# Summary: - nixos-anywhere **_Install NixOS everywhere via ssh_** The **nixos-anywhere** tool allows you to pre-configure the whole process of installing NixOS, and run the install remotely with a single CLI command. Refer to the following documentation for more information. [System Requirements](./requirements.md): CPU and memory requirements [Quickstart](./quickstart.md): Instructions for a typical installation [How to Guide](./howtos/INDEX.md): Instructions for non-typical use cases - [Installing on a machine with no operating system](./howtos/no-os.md) - [Using your own kexec image](./howtos/custom-kexec.md) - [Secrets and full disk encryption](./howtos/secrets.md) - [Use without flakes](./howtos/use-without-flakes.md) - [Terraform](./howtos/terraform.md) - [Nix-channels / `NIX_PATH`](./howtos/nix-path.md) - [IPv6-only targets](./howtos/ipv6.md) [Reference](./reference.md): Reference Guide