🚧 under construction 🚧 Any contributions are welcome # [Noogle](https://hsjobeki.github.io/noogle/) Noogle is a Nix API search engine. It allows you to search functions based on their types and other attributes in `nix` projects. In `nixpkgs` especially the `builtins` and `lib` attributes. - Beginners-friendly search for nix and nix-related functions - Expert search with directly typing type signatures - Search functions based on: - type - signature - name - tree-search from one type to another ## How it works The idea is to use a fork of `nixdoc`to generate json data from all functions. That have the `Type` field which is currently supported from nixdoc. View the prototype [here](https://hsjobeki.github.io/noogle/) ## We need your help / what is missing - Parsing `Types:` into a real type signature tree - Upstream missing type informations (like in /lib/attrsets.nix) - Write type signatures for the `builtins` in json - Add path, where each function can be imported from. e.g. `lib.makeOverridable` or `lib.customisation.makeOverridable` (it is available in both sets) - Website - Make sure functions with missing type signatures can be found too - Add filter by tags e.g. lib.lists - Mobile optimization for reading on the go - Clean up / enhance my nixdoc fork. - Make the `sloppy` parser more error resistant - Some valueable information can be used from the rnix AST ? ## Contrbute ### Build this page `nix build .#` ### Develop `nix develop` This command creates the node_modules folder with all needed dependencies based on dream2nix.