version v && operators."<" version upper;
mkTildeComparison = version: v: let
ver = builtins.splitVersion v;
len = l.length ver;
truncated =
if len > 1
then l.init ver
else ver;
idx = (l.length truncated) - 1;
minor = l.toString (l.toInt (l.elemAt truncated idx) + 1);
upper = l.concatStringsSep "." (ireplace idx minor truncated);
operators.">=" version v && operators."<" version upper;
in {
# Prefix operators
"==" = mkComparison 0;
">" = mkComparison 1;
"<" = mkComparison (-1);
"!=" = v: c: !operators."==" v c;
">=" = v: c: operators."==" v c || operators.">" v c;
"<=" = v: c: operators."==" v c || operators."<" v c;
# Semver specific operators
"~" = mkTildeComparison;
"^" = mkCaretComparison;
re = {
operators = "([=><!~^]+)";
version = "((0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.](0|[1-9][0-9]*)|(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?(-((0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(\\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?";
reLengths = {
operators = 1;
version = 16;
parseConstraint = constraintStr: let
# The common prefix operators
mPre = l.match "${re.operators} *${re.version}" constraintStr;
# There is an upper bound to the operator (this implementation is a bit hacky)
mUpperBound =
l.match "${re.operators} *${re.version} *< *${re.version}" constraintStr;
# There is also an infix operator to match ranges
mIn = l.match "${re.version} - *${re.version}" constraintStr;
# There is no operators
mNone = l.match "${re.version}" constraintStr;
in (
if mPre != null
then {
ops.t = l.elemAt mPre 0;
v = orBlank (l.elemAt mPre reLengths.operators);
# Infix operators are range matches
else if mIn != null
then {
ops = {
t = "-";
l = ">=";
u = "<=";
v = {
vl = orBlank (l.elemAt mIn 0);
vu = orBlank (l.elemAt mIn reLengths.version);
else if mUpperBound != null
then {
ops = {
t = "-";
l = l.elemAt mUpperBound 0;
u = "<";
v = {
vl = orBlank (l.elemAt mUpperBound reLengths.operators);
vu = orBlank (l.elemAt mUpperBound (reLengths.operators + reLengths.version));
else if mNone != null
then {
ops.t = "==";
v = orBlank (l.elemAt mNone 0);
else throw ''Constraint "${constraintStr}" could not be parsed''
satisfiesSingleInternal = version: constraint: let
inherit (parseConstraint constraint) ops v;
if ops.t == "-"
then (operators."${ops.l}" version v.vl && operators."${ops.u}" version v.vu)
else operators."${ops.t}" version v;
# remove v from version strings: ^v1.2.3 -> ^1.2.3
# remove branch suffix: ^1.2.x-dev -> ^1.2
satisfiesSingle = version: constraint: let
removeStability = c: let
m = l.match "^(.*)[@][[:alpha:]]+$" c;
if m != null && l.length m >= 0
then l.head m
else c;
removeSuffix = c: let
m = l.match "^(.*)[-][[:alpha:]]+$" c;
if m != null && l.length m >= 0
then l.head m
else c;
wildcard = c: let
m = l.match "^([[:d:]]+.*)[.][*x]$" c;
if m != null && l.length m >= 0
then "~${l.head m}.0"
else c;
removeV = c: let
m = l.match "^(.)*v([[:d:]]+[.].*)$" c;
if m != null && l.length m > 0
then l.concatStrings m
else c;
isVersionLike = c: let
m = l.match "^([0-9><=!-^~*]*)$" c;
m != null && l.length m > 0;
cleanConstraint = removeV (wildcard (removeSuffix (removeStability (l.removePrefix "dev-" constraint))));
cleanVersion = l.removePrefix "v" (wildcard (removeSuffix version));
(l.elem (removeStability constraint) ["" "*"])
|| (version == constraint)
|| ((isVersionLike cleanConstraint) && (satisfiesSingleInternal cleanVersion cleanConstraint));
trim = s: l.head (l.match "^[[:space:]]*(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$" s);
splitAlternatives = v: let
# handle version alternatives: ^1.2 || ^2.0
clean = l.replaceStrings ["||"] ["|"] v;
map trim (l.splitString "|" clean);
splitConjunctives = v: let
clean =
["," " - " " -" "- " " as "]
[" " "-" "-" "-" "##"]
cleanInlineAlias = v: let
m = l.match "^(.*)[#][#](.*)$" v;
if m != null && l.length m > 0
then l.head m
else v;
(x: trim (cleanInlineAlias x))
(l.filter (x: x != "") (l.splitString " " clean));
in rec {
# matching a version with semver
# 1.0.2 (~1.0.1 || >=2.1 <2.4)
satisfies = version: constraint:
(satisfiesSingle version)
(splitConjunctives c))
(splitAlternatives constraint);
# matching multiversion like the one in `provide` with semver
# (1.0|2.0) (^2.0 || 3.2 - 3.6)
multiSatisfies = multiversion: constraint:
(version: satisfies version constraint)
(splitAlternatives multiversion);