# LinuxKit Nix - Linux Nix VM LinuxKit Nix makes it easy to build Linux binaries from a macOS machine using Nix. It's installing a VM using the native virtualization (Hypervisor.Framework) so it's quite liteweight compared to installing VirtualBox. The project also comes with an installation script that configures Nix to use the VM as a remote builder automatically. ## Requirements This project depends on Nix and a nixpkgs channel >= 18.03. ## Installation Fetch it from the NixOS binary cache: nix-env -i /nix/store/v4i5gx94r2qxs91mfy8sz4mmnigzravy-linuxkit-builder nix-linuxkit-configure It'll write to: - ~/.cache/nix-linuxkit-builder/, in particular ~/.cache/nix-linuxkit-builder/nix-state/console-ring is interesting - ~root/.ssh/ for the SSH config - /etc/nix/machines - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.nix-community.linuxkit-builder.plist It should automatically start and stay running, but ... You can force start it with: launchctl start org.nix-community.linuxkit-builder You can force stop it with: launchctl stop org.nix-community.linuxkit-builder If after you stop it you may want to check for processes, like: pgrep vpnkit pgrep linuxkit pgrep hyperkit If something goes wrong and it didn't stop properly, you can try: pkill -F ~/.cache/nix-linuxkit-builder/nix-state/hyperkit.pid hyperkit