mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 14:34:56 +03:00
Merge pull request #181 from ryantm/ux
improve ux for single update case
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,19 +131,18 @@ test a package with one command.
3. To test your config, try to update a single package, like this:
./result/bin/nixpkgs-update update --dry-run --additional-updates "pkg oldVer newVer update-page"`
./result/bin/nixpkgs-update update "pkg oldVer newVer update-page"`
# Example:
./result/bin/nixpkgs-update update --dry-run --additional-updates "tflint 0.15.0 0.15.1 repology.org"`
./result/bin/nixpkgs-update update "tflint 0.15.0 0.15.1 repology.org"`
replacing `tflint` with the attribute name of the package you actually want
to update, and the old version and new version accordingly.
If this works, you are now setup to hack on `nixpkgs-update`! Since we passed
`--dry-run`, it will just print a `diff` of the updated nix expression, then
exit. If you run it without `--dry-run`, it will actually send a pull
request, which looks like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/82465
If this works, you are now setup to hack on `nixpkgs-update`! If
you run it with `--pr`, it will actually send a pull request, which
looks like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/82465
4. If you'd like to send a batch of updates, get a list of outdated packages and
@ -16,22 +16,21 @@ import OurPrelude
import qualified Repology
import System.IO (BufferMode (..), hSetBuffering, stderr, stdout)
import qualified System.Posix.Env as P
import Update (cveAll, cveReport, sourceGithubAll, updateAll)
import Update (cveAll, cveReport, sourceGithubAll, updateAll, updatePackage)
import Utils (Options (..), UpdateEnv (..), getGithubToken, setupNixpkgs)
default (T.Text)
data UpdateOptions
= UpdateOptions
{ dry :: Bool,
{ pr :: Bool,
cachix :: Bool,
additionalUpdates :: Text,
outpaths :: Bool
data Command
= UpdateList UpdateOptions
| Update UpdateOptions
| Update UpdateOptions Text
| DeleteDone
| Version
| UpdateVulnDB
@ -43,15 +42,16 @@ data Command
updateOptionsParser :: O.Parser UpdateOptions
updateOptionsParser =
<$> O.switch
( O.long "dry-run"
<> O.help
"Do everything except actually pushing the updates to the remote repository"
<$> O.flag False True (O.long "pr" <> O.help "Make a pull request using Hub.")
<*> O.flag False True (O.long "cachix" <> O.help "Push changes to Cachix")
<*> O.strOption (O.long "additional-updates" <> O.help "A string of updates formatted the same way as packages-to-update.txt" <> O.value "")
<*> O.flag False True (O.long "outpaths" <> O.help "Calculate outpaths to determine the branch to target")
updateParser :: O.Parser Command
updateParser =
<$> updateOptionsParser
<*> O.strArgument (O.metavar "UPDATE_INFO" <> O.help "update string of the form: 'pkg oldVer newVer update-page'\n\n example: 'tflint 0.15.0 0.15.1 repology.org'")
commandParser :: O.Parser Command
commandParser =
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ commandParser =
(O.info (UpdateList <$> updateOptionsParser) (O.progDesc "Update a list of packages"))
<> O.command
(O.info (Update <$> updateOptionsParser) (O.progDesc "Update packages"))
(O.info (updateParser) (O.progDesc "Update one package"))
<> O.command
( O.info
@ -124,19 +124,22 @@ main = do
setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
deleteDone token
UpdateList UpdateOptions {dry, cachix, additionalUpdates, outpaths} -> do
UpdateList UpdateOptions {pr, cachix, outpaths} -> do
token <- getGithubToken
updates <- T.readFile "packages-to-update.txt"
setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "PAGER" "" True
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
updateAll (Options dry token cachix outpaths) (updates <> "\n" <> additionalUpdates)
Update UpdateOptions {dry, cachix, additionalUpdates, outpaths} -> do
updateAll (Options pr True token cachix outpaths) updates
Update UpdateOptions {pr, cachix} update -> do
token <- getGithubToken
setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "PAGER" "" True
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
updateAll (Options dry token cachix outpaths) additionalUpdates
result <- updatePackage (Options pr False token cachix False) update
case result of
Left e -> T.putStrLn e
Right () -> T.putStrLn "Done."
Version -> do
v <- runExceptT Nix.version
case v of
@ -146,17 +149,17 @@ main = do
CheckAllVulnerable -> do
setupNixpkgs undefined
updates <- T.readFile "packages-to-update.txt"
cveAll (Options undefined undefined undefined undefined) updates
cveAll (Options undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined) updates
CheckVulnerable productID oldVersion newVersion -> do
setupNixpkgs undefined
report <-
(UpdateEnv productID oldVersion newVersion Nothing (Options False undefined False False))
(UpdateEnv productID oldVersion newVersion Nothing (Options False False undefined False False))
T.putStrLn report
SourceGithub -> do
token <- getGithubToken
updates <- T.readFile "packages-to-update.txt"
setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
sourceGithubAll (Options False token False False) updates
sourceGithubAll (Options False False token False False) updates
FetchRepology -> Repology.fetch
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ push updateEnv =
T.unpack (branchName updateEnv)
++ ["--dry-run" | dryRun (options updateEnv)]
++ ["--dry-run" | doPR (options updateEnv)]
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Rewrite
( Args (..),
@ -47,6 +48,14 @@ data Args
derivationContents :: Text
runAll :: (Text -> IO ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text IO [Text]
runAll log rwArgs = do
msg1 <- Rewrite.version log rwArgs
msg2 <- Rewrite.rustCrateVersion log rwArgs
msg3 <- Rewrite.golangModuleVersion log rwArgs
msg4 <- Rewrite.quotedUrlsET log rwArgs
return $ catMaybes [msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4]
-- The canonical updater: updates the src attribute and recomputes the sha256
version :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe Text)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
module Update
( updateAll,
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import OurPrelude
import Outpaths
import qualified Rewrite
import qualified Time
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Utils
( Options (..),
@ -67,13 +69,22 @@ logFileName = do
putStrLn ("Using log file: " <> logFile)
return logFile
getLog :: Options -> IO (Text -> IO ())
getLog o = do
if batchUpdate o
then do
logFile <- logFileName
let log = log' logFile
T.appendFile logFile "\n\n"
return log
return T.putStrLn
updateAll :: Options -> Text -> IO ()
updateAll o updates = do
logFile <- logFileName
let log = log' logFile
T.appendFile logFile "\n\n"
log <- getLog o
log "New run of nixpkgs-update"
when (dryRun o) $ log "Dry Run."
when (doPR o) $ log "Will do push to origin and do PR on success."
when (pushToCachix o) $ log "Will push to cachix."
when (calculateOutpaths o) $ log "Will calculate outpaths."
twoHoursAgo <- runM $ Time.runIO Time.twoHoursAgo
@ -127,9 +138,9 @@ updateLoop o log (Left e : moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsContext = do
log e
updateLoop o log moreUpdates mergeBaseOutpathsContext
updateLoop o log (Right (pName, oldVer, newVer, url) : moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsContext = do
log (pName <> " " <> oldVer <> " -> " <> newVer)
log (pName <> " " <> oldVer <> " -> " <> newVer <> fromMaybe "" (fmap (" " <>) url))
let updateEnv = UpdateEnv pName oldVer newVer url o
updated <- updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext
updated <- updatePackageBatch log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext
case updated of
Left failure -> do
log $ "FAIL " <> failure
@ -154,14 +165,14 @@ updateLoop o log (Right (pName, oldVer, newVer, url) : moreUpdates) mergeBaseOut
-- - the merge base commit (should be updated externally to this function)
-- - the merge base context should be updated externally to this function
-- - the commit for branches: master, staging, staging-next, python-unstable
updatePackage ::
updatePackageBatch ::
(Text -> IO ()) ->
UpdateEnv ->
IORef MergeBaseOutpathsInfo ->
IO (Either Text ())
updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
updatePackageBatch log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
runExceptT $ do
let dry = dryRun . options $ updateEnv
let pr = doPR . options $ updateEnv
-- Filters that don't need git
Blacklist.packageName (packageName updateEnv)
@ -169,17 +180,13 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
-- Update our git checkout
Git.fetchIfStale <|> liftIO (T.putStrLn "Failed to fetch.")
-- If we're doing a dry run, we want to re-run locally even if there's
-- already a PR open upstream
unless dry $
unless pr $
Git.checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesntExist (packageName updateEnv)
Git.cleanAndResetTo "master"
-- Filters: various cases where we shouldn't update the package
attrPath <- Nix.lookupAttrPath updateEnv
-- If we're doing a dry run, we want to re-run locally even if there's
-- already a PR open upstream
unless dry $
unless pr $
GH.checkExistingUpdatePR updateEnv attrPath
Blacklist.attrPath attrPath
Version.assertCompatibleWithPathPin updateEnv attrPath
@ -223,11 +230,7 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
-- that we actually should be touching this file. Get to work processing the
-- various rewrite functions!
let rwArgs = Rewrite.Args updateEnv attrPath derivationFile derivationContents
msg1 <- Rewrite.version log rwArgs
msg2 <- Rewrite.rustCrateVersion log rwArgs
msg3 <- Rewrite.golangModuleVersion log rwArgs
msg4 <- Rewrite.quotedUrlsET log rwArgs
let msgs = catMaybes [msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4]
msgs <- Rewrite.runAll log rwArgs
-- Compute the diff and get updated values
@ -249,9 +252,8 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
-- Publish the result
lift . log $ "Successfully finished processing"
unless dry $ do
result <- Nix.resultLink
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff msgs
result <- Nix.resultLink
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result (Just opDiff) msgs
publishPackage ::
MonadIO m =>
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ publishPackage ::
Text ->
Text ->
Text ->
Set ResultLine ->
Maybe (Set ResultLine) ->
[Text] ->
ExceptT Text m ()
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff msgs = do
@ -303,17 +305,12 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff msgs = d
Git.commit commitMsg
commitHash <- Git.headHash
-- Try to push it three times
Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv
when (doPR . options $ updateEnv)
(Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv)
isBroken <- Nix.getIsBroken attrPath
lift untilOfBorgFree
let base =
if numPackageRebuilds opDiff < 100
then "master"
else "staging"
lift $
( prMessage
when (batchUpdate . options $ updateEnv)
(lift untilOfBorgFree)
let prMsg = prMessage
@ -326,10 +323,16 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff msgs = d
(outpathReport opDiff)
(fromMaybe "" (outpathReport <$> opDiff))
if (doPR . options $ updateEnv)
then do
let base = if (isNothing opDiff || numPackageRebuilds (fromJust opDiff) < 100)
then "master"
else "staging"
lift $ GH.pr base prMsg
else liftIO $ T.putStrLn prMsg
Git.cleanAndResetTo "master"
commitMessage :: UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text
@ -522,3 +525,48 @@ doCachix log updateEnv resultPath =
else do
lift $ log "skipping cachix"
return "Build yourself:"
updatePackage ::
Options ->
Text ->
IO (Either Text ())
updatePackage o updateInfo = do
runExceptT $ do
let (p, oldV, newV, url) = head (rights (parseUpdates updateInfo))
let updateEnv = UpdateEnv p oldV newV url o
let log = T.putStrLn
Nix.assertNewerVersion updateEnv
attrPath <- Nix.lookupAttrPath updateEnv
Version.assertCompatibleWithPathPin updateEnv attrPath
derivationFile <- Nix.getDerivationFile attrPath
-- Get the original values for diffing purposes
derivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath
oldSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
-- At this point, we've stashed the old derivation contents and validated
-- that we actually should be touching this file. Get to work processing the
-- various rewrite functions!
let rwArgs = Rewrite.Args updateEnv attrPath derivationFile derivationContents
msgs <- Rewrite.runAll log rwArgs
-- Compute the diff and get updated values
diffAfterRewrites <- Git.diff
lift . log $ "Diff after rewrites:\n" <> diffAfterRewrites
updatedDerivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
newSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
newHash <- Nix.getHash attrPath
-- Sanity checks to make sure the PR is worth opening
when (derivationContents == updatedDerivationContents) $ throwE "No rewrites performed on derivation."
when (oldSrcUrl == newSrcUrl) $ throwE "Source url did not change. "
when (oldHash == newHash) $ throwE "Hashes equal; no update necessary"
Nix.build attrPath
-- Publish the result
lift . log $ "Successfully finished processing"
result <- Nix.resultLink
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result Nothing msgs
@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ instance ToField VersionMatcher where
data Options
= Options
{ dryRun :: Bool,
{ doPR :: Bool,
batchUpdate :: Bool,
githubToken :: Text,
pushToCachix :: Bool,
calculateOutpaths :: Bool
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ spec = do
it "quotes an unquoted meta.homepage URL" do
nixQuotedHomepageBad <- T.readFile "test_data/quoted_homepage_bad.nix"
nixQuotedHomepageGood <- T.readFile "test_data/quoted_homepage_good.nix"
let options = Utils.Options False "" False False
let options = Utils.Options False False "" False False
let updateEnv = Utils.UpdateEnv "inadyn" "2.5" "2.6" Nothing options
-- TODO test correct file is being read
let rwArgs = Rewrite.Args updateEnv "inadyn" undefined undefined
Reference in New Issue
Block a user