import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; // TODO: important mock zustand! // State from previous tests leaking into other test cases because zustand is never reset in its own import * as React from "react"; import { render, screen, act } from "@testing-library/react"; import mockAxios from "jest-mock-axios"; import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"; import { ImageList } from "./"; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "react-query"; import { SnackbarProvider } from "notistack"; const queryClient = new QueryClient(); const Wrapper = (element: React.ReactNode) => ( {element} ); const getImagesResp = [ { filename: "testfile.iso", hash: "3993d64556f3ae803986f6d1c2debaa8f5a2a77da70cc35f86af6f99c849fe80", modify_time: "2022-07-28T07:45:32.331998395Z", size_bytes: 513, }, { filename: "full.img", hash: "85c6a11c928611caff965aa2fc267b51ad3fc06657d0ee67ae00fec1711e81ef", modify_time: "2022-07-29T07:33:20.075281078Z", size_bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, }, { filename: "small.img", hash: "e8edbf1bb6121a38e8ee3a60e34a31887955bc9a292e9ef3bd598e8ccb7fef5a", modify_time: "2022-07-29T07:34:10.442184606Z", size_bytes: 1, }, ]; describe("render imageList", () => { afterEach(() => { mockAxios.reset(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await act(async () => { mockAxios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: getImagesResp }); render(Wrapper(), {}); }); }); test("list is shown & has proper length", async () => { const list = await screen.getByRole("list", { name: "image-list" }); const listItems = await screen.getAllByRole("listitem", { name: "image-entry-item", }); expect(list).toBeVisible(); expect(listItems).toHaveLength(getImagesResp.length); expect(mockAxios.get).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test("search: a term", async () => { const searchInput = await screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "search-input", }); const searchButton = await screen.getByRole("button", { name: "search-button", }); await userEvent.type(searchInput, ".img"); await; /* search for filename with ".img" in it -> should yield: [ "full.img", "small.img" ] */ const listItems = await screen.getAllByRole("listitem", { name: "image-entry-item", }); expect(listItems).toHaveLength(2); expect(listItems[0]).toHaveTextContent("full.img"); expect(listItems[1]).toHaveTextContent("small.img"); }); test("delete an image", async () => { const deleteButtons = await screen.getAllByRole("button", { name: "delete-image", }); const firstDeleteButton = deleteButtons?.[0]; expect(firstDeleteButton).toBeEnabled(); await; //TODO: dont have delete functionality yet // expect(mockedDeleteFn).toBeCalled(); }); });