# shellcheck shell=bash NIX_DIRENV_VERSION=3.0.4 # min required versions BASH_MIN_VERSION=4.4 DIRENV_MIN_VERSION=2.21.3 NIX_MIN_VERSION=2.4 _NIX_DIRENV_LOG_PREFIX="nix-direnv: " _nix_direnv_info() { log_status "${_NIX_DIRENV_LOG_PREFIX}$*" } _nix_direnv_warning() { if [[ -n $DIRENV_LOG_FORMAT ]]; then local msg=$* color_normal='' color_warning='' if [[ -t 2 ]]; then color_normal="\e[m" color_warning="\e[33m" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "${color_warning}${DIRENV_LOG_FORMAT}${color_normal}\n" \ "${_NIX_DIRENV_LOG_PREFIX}${msg}" >&2 fi } _nix_direnv_error() { log_error "${_NIX_DIRENV_LOG_PREFIX}$*"; } _nix() { nix --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" "$@" } _require_version() { local cmd=$1 version=$2 required=$3 if ! printf "%s\n" "$required" "$version" | LC_ALL=C sort -c -V 2>/dev/null; then _nix_direnv_error \ "minimum required $(basename "$cmd") version is $required (installed: $version)" return 1 fi } _require_cmd_version() { local cmd=$1 required=$2 version if ! has "$cmd"; then _nix_direnv_error "command not found: $cmd" return 1 fi version=$($cmd --version) [[ $version =~ ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) ]] _require_version "$cmd" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "$required" } _nix_direnv_preflight() { if [[ -z $direnv ]]; then # shellcheck disable=2016 _nix_direnv_error '$direnv environment variable was not defined. Was this script run inside direnv?' return 1 fi # check command min versions if [[ -z ${NIX_DIRENV_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK:-} ]]; then # bash check uses $BASH_VERSION with _require_version instead of # _require_cmd_version because _require_cmd_version uses =~ operator which would be # a syntax error on bash < 3 if ! _require_version bash "$BASH_VERSION" "$BASH_MIN_VERSION" || ! _require_cmd_version "$direnv" "$DIRENV_MIN_VERSION" || # direnv stdlib defines $direnv ! _require_cmd_version nix "$NIX_MIN_VERSION"; then return 1 fi fi local layout_dir layout_dir=$(direnv_layout_dir) if [[ ! -d "$layout_dir/bin" ]]; then mkdir -p "$layout_dir/bin" fi # N.B. This script relies on variable expansion in *this* shell. # (i.e. The written out file will have the variables expanded) # If the source path changes, the script becomes broken. # Because direnv_layout_dir is user controlled, # we can't assume to be able to reverse it to get the source dir # So there's little to be done about this. cat >"${layout_dir}/bin/nix-direnv-reload" <<-EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [[ ! -d "$PWD" ]]; then echo "Cannot find source directory; Did you move it?" echo "(Looking for "$PWD")" echo 'Cannot force reload with this script - use "direnv reload" manually and then try again' exit 1 fi # rebuild the cache forcefully _nix_direnv_force_reload=1 direnv exec "$PWD" true # Update the mtime for .envrc. # This will cause direnv to reload again - but without re-building. touch "$PWD/.envrc" # Also update the timestamp of whatever profile_rc we have. # This makes sure that we know we are up to date. touch -r "$PWD/.envrc" "${layout_dir}"/*.rc EOF if [[ ! -x "${layout_dir}/bin/nix-direnv-reload" ]]; then chmod +x "${layout_dir}/bin/nix-direnv-reload" fi PATH_add "${layout_dir}/bin" } # Usage: nix_direnv_version # # Checks that the nix-direnv version is at least as old as . nix_direnv_version() { _require_version nix-direnv $NIX_DIRENV_VERSION "$1" } _nix_export_or_unset() { local key=$1 value=$2 if [[ $value == __UNSET__ ]]; then unset "$key" else export "$key=$value" fi } _nix_import_env() { local profile_rc=$1 local old_nix_build_top=${NIX_BUILD_TOP:-__UNSET__} local old_tmp=${TMP:-__UNSET__} local old_tmpdir=${TMPDIR:-__UNSET__} local old_temp=${TEMP:-__UNSET__} local old_tempdir=${TEMPDIR:-__UNSET__} local old_xdg_data_dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-} # On the first run in manual mode, the profile_rc does not exist. if [[ ! -e $profile_rc ]]; then return fi eval "$(<"$profile_rc")" # `nix print-dev-env` will create a temporary directory and use it as TMPDIR # We cannot rely on this directory being available at all times, # as it may be garbage collected. # Instead - just remove it immediately. # Use recursive & force as it may not be empty. if [[ -n ${NIX_BUILD_TOP+x} && $NIX_BUILD_TOP == */nix-shell.* && -d $NIX_BUILD_TOP ]]; then rm -rf "$NIX_BUILD_TOP" fi _nix_export_or_unset NIX_BUILD_TOP "$old_nix_build_top" _nix_export_or_unset TMP "$old_tmp" _nix_export_or_unset TMPDIR "$old_tmpdir" _nix_export_or_unset TEMP "$old_temp" _nix_export_or_unset TEMPDIR "$old_tempdir" local new_xdg_data_dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-} export XDG_DATA_DIRS= local IFS=: for dir in $new_xdg_data_dirs${old_xdg_data_dirs:+:}$old_xdg_data_dirs; do dir="${dir%/}" # remove trailing slashes if [[ :$XDG_DATA_DIRS: == *:$dir:* ]]; then continue # already present, skip fi XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS${XDG_DATA_DIRS:+:}$dir" done } _nix_add_gcroot() { local storepath=$1 local symlink=$2 _nix build --out-link "$symlink" "$storepath" } _nix_clean_old_gcroots() { local layout_dir=$1 rm -rf "$layout_dir/flake-inputs/" rm -f "$layout_dir"/{nix,flake}-profile* } _nix_argsum_suffix() { local out checksum if [ -n "$1" ]; then if has sha1sum; then out=$(sha1sum <<<"$1") elif has shasum; then out=$(shasum <<<"$1") else # degrade gracefully both tools are not present return fi read -r checksum _ <<<"$out" echo "-$checksum" fi } nix_direnv_watch_file() { # shellcheck disable=2016 log_error '`nix_direnv_watch_file` is deprecated - use `watch_file`' watch_file "$@" } _nix_direnv_watches() { local -n _watches=$1 if [[ -z ${DIRENV_WATCHES-} ]]; then return fi while IFS= read -r line; do local regex='"[Pp]ath": "(.+)"$' if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]; then local path="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" if [[ $path == "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME:-/var/empty}/.local/share}/direnv/allow/"* ]]; then continue fi # expand new lines and other json escapes # shellcheck disable=2059 path=$(printf "$path") _watches+=("$path") fi done < <($direnv show_dump "${DIRENV_WATCHES}") } _nix_direnv_manual_reload=0 nix_direnv_manual_reload() { _nix_direnv_manual_reload=1 } _nix_direnv_warn_manual_reload() { if [[ -e $1 ]]; then _nix_direnv_warning 'cache is out of date. use "nix-direnv-reload" to reload' else _nix_direnv_warning 'cache does not exist. use "nix-direnv-reload" to create it' fi } use_flake() { if ! _nix_direnv_preflight; then return 1 fi flake_expr="${1:-.}" flake_dir="${flake_expr%#*}" flake_dir=${flake_dir#"path:"} if [[ $flake_expr == -* ]]; then local message="the first argument must be a flake expression" if [[ -n $2 ]]; then _nix_direnv_error "$message" return 1 else _nix_direnv_error "$message. did you mean 'use flake . $1'?" return 1 fi fi local files_to_watch files_to_watch=("$HOME/.direnvrc" "$HOME/.config/direnv/direnvrc") if [[ -d $flake_dir ]]; then files_to_watch+=("$flake_dir/flake.nix" "$flake_dir/flake.lock" "$flake_dir/devshell.toml") fi watch_file "${files_to_watch[@]}" local layout_dir profile layout_dir=$(direnv_layout_dir) profile="${layout_dir}/flake-profile$(_nix_argsum_suffix "$flake_expr")" local profile_rc="${profile}.rc" local flake_inputs="${layout_dir}/flake-inputs/" local need_update=0 local watches _nix_direnv_watches watches local file= for file in "${watches[@]}"; do if [[ $file -nt $profile_rc ]]; then need_update=1 break fi done if [[ ! -e $profile || ! -e $profile_rc || $need_update -eq 1 ]] \ ; then if [[ $_nix_direnv_manual_reload -eq 1 && -z ${_nix_direnv_force_reload-} ]]; then _nix_direnv_warn_manual_reload "$profile_rc" else local tmp_profile_rc local tmp_profile="${layout_dir}/flake-tmp-profile.$$" if tmp_profile_rc=$(_nix print-dev-env --profile "$tmp_profile" "$@"); then _nix_clean_old_gcroots "$layout_dir" # We need to update our cache echo "$tmp_profile_rc" >"$profile_rc" _nix_add_gcroot "$tmp_profile" "$profile" rm -f "$tmp_profile" "$tmp_profile"* # also add garbage collection root for source local flake_input_paths mkdir -p "$flake_inputs" flake_input_paths=$(_nix flake archive \ --json --no-write-lock-file \ "$flake_dir") while [[ $flake_input_paths =~ /nix/store/[^\"]+ ]]; do local store_path="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" _nix_add_gcroot "${store_path}" "${flake_inputs}/${store_path##*/}" flake_input_paths="${flake_input_paths/${store_path}/}" done _nix_direnv_info "renewed cache" fi fi else if [[ -e ${profile_rc} ]]; then # Our cache is valid, use that _nix_direnv_info "using cached dev shell" else # We don't have a profile_rc to use! _nix_direnv_error "use_flake failed - Is your flake's devShell working?" return 1 fi fi _nix_import_env "$profile_rc" } use_nix() { if ! _nix_direnv_preflight; then return 1 fi local layout_dir path version layout_dir=$(direnv_layout_dir) if path=$(_nix eval --impure --expr "" 2>/dev/null); then if [[ -f "${path}/.version-suffix" ]]; then version=$(<"${path}/.version-suffix") elif [[ -f "${path}/.git/HEAD" ]]; then local head read -r head <"${path}/.git/HEAD" local regex="ref: (.*)" if [[ $head =~ $regex ]]; then read -r version <"${path}/.git/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" else version="$head" fi elif [[ -f "${path}/.version" && ${path} == "/nix/store/"* ]]; then # borrow some bits from the store path local version_prefix read -r version_prefix < <( cat "${path}/.version" echo ) version="${version_prefix}-${path:11:16}" fi fi local profile profile="${layout_dir}/nix-profile-${version:-unknown}$(_nix_argsum_suffix "$*")" local profile_rc="${profile}.rc" local in_packages=0 local attribute= local packages="" local extra_args=() local nixfile= if [[ -e "shell.nix" ]]; then nixfile="./shell.nix" elif [[ -e "default.nix" ]]; then nixfile="./default.nix" fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do i="$1" shift case $i in -p | --packages) in_packages=1 ;; --command | --run | --exclude) # These commands are unsupported # ignore them shift ;; --pure | -i | --keep) # These commands are unsupported (but take no argument) # ignore them ;; --include | -I) extra_args+=("$i" "$1") shift ;; --attr | -A) attribute="$1" shift ;; --option | -o | --arg | --argstr) extra_args+=("$i" "$1" "$2") shift shift ;; -*) # Other arguments are assumed to be of a single arg form # (--foo=bar or -j4) extra_args+=("$i") ;; *) if [[ $in_packages -eq 1 ]]; then packages+=" $i" else nixfile=$i fi ;; esac done watch_file "$HOME/.direnvrc" "$HOME/.config/direnv/direnvrc" "shell.nix" "default.nix" local need_update=0 local watches _nix_direnv_watches watches local file= for file in "${watches[@]}"; do if [[ $file -nt $profile_rc ]]; then need_update=1 break fi done if [[ ! -e $profile || ! -e $profile_rc || $need_update -eq 1 ]] \ ; then if [[ $_nix_direnv_manual_reload -eq 1 && -z ${_nix_direnv_force_reload-} ]]; then _nix_direnv_warn_manual_reload "$profile_rc" else local tmp_profile="${layout_dir}/nix-tmp-profile.$$" local tmp_profile_rc if [[ -n $packages ]]; then extra_args+=("--expr" "with import {}; mkShell { buildInputs = [ $packages ]; }") else # figure out what attribute we should build if [[ -z $attribute ]]; then extra_args+=("--file" "$nixfile") else extra_args+=("--expr" "(import ${nixfile} {}).${attribute}") fi fi if tmp_profile_rc=$(_nix \ print-dev-env \ --profile "$tmp_profile" \ --impure \ "${extra_args[@]}"); then _nix_clean_old_gcroots "$layout_dir" echo "$tmp_profile_rc" >"$profile_rc" _nix_add_gcroot "$tmp_profile" "$profile" rm -f "$tmp_profile" "$tmp_profile"* _nix_direnv_info "renewed cache" fi fi else if [[ -e ${profile_rc} ]]; then _nix_direnv_info "using cached dev shell" else _nix_direnv_error "use_nix failed - Is your nix shell working?" return 1 fi fi _nix_import_env "$profile_rc" }