This commit is contained in:
zowoq 2024-04-03 08:01:16 +10:00
parent a57bd0d25e
commit 9c6d0ff795
17 changed files with 351 additions and 306 deletions

View File

@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ deleteDoneParser =
commandParser :: O.Parser Command
commandParser =
( (updateParser) (O.progDesc "Update one package"))
( O.command
( (updateParser) (O.progDesc "Update one package"))
<> O.command
( (updateBatchParser) (O.progDesc "Update one package in batch mode."))
@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ commandParser =
checkVulnerable :: O.Parser Command
checkVulnerable =
CheckVulnerable <$> O.strArgument (O.metavar "PRODUCT_ID")
<$> O.strArgument (O.metavar "PRODUCT_ID")
<*> O.strArgument (O.metavar "OLD_VERSION")
<*> O.strArgument (O.metavar "NEW_VERSION")

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ where
import Data.Aeson
( FromJSON,
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, prependFailure)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Check
( result,
-- exposed for testing:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
import OurPrelude
import System.Exit()
import System.Exit ()
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Text (RE', (=~))
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative.Text as RE
import Utils (UpdateEnv (..), nixBuildOptions)
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ isNonWordCharacter c = not (isWordCharacter c)
-- | Construct regex: /.*\b${version}\b.*/s
versionRegex :: Text -> RE' ()
versionRegex version =
(\_ -> ()) <$> (
(((many RE.anySym) <* (RE.psym isNonWordCharacter)) <|> (RE.pure ""))
*> (RE.string version) <*
((RE.pure "") <|> ((RE.psym isNonWordCharacter) *> (many RE.anySym)))
(\_ -> ())
<$> ( (((many RE.anySym) <* (RE.psym isNonWordCharacter)) <|> (RE.pure ""))
*> (RE.string version)
<* ((RE.pure "") <|> ((RE.psym isNonWordCharacter) *> (many RE.anySym)))
hasVersion :: Text -> Text -> Bool
hasVersion contents expectedVersion =
@ -63,10 +63,9 @@ hasVersion contents expectedVersion =
checkTestsBuild :: Text -> IO Bool
checkTestsBuild attrPath = do
let timeout = "10m"
args =
[ T.unpack timeout, "nix-build" ] ++
let args =
[T.unpack timeout, "nix-build"]
++ nixBuildOptions
++ [ "-E",
"{ config }: (import ./. { inherit config; })."
++ (T.unpack attrPath)
@ -99,19 +98,19 @@ versionWithoutPath resultPath expectedVersion =
-- This can be done with negative lookbehind e.g
-- /^(?<!${storePathWithoutVersion})${version}/
-- Note we also escape the version with \Q/\E for grep -P
let storePath = fromMaybe (T.pack resultPath) $ T.stripPrefix "/nix/store/" (T.pack resultPath) in
case T.breakOn expectedVersion storePath of
(_, "") ->
-- no version in prefix, just match version
<> T.unpack expectedVersion
<> "\\E"
(storePrefix, _) ->
<> T.unpack storePrefix
<> "\\E)\\Q"
<> T.unpack expectedVersion
<> "\\E"
let storePath = fromMaybe (T.pack resultPath) $ T.stripPrefix "/nix/store/" (T.pack resultPath)
in case T.breakOn expectedVersion storePath of
(_, "") ->
-- no version in prefix, just match version
<> T.unpack expectedVersion
<> "\\E"
(storePrefix, _) ->
<> T.unpack storePrefix
<> "\\E)\\Q"
<> T.unpack expectedVersion
<> "\\E"
foundVersionInOutputs :: Text -> String -> IO (Maybe Text)
foundVersionInOutputs expectedVersion resultPath =
@ -140,7 +139,8 @@ foundVersionInFileNames expectedVersion resultPath =
( do
(_, contents) <-
shell ("find " <> resultPath) & ourReadProcessInterleaved
(contents =~ versionRegex expectedVersion) & hoistMaybe
(contents =~ versionRegex expectedVersion)
& hoistMaybe
& noteT (T.pack "Expected version not found")
return $
"- found "
@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ treeGist resultPath =
( do
contents <- procTree [resultPath] & ourReadProcessInterleavedBS_
g <-
shell gistBin & setStdin (byteStringInput contents)
shell gistBin
& setStdin (byteStringInput contents)
& ourReadProcessInterleaved_
return $ "- directory tree listing: " <> g <> "\n"
@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ duGist resultPath =
( do
contents <- proc "du" [resultPath] & ourReadProcessInterleavedBS_
g <-
shell gistBin & setStdin (byteStringInput contents)
shell gistBin
& setStdin (byteStringInput contents)
& ourReadProcessInterleaved_
return $ "- du listing: " <> g <> "\n"
@ -182,9 +184,9 @@ result updateEnv resultPath =
someReports <-
fromMaybe ""
<$> foundVersionInOutputs expectedVersion resultPath
<> foundVersionInFileNames expectedVersion resultPath
<> treeGist resultPath
<> duGist resultPath
<> foundVersionInFileNames expectedVersion resultPath
<> treeGist resultPath
<> duGist resultPath
return $
let testsBuildSummary = checkTestsBuildReport testsBuild
in [interpolate|

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Git
import qualified GitHub as GH
@ -54,23 +54,25 @@ pr env title body prHead base = do
tryPR `catchE` \case
-- If creating the PR returns a 422, most likely cause is that the
-- branch was deleted, so push it again and retry once.
GH.HTTPError (HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException r _)) | statusCode (responseStatus r) == 422 ->
Git.push env >> withExceptT (T.pack . show) tryPR
GH.HTTPError (HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException r _))
| statusCode (responseStatus r) == 422 ->
Git.push env >> withExceptT (T.pack . show) tryPR
e ->
throwE . T.pack . show $ e
tryPR = ExceptT $
fmap ((False, ) . GH.getUrl . GH.pullRequestUrl)
<$> ( liftIO $
( GH.github
(authFrom env)
( GH.createPullRequestR
(N "nixos")
(N "nixpkgs")
(GH.CreatePullRequest title body prHead base)
tryPR =
ExceptT $
fmap ((False,) . GH.getUrl . GH.pullRequestUrl)
<$> ( liftIO $
( GH.github
(authFrom env)
( GH.createPullRequestR
(N "nixos")
(N "nixpkgs")
(GH.CreatePullRequest title body prHead base)
prUpdate :: forall m. MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m (Bool, Text)
prUpdate env title body prHead base = do
@ -78,24 +80,25 @@ prUpdate env title body prHead base = do
runRequest = ExceptT . fmap (first (T.pack . show)) . liftIO . GH.github (authFrom env)
let inNixpkgs f = f (N "nixos") (N "nixpkgs")
prs <- runRequest $
inNixpkgs GH.pullRequestsForR (GH.optionsHead prHead) GH.FetchAll
prs <-
runRequest $
inNixpkgs GH.pullRequestsForR (GH.optionsHead prHead) GH.FetchAll
case V.toList prs of
[] -> pr env title body prHead base
(_:_:_) -> throwE $ "Too many open PRs from " <> prHead
(_ : _ : _) -> throwE $ "Too many open PRs from " <> prHead
[thePR] -> do
let withExistingPR :: (GH.Name GH.Owner -> GH.Name GH.Repo -> GH.IssueNumber -> a) -> a
withExistingPR f = inNixpkgs f (GH.simplePullRequestNumber thePR)
_ <- runRequest $
withExistingPR GH.updatePullRequestR $
GH.EditPullRequest (Just title) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
_ <-
runRequest $
withExistingPR GH.updatePullRequestR $
GH.EditPullRequest (Just title) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
_ <- runRequest $
withExistingPR GH.createCommentR body
_ <-
runRequest $
withExistingPR GH.createCommentR body
return (True, GH.getUrl $ GH.simplePullRequestUrl thePR)
@ -129,12 +132,18 @@ parseURLMaybe url =
extension = RE.string ".zip" <|> RE.string ".tar.gz"
toParts n o = URLParts (N n) (N o)
regex =
( toParts <$> (domain *> pathSegment) <* slash <*> pathSegment
( toParts
<$> (domain *> pathSegment)
<* slash
<*> pathSegment
<*> (RE.string "/releases/download/" *> pathSegment)
<* slash
<* pathSegment
<|> ( toParts <$> (domain *> pathSegment) <* slash <*> pathSegment
<|> ( toParts
<$> (domain *> pathSegment)
<* slash
<*> pathSegment
<*> (RE.string "/archive/" *> pathSegment)
<* extension
@ -187,7 +196,8 @@ commitIsOldEnoughToDelete auth ghUser sha = do
refShouldBeDeleted :: GH.Auth -> GH.Name GH.Owner -> (Text, GH.Name GH.GitCommit) -> IO Bool
refShouldBeDeleted auth ghUser (ref, sha) =
liftA2 (&&)
(either (const False) not <$> openPRWithAutoUpdateRefFrom auth ghUser ref)
(commitIsOldEnoughToDelete auth ghUser sha)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Git
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
import OurPrelude hiding (throw)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getModificationTime, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory, getModificationTime, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir (getUserCacheDir)
import System.Exit()
import System.Exit ()
import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)
import System.Posix.Env (setEnv)
import Utils (Options (..), UpdateEnv (..), branchName, branchPrefix)
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ worktreeRemove :: FilePath -> IO ()
worktreeRemove path = do
exist <- doesDirectoryExist path
if exist
then runProcessNoIndexIssue_IO $ silently $ procGit ["worktree", "remove", "--force", path]
else return ()
then runProcessNoIndexIssue_IO $ silently $ procGit ["worktree", "remove", "--force", path]
else return ()
checkout :: Text -> Text -> ProcessConfig () () ()
checkout branch target =
@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ diff :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
diff branch = readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_ $ procGit ["diff", T.unpack branch]
diffFileNames :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m [Text]
diffFileNames branch = readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_ (procGit ["diff", T.unpack branch, "--name-only"])
& fmapRT T.lines
diffFileNames branch =
readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_ (procGit ["diff", T.unpack branch, "--name-only"])
& fmapRT T.lines
staleFetchHead :: MonadIO m => m Bool
staleFetchHead =
@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ fetchIfStale = whenM staleFetchHead fetch
fetch :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m ()
fetch =
runProcessNoIndexIssue_ $
silently $ procGit ["fetch", "-q", "--prune", "--multiple", "upstream", "origin"]
silently $
procGit ["fetch", "-q", "--prune", "--multiple", "upstream", "origin"]
push :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> ExceptT Text m ()
push updateEnv =
@ -210,7 +212,6 @@ deleteBranchesEverywhere branches = do
Left error2 -> T.putStrLn $ tshow error2
Right success2 -> T.putStrLn $ tshow success2
runProcessNoIndexIssue_IO ::
ProcessConfig () () () -> IO ()
runProcessNoIndexIssue_IO config = go
@ -220,8 +221,8 @@ runProcessNoIndexIssue_IO config = go
case code of
ExitFailure 128
| "index.lock" `BS.isInfixOf` BSL.toStrict e -> do
threadDelay 100000
threadDelay 100000
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure _ -> throw $ ExitCodeException code config out e
@ -234,8 +235,8 @@ runProcessNoIndexIssue_ config = tryIOTextET go
case code of
ExitFailure 128
| "index.lock" `BS.isInfixOf` BSL.toStrict e -> do
threadDelay 100000
threadDelay 100000
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure _ -> throw $ ExitCodeException code config out e
@ -248,12 +249,11 @@ readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_ config = tryIOTextET go
case code of
ExitFailure 128
| "index.lock" `BS.isInfixOf` BSL.toStrict out -> do
threadDelay 100000
threadDelay 100000
ExitSuccess -> return $ bytestringToText out
ExitFailure _ -> throw $ ExitCodeException code config out out
readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_IO ::
ProcessConfig () () () -> IO Text
readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_IO config = go
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ readProcessInterleavedNoIndexIssue_IO config = go
case code of
ExitFailure 128
| "index.lock" `BS.isInfixOf` BSL.toStrict out -> do
threadDelay 100000
threadDelay 100000
ExitSuccess -> return $ bytestringToText out
ExitFailure _ -> throw $ ExitCodeException code config out out

View File

@ -15,15 +15,19 @@ filter _ cpeMatch "socat" v
| cpeUpdatePresentAndNotPartOfVersion cpeMatch v = False -- TODO consider if this rule should be applied to all packages
filter _ cpeMatch "uzbl" v
| isNothing (v =~ yearRegex)
&& "2009.12.22" `anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
&& "2009.12.22"
`anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
| isNothing (v =~ yearRegex)
&& "2010.04.03" `anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
&& "2010.04.03"
`anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
filter _ cpeMatch "go" v
| "." `T.isInfixOf` v
&& "-" `anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
| "."
`T.isInfixOf` v
&& "-"
`anyVersionInfixOf` cpeMatchVersionMatcher cpeMatch =
filter _ cpeMatch "terraform" _
| cpeTargetSoftware (cpeMatchCPE cpeMatch) == Just "aws" = False
filter cve _ "tor" _
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ filter cve _ "tor" _
filter _ cpeMatch "arena" _
| cpeVendor (cpeMatchCPE cpeMatch) == Just "rockwellautomation"
|| cpeVendor (cpeMatchCPE cpeMatch) == Just "openforis" =
filter _ cpeMatch "thrift" _
| cpeVendor (cpeMatchCPE cpeMatch) == Just "facebook" = False
filter _ cpeMatch "kanboard" _

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Git
import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
import OurPrelude
import System.Exit ()
import qualified System.Process.Typed as TP
import System.Exit()
import Utils (UpdateEnv (..), nixBuildOptions, nixCommonOptions, srcOrMain)
import Prelude hiding (log)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ nixEvalApplyRaw applyFunc attrPath =
nixEvalExpr ::
MonadIO m =>
Text ->
Text ->
ExceptT Text m Text
nixEvalExpr expr =
@ -116,22 +116,23 @@ assertNewerVersion updateEnv = do
lookupAttrPath :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> ExceptT Text m Text
lookupAttrPath updateEnv =
-- lookup attrpath by nix-env
(binPath <> "/nix-env")
( [ "-qa",
(packageName updateEnv <> "-" <> oldVersion updateEnv) & T.unpack,
<> nixCommonOptions
& ourReadProcess_
& fmapRT (fst >>> T.lines >>> head >>> T.words >>> head))
-- if that fails, check by attrpath
(getAttrString "name" (packageName updateEnv))
& fmapRT (const (packageName updateEnv))
( proc
(binPath <> "/nix-env")
( [ "-qa",
(packageName updateEnv <> "-" <> oldVersion updateEnv) & T.unpack,
<> nixCommonOptions
& ourReadProcess_
& fmapRT (fst >>> T.lines >>> head >>> T.words >>> head)
-- if that fails, check by attrpath
(getAttrString "name" (packageName updateEnv))
& fmapRT (const (packageName updateEnv))
getDerivationFile :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getDerivationFile attrPath = do
@ -143,10 +144,10 @@ getDerivationFile attrPath = do
-- Get an attribute that can be evaluated off a derivation, as in:
-- getAttr "cargoSha256" "ripgrep" -> 0lwz661rbm7kwkd6mallxym1pz8ynda5f03ynjfd16vrazy2dj21
getAttr :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getAttr attr = srcOrMain (nixEvalApply ("p: p."<> attr))
getAttr attr = srcOrMain (nixEvalApply ("p: p." <> attr))
getAttrString :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getAttrString attr = srcOrMain (nixEvalApplyRaw ("p: p."<> attr))
getAttrString attr = srcOrMain (nixEvalApplyRaw ("p: p." <> attr))
getHash :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHash = getAttrString "drvAttrs.outputHash"
@ -178,8 +179,9 @@ getHomepage :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHomepage = nixEvalApplyRaw "p: p.meta.homepage or \"\""
getSrcUrl :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcUrl = srcOrMain
(nixEvalApplyRaw "p: builtins.elemAt p.drvAttrs.urls 0")
getSrcUrl =
(nixEvalApplyRaw "p: builtins.elemAt p.drvAttrs.urls 0")
buildCmd :: Text -> ProcessConfig () () ()
buildCmd attrPath =
@ -245,10 +247,9 @@ resultLink =
fakeHashMatching :: Text -> Text
fakeHashMatching oldHash =
if "sha512-" `T.isPrefixOf` oldHash then
if "sha512-" `T.isPrefixOf` oldHash
-- fixed-output derivation produced path '/nix/store/fg2hz90z5bc773gpsx4gfxn3l6fl66nw-source' with sha256 hash '0q1lsgc1621czrg49nmabq6am9sgxa9syxrwzlksqqr4dyzw4nmf' instead of the expected hash '0bp22mzkjy48gncj5vm9b7whzrggcbs5pd4cnb6k8jpl9j02dhdv'
getHashFromBuild :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
@ -287,17 +288,19 @@ hasPatchNamed attrPath name = do
return $ name `T.isInfixOf` ps
hasUpdateScript :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
hasUpdateScript attrPath= do
hasUpdateScript attrPath = do
"p: builtins.hasAttr \"updateScript\" p" attrPath
"p: builtins.hasAttr \"updateScript\" p"
& readNixBool
runUpdateScript :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m (ExitCode, Text)
runUpdateScript attrPath = do
let timeout = "10m" :: Text
(exitCode, output) <- ourReadProcessInterleaved $
TP.setStdin (TP.byteStringInput "\n") $
proc "timeout" [T.unpack timeout, "nix-shell", "maintainers/scripts/update.nix", "--argstr", "package", T.unpack attrPath ]
(exitCode, output) <-
ourReadProcessInterleaved $
TP.setStdin (TP.byteStringInput "\n") $
proc "timeout" [T.unpack timeout, "nix-shell", "maintainers/scripts/update.nix", "--argstr", "package", T.unpack attrPath]
case exitCode of
ExitFailure 124 -> do
return (exitCode, "updateScript for " <> attrPath <> " took longer than " <> timeout <> " and timed out. Other output: " <> output)

View File

@ -33,20 +33,22 @@ run ::
FilePath ->
Text ->
Sem r Text
run cache commit = let timeout = "45m" :: Text in do
-- TODO: probably just skip running nixpkgs-review if the directory
-- already exists
void $
ourReadProcessInterleavedSem $
proc "rm" ["-rf", revDir cache commit]
(exitCode, _nixpkgsReviewOutput) <-
ourReadProcessInterleavedSem $
proc "timeout" [T.unpack timeout, (binPath <> "/nixpkgs-review"), "rev", T.unpack commit, "--no-shell"]
case exitCode of
ExitFailure 124 -> do
output $ "[check][nixpkgs-review] took longer than " <> timeout <> " and timed out"
return $ "nixpkgs-review took longer than " <> timeout <> " and timed out"
_ -> $ (revDir cache commit) <> "/"
run cache commit =
let timeout = "45m" :: Text
in do
-- TODO: probably just skip running nixpkgs-review if the directory
-- already exists
void $
ourReadProcessInterleavedSem $
proc "rm" ["-rf", revDir cache commit]
(exitCode, _nixpkgsReviewOutput) <-
ourReadProcessInterleavedSem $
proc "timeout" [T.unpack timeout, (binPath <> "/nixpkgs-review"), "rev", T.unpack commit, "--no-shell"]
case exitCode of
ExitFailure 124 -> do
output $ "[check][nixpkgs-review] took longer than " <> timeout <> " and timed out"
return $ "nixpkgs-review took longer than " <> timeout <> " and timed out"
_ -> $ (revDir cache commit) <> "/"
-- Assumes we are already in nixpkgs dir
runReport :: (Text -> IO ()) -> Text -> IO Text

View File

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ module OurPrelude
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Error
@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Error hiding (note, try, tryJust)
import qualified Process as P
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Process.Typed
interpolate :: QuasiQuoter
@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ ourReadProcessInterleavedBS_ = readProcessInterleaved_ >>> tryIOTextET
ourReadProcess_ ::
MonadIO m =>
ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr ->
ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr ->
ExceptT Text m (Text, Text)
ourReadProcess_ = readProcess_ >>> tryIOTextET >>> fmapRT (\(stdout,stderr) -> (bytestringToText stdout, bytestringToText stderr))
ourReadProcess_ = readProcess_ >>> tryIOTextET >>> fmapRT (\(stdout, stderr) -> (bytestringToText stdout, bytestringToText stderr))
ourReadProcess_Sem ::
Members '[P.Process] r =>
ProcessConfig stdin stdoutIgnored stderrIgnored ->
Sem r (Text, Text)
ourReadProcess_Sem =
P.read_ >>> fmap (\(stdout,stderr) -> (bytestringToText stdout, bytestringToText stderr))
P.read_ >>> fmap (\(stdout, stderr) -> (bytestringToText stdout, bytestringToText stderr))
ourReadProcessInterleaved_ ::
MonadIO m =>

View File

@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified System.Posix.Files as F
import qualified Git
import qualified Utils
import qualified System.Directory
import OurPrelude
import qualified System.Directory
import qualified System.Posix.Files as F
import Text.Parsec (parse)
import Text.Parser.Char
import Text.Parser.Combinators
import qualified Utils
outPathsExpr :: Text
outPathsExpr =
@ -94,14 +94,23 @@ outPath = do
liftIO $ T.writeFile outpathFile outPathsExpr
liftIO $ putStrLn "[outpaths] eval start"
currentDir <- liftIO $ System.Directory.getCurrentDirectory
result <- ourReadProcessInterleaved_ $ proc "nix-env" [
"-f", outpathFile,
"--arg", "path", currentDir,
"--arg", "checkMeta", "true",
result <-
ourReadProcessInterleaved_ $
[ "-f",
liftIO $ putStrLn "[outpaths] eval end"
pure result
@ -163,7 +172,8 @@ parseResults = S.fromList <$> parseResultLine `sepEndBy` newline
parseResultLine :: CharParsing m => m ResultLine
parseResultLine =
ResultLine <$> (T.dropWhileEnd (== '.') <$> parseAttrpath)
<$> (T.dropWhileEnd (== '.') <$> parseAttrpath)
<*> parseArchitecture
<* spaces
<*> parseOutpaths
@ -182,7 +192,8 @@ parseOutpaths = V.fromList <$> (parseOutpath `sepBy1` char ';')
parseOutpath :: CharParsing m => m Outpath
parseOutpath =
Outpath <$> optional (try (T.pack <$> (many (noneOf "=\n") <* char '=')))
<$> optional (try (T.pack <$> (many (noneOf "=\n") <* char '=')))
<*> (T.pack <$> many (noneOf ";\n"))
packageRebuilds :: Set ResultLine -> Vector Text

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (newTlsManager)
import OurPrelude
import Servant.API
import Servant.Client (BaseUrl (..), mkClientEnv, ClientM, Scheme (..), client, runClientM)
import Servant.Client (BaseUrl (..), ClientM, Scheme (..), client, mkClientEnv, runClientM)
import System.IO
baseUrl :: BaseUrl
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ type Project = Vector Package
type Projects = HashMap Text Project
type API =
"project" :> Capture "project_name" Text :> Get '[JSON] Project :<|>
"projects" :> QueryParam "inrepo" Text :> QueryParam "outdated" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Projects :<|>
"projects" :> Capture "name" Text :> QueryParam "inrepo" Text :> QueryParam "outdated" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Projects
"project" :> Capture "project_name" Text :> Get '[JSON] Project
:<|> "projects" :> QueryParam "inrepo" Text :> QueryParam "outdated" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Projects
:<|> "projects" :> Capture "name" Text :> QueryParam "inrepo" Text :> QueryParam "outdated" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Projects
data Package = Package
{ repo :: Text,
@ -56,12 +56,10 @@ api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy
project :: Text -> ClientM (Vector Package)
projects ::
Maybe Text ->
Maybe Bool ->
ClientM Projects
projects' ::
Text ->
Maybe Text ->

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusCode)
import qualified Nix
import OurPrelude
import System.Exit()
import System.Exit ()
import Utils (UpdateEnv (..))
import Prelude hiding (log)
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ plan =
("golangModuleVersion", golangModuleVersion),
("npmDepsVersion", npmDepsVersion),
("updateScript", updateScript)
--("redirectedUrl", Rewrite.redirectedUrls)
-- ("redirectedUrl", Rewrite.redirectedUrls)
runAll :: (Text -> IO ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text IO [Text]
@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ version :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe Text)
version log args@Args {..} = do
| Nix.numberOfFetchers derivationContents > 1 || Nix.numberOfHashes derivationContents > 1 -> do
lift $ log "generic version rewriter does not support multiple hashes"
return Nothing
lift $ log "generic version rewriter does not support multiple hashes"
return Nothing
| hasUpdateScript -> do
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
srcVersionFix args
lift $ log "updated version and sha256"
return $ Just "Version update"
srcVersionFix args
lift $ log "updated version and sha256"
return $ Just "Version update"
-- Redirect homepage when moved.
@ -130,28 +130,28 @@ redirectedUrls log Args {..} = do
rustCrateVersion :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe Text)
rustCrateVersion log args@Args {..} = do
| and [(not (T.isInfixOf "cargoSha256" derivationContents)),(not (T.isInfixOf "cargoHash" derivationContents))] -> do
lift $ log "No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found"
return Nothing
| and [(not (T.isInfixOf "cargoSha256" derivationContents)), (not (T.isInfixOf "cargoHash" derivationContents))] -> do
lift $ log "No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found"
return Nothing
| hasUpdateScript -> do
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO "cargoSha256 =" "cargoHash =" derivationFile
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the cargoHash!
oldCargoHash <- Nix.getAttrString "cargoHash" attrPath
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldCargoHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldCargoHash fakeHash derivationFile
newCargoHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
when (oldCargoHash == newCargoHash) $ throwE ("cargo hashes equal; no update necessary: " <> oldCargoHash)
lift . log $ "Replacing cargoHash with " <> newCargoHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newCargoHash derivationFile
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating Crate version and replacing hashes"
return $ Just "Rust version update"
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO "cargoSha256 =" "cargoHash =" derivationFile
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the cargoHash!
oldCargoHash <- Nix.getAttrString "cargoHash" attrPath
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldCargoHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldCargoHash fakeHash derivationFile
newCargoHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
when (oldCargoHash == newCargoHash) $ throwE ("cargo hashes equal; no update necessary: " <> oldCargoHash)
lift . log $ "Replacing cargoHash with " <> newCargoHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newCargoHash derivationFile
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating Crate version and replacing hashes"
return $ Just "Rust version update"
-- Rewrite Golang packages with buildGoModule
@ -161,38 +161,38 @@ golangModuleVersion :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Ma
golangModuleVersion log args@Args {..} = do
| and [not (T.isInfixOf "buildGoModule" derivationContents && T.isInfixOf "vendorSha256" derivationContents), not (T.isInfixOf "buildGoModule" derivationContents && T.isInfixOf "vendorHash" derivationContents)] -> do
lift $ log "Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash"
return Nothing
lift $ log "Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash"
return Nothing
| hasUpdateScript -> do
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO "vendorSha256 =" "vendorHash =" derivationFile
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the vendorHash!
-- Note that explicit `null` cannot be coerced to a string by nix eval --raw
oldVendorHash <- Nix.getAttr "vendorHash" attrPath
lift . log $ "Found old vendorHash = " <> oldVendorHash
original <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldVendorHash "null" derivationFile
ok <- runExceptT $ attrPath
_ <-
if isLeft ok
then do
_ <- liftIO $ T.writeFile derivationFile original
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldVendorHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldVendorHash ("\"" <> fakeHash <> "\"") derivationFile
newVendorHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newVendorHash derivationFile
-- Note that on some small bumps, this may not actually change if go.sum did not
lift . log $ "Replaced vendorHash with " <> newVendorHash
else do
lift . log $ "Set vendorHash to null"
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating vendorHash"
return $ Just "Golang update"
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO "vendorSha256 =" "vendorHash =" derivationFile
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the vendorHash!
-- Note that explicit `null` cannot be coerced to a string by nix eval --raw
oldVendorHash <- Nix.getAttr "vendorHash" attrPath
lift . log $ "Found old vendorHash = " <> oldVendorHash
original <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldVendorHash "null" derivationFile
ok <- runExceptT $ attrPath
_ <-
if isLeft ok
then do
_ <- liftIO $ T.writeFile derivationFile original
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldVendorHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldVendorHash ("\"" <> fakeHash <> "\"") derivationFile
newVendorHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newVendorHash derivationFile
-- Note that on some small bumps, this may not actually change if go.sum did not
lift . log $ "Replaced vendorHash with " <> newVendorHash
else do
lift . log $ "Set vendorHash to null"
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating vendorHash"
return $ Just "Golang update"
-- Rewrite NPM packages with buildNpmPackage
@ -202,26 +202,26 @@ npmDepsVersion :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe T
npmDepsVersion log args@Args {..} = do
| not (T.isInfixOf "npmDepsHash" derivationContents) -> do
lift $ log "No npmDepsHash"
return Nothing
lift $ log "No npmDepsHash"
return Nothing
| hasUpdateScript -> do
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has updateScript"
return Nothing
| otherwise -> do
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the cargoHash!
oldDepsHash <- Nix.getAttrString "npmDepsHash" attrPath
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldDepsHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldDepsHash fakeHash derivationFile
newDepsHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
when (oldDepsHash == newDepsHash) $ throwE ("deps hashes equal; no update necessary: " <> oldDepsHash)
lift . log $ "Replacing npmDepsHash with " <> newDepsHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newDepsHash derivationFile
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating NPM deps version and replacing hashes"
return $ Just "NPM version update"
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the cargoHash!
oldDepsHash <- Nix.getAttrString "npmDepsHash" attrPath
let fakeHash = Nix.fakeHashMatching oldDepsHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldDepsHash fakeHash derivationFile
newDepsHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
when (oldDepsHash == newDepsHash) $ throwE ("deps hashes equal; no update necessary: " <> oldDepsHash)
lift . log $ "Replacing npmDepsHash with " <> newDepsHash
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO fakeHash newDepsHash derivationFile
-- Ensure the package actually builds and passes its tests attrPath
lift $ log "Finished updating NPM deps version and replacing hashes"
return $ Just "NPM version update"
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ updateScript log Args {..} = do
else do
lift $ log "skipping because derivation has no updateScript"
return Nothing
-- Common helper functions and utilities
-- Helper to update version and src attributes, re-computing the sha256.

View File

@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ checkResultList =
skipOutpathCalcList :: Skiplist
skipOutpathCalcList =
[ eq "firefox-beta-bin-unwrapped" "master"
, eq "firefox-devedition-bin-unwrapped" "master"
-- "firefox-release-bin-unwrapped" is unneeded here because firefox-bin is a dependency of other packages that Hydra doesn't ignore.
[ eq "firefox-beta-bin-unwrapped" "master",
eq "firefox-devedition-bin-unwrapped" "master"
-- "firefox-release-bin-unwrapped" is unneeded here because firefox-bin is a dependency of other packages that Hydra doesn't ignore.
binariesStickAround :: Text -> (Text -> Bool, Text)

View File

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriterT, tell)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid (Alt(..))
import Data.Monoid (Alt (..))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (showGregorian)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, utctDay, addUTCTime, UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime, utctDay)
import qualified GH
import qualified Git
import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ import OurPrelude
import qualified Outpaths
import qualified Rewrite
import qualified Skiplist
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, withCurrentDirectory)
import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
import Utils
( Boundary (..),
Options (..),
@ -55,12 +57,10 @@ import Utils
import qualified Utils as U
import qualified Version
import Prelude hiding (log)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, withCurrentDirectory)
import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
default (T.Text)
alsoLogToAttrPath :: Text -> (Text -> IO()) -> IO (Text -> IO())
alsoLogToAttrPath :: Text -> (Text -> IO ()) -> IO (Text -> IO ())
alsoLogToAttrPath attrPath topLevelLog = do
logFile <- attrPathLogFilePath attrPath
let attrPathLog = log' logFile
@ -181,9 +181,10 @@ updatePackageBatch simpleLog updateInfoLine updateEnv@UpdateEnv {..} = do
Right foundAttrPath -> do
log <- alsoLogToAttrPath foundAttrPath simpleLog
log updateInfoLine
mergeBase <- if batchUpdate options
then Git.mergeBase
else pure "HEAD"
mergeBase <-
if batchUpdate options
then Git.mergeBase
else pure "HEAD"
withWorktree mergeBase foundAttrPath updateEnv $
updateAttrPath log mergeBase updateEnv foundAttrPath
@ -198,12 +199,14 @@ checkExistingUpdate log updateEnv existingCommitMsg attrPath = do
Nothing -> lift $ log "No auto update branch exists"
Just msg -> do
let nV = newVersion updateEnv
lift $ log
[interpolate|An auto update branch exists with message `$msg`. New version is $nV.|]
lift $
[interpolate|An auto update branch exists with message `$msg`. New version is $nV.|]
case U.titleVersion msg of
Just branchV | Version.matchVersion (RangeMatcher (Including nV) Unbounded) branchV ->
throwError "An auto update branch exists with an equal or greater version"
Just branchV
| Version.matchVersion (RangeMatcher (Including nV) Unbounded) branchV ->
throwError "An auto update branch exists with an equal or greater version"
_ ->
lift $ log "The auto update branch does not match or exceed the new version."
@ -329,7 +332,7 @@ updateAttrPath log mergeBase updateEnv@UpdateEnv {..} attrPath = do
when hasUpdateScript do
changedFiles <- Git.diffFileNames mergeBase
let rewrittenFile = case changedFiles of { [f] -> f; _ -> derivationFile }
let rewrittenFile = case changedFiles of [f] -> f; _ -> derivationFile
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv' rewrittenFile "master"
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv' rewrittenFile "staging"
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv' rewrittenFile "staging-next"
@ -350,16 +353,18 @@ updateAttrPath log mergeBase updateEnv@UpdateEnv {..} attrPath = do
-- Publish the result
lift . log $ "Successfully finished processing"
result <- Nix.resultLink
result <- Nix.resultLink
let opReport =
if isJust skipOutpathBase
then "Outpath calculations were skipped for this package; total number of rebuilds unknown."
else Outpaths.outpathReport opDiff
then "Outpath calculations were skipped for this package; total number of rebuilds unknown."
else Outpaths.outpathReport opDiff
let prBase =
flip fromMaybe skipOutpathBase
if Outpaths.numPackageRebuilds opDiff <= 500
then "master"
else "staging"
then "master"
else "staging"
publishPackage log updateEnv' oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opReport prBase rewriteMsgs (isJust existingCommitMsg)
case successOrFailure of
@ -437,10 +442,12 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opReport prBase
let ghUser = GH.untagName . githubUser . options $ updateEnv
let mkPR = if branchExists then GH.prUpdate else
(reusedPR, pullRequestUrl) <- mkPR updateEnv (prTitle updateEnv attrPath) prMsg (ghUser <> ":" <> (branchName updateEnv)) prBase
when branchExists $ liftIO $ log
if reusedPR
then "Updated existing PR"
else "Reused existing auto update branch, but no corresponding open PR was found, so created a new PR"
when branchExists $
liftIO $
if reusedPR
then "Updated existing PR"
else "Reused existing auto update branch, but no corresponding open PR was found, so created a new PR"
liftIO $ log pullRequestUrl
else liftIO $ T.putStrLn prMsg
@ -611,7 +618,8 @@ untilOfBorgFree log waitUntil = do
stats <-
shell "curl -s" & readProcessInterleaved_
waiting <-
shell (jqBin <> " .evaluator.messages.waiting") & setStdin (byteStringInput stats)
shell (jqBin <> " .evaluator.messages.waiting")
& setStdin (byteStringInput stats)
& readProcessInterleaved_
& fmap (BSL.readInt >>> fmap fst >>> fromMaybe 0)
when (waiting > 2) $ do
@ -695,13 +703,12 @@ cveReport updateEnv =
doCachix :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> UpdateEnv -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
doCachix log updateEnv resultPath =
let o = options updateEnv
if batchUpdate o && "r-ryantm" == (GH.untagName $ githubUser o)
then do
lift $ log ("cachix " <> (T.pack . show) resultPath)
Nix.cachix resultPath
in if batchUpdate o && "r-ryantm" == (GH.untagName $ githubUser o)
then do
lift $ log ("cachix " <> (T.pack . show) resultPath)
Nix.cachix resultPath
Either **download from Cachix**:
nix-store -r $resultPath \
@ -716,9 +723,9 @@ doCachix log updateEnv resultPath =
Or, **build yourself**:
else do
lift $ log "skipping cachix"
return "Build yourself:"
else do
lift $ log "skipping cachix"
return "Build yourself:"
updatePackage ::
Options ->
@ -737,18 +744,19 @@ updatePackage o updateInfo = do
UpdatePackageSuccess -> do
log $ "[result] Success updating " <> updateInfoLine
withWorktree :: Text -> Text -> UpdateEnv -> IO a -> IO a
withWorktree branch attrpath updateEnv action = do
( do
dir <- U.worktreeDir
let path = dir <> "/" <> T.unpack (T.replace ".lock" "_lock" attrpath)
Git.worktreeRemove path
Git.delete1 (branchName updateEnv)
Git.worktreeAdd path branch updateEnv
pure path)
(\ path -> do
pure path
( \path -> do
Git.worktreeRemove path
Git.delete1 (branchName updateEnv))
(\ path -> withCurrentDirectory path action)
Git.delete1 (branchName updateEnv)
(\path -> withCurrentDirectory path action)

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Utils
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField, toField)
import qualified GitHub as GH
import OurPrelude
import Polysemy.Output
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Posix.Files
( directoryMode,
@ -141,7 +141,10 @@ titleVersion title = if T.null prefix then Nothing else Just suffix
regDirMode :: FileMode
regDirMode =
directoryMode .|. ownerModes .|. groupModes .|. otherReadMode
.|. ownerModes
.|. groupModes
.|. otherReadMode
.|. otherExecuteMode
logsDirectory :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m FilePath
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ logsDirectory = do
dir <-
noteT "Could not get environment variable LOGS_DIRECTORY" $
MaybeT $
liftIO $
liftIO $
dirExists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir
tryAssert ("LOGS_DIRECTORY " <> T.pack dir <> " does not exist.") dirExists
@ -163,8 +166,8 @@ logsDirectory = do
cacheDir :: MonadIO m => m FilePath
cacheDir = do
cacheDirectory <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "CACHE_DIRECTORY"
xdgCacheHome <- liftIO $ fmap (fmap (\ dir -> dir </> "nixpkgs-update")) $ lookupEnv "XDG_CACHE_HOME"
cacheHome <- liftIO $ fmap (fmap (\ dir -> dir </> ".cache/nixpkgs-update")) $ lookupEnv "HOME"
xdgCacheHome <- liftIO $ fmap (fmap (\dir -> dir </> "nixpkgs-update")) $ lookupEnv "XDG_CACHE_HOME"
cacheHome <- liftIO $ fmap (fmap (\dir -> dir </> ".cache/nixpkgs-update")) $ lookupEnv "HOME"
let dir = fromJust (cacheDirectory <|> xdgCacheHome <|> cacheHome)
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
return dir
@ -214,7 +217,9 @@ logDir :: IO FilePath
logDir = do
r <-
( logsDirectory <|> xdgRuntimeDir <|> tmpRuntimeDir
( logsDirectory
<|> xdgRuntimeDir
<|> tmpRuntimeDir
<|> throwE
"Failed to create log directory."

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ module Version
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.PartialOrd as PO
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -62,30 +62,30 @@ clearBreakOn boundary string =
versionCompatibleWithPathPin :: Text -> Version -> Bool
versionCompatibleWithPathPin attrPath newVer
| "-unwrapped" `T.isSuffixOf` attrPath =
versionCompatibleWithPathPin (T.dropEnd 10 attrPath) newVer
versionCompatibleWithPathPin (T.dropEnd 10 attrPath) newVer
| "_x" `T.isSuffixOf` T.toLower attrPath =
versionCompatibleWithPathPin (T.dropEnd 2 attrPath) newVer
versionCompatibleWithPathPin (T.dropEnd 2 attrPath) newVer
| "_" `T.isInfixOf` attrPath =
let attrVersionPart =
let (_, version) = clearBreakOn "_" attrPath
in if T.any (notElemOf ('_' : ['0' .. '9'])) version
then Nothing
else Just version
-- Check assuming version part has underscore separators
attrVersionPeriods = T.replace "_" "." <$> attrVersionPart
in -- If we don't find version numbers in the attr path, exit success.
maybe True (`T.isPrefixOf` newVer) attrVersionPeriods
let attrVersionPart =
let (_, version) = clearBreakOn "_" attrPath
in if T.any (notElemOf ('_' : ['0' .. '9'])) version
then Nothing
else Just version
-- Check assuming version part has underscore separators
attrVersionPeriods = T.replace "_" "." <$> attrVersionPart
in -- If we don't find version numbers in the attr path, exit success.
maybe True (`T.isPrefixOf` newVer) attrVersionPeriods
| otherwise =
let attrVersionPart =
let version = T.dropWhile (notElemOf ['0' .. '9']) attrPath
in if T.any (notElemOf ['0' .. '9']) version
then Nothing
else Just version
-- Check assuming version part is the prefix of the version with dots
-- removed. For example, 91 => "9.1"
noPeriodNewVersion = T.replace "." "" newVer
in -- If we don't find version numbers in the attr path, exit success.
maybe True (`T.isPrefixOf` noPeriodNewVersion) attrVersionPart
let attrVersionPart =
let version = T.dropWhile (notElemOf ['0' .. '9']) attrPath
in if T.any (notElemOf ['0' .. '9']) version
then Nothing
else Just version
-- Check assuming version part is the prefix of the version with dots
-- removed. For example, 91 => "9.1"
noPeriodNewVersion = T.replace "." "" newVer
in -- If we don't find version numbers in the attr path, exit success.
maybe True (`T.isPrefixOf` noPeriodNewVersion) attrVersionPart
versionIncompatibleWithPathPin :: Text -> Version -> Bool
versionIncompatibleWithPathPin path version =

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module CheckSpec where
import qualified Check
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Hspec
import qualified Check
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec