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synced 2024-12-02 06:24:05 +03:00
287 lines
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287 lines
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mod alias;
mod bulk;
mod comment;
mod markdown;
mod pasta;
mod position;
mod tests;
use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum};
use markdown::find_type;
use pasta::{AliasList, ContentSource, Docs, Lookups, PositionType, SourceOrigin, ValuePath};
use position::FilePosition;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::{
fs::{create_dir_all, File},
use textwrap::dedent;
use crate::{
position::{DocComment, DocIndex},
#[derive(ValueEnum, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Format {
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[command(author, version, about)]
struct Options {
/// Json file containing a list of file positions.
/// Format: [{ file: String, line: Number, column: Number }]
#[arg(long, conflicts_with_all=["line", "column", "file"])]
pos_file: Option<PathBuf>,
format: Format,
/// Path to a directory for the output file(s).
out: String,
/// Path to the *.nix file that should be inspected.
/// If provided, --line and --column must also be set.
#[arg(long, requires_all=["line", "column", "file"])]
file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Line of the expression.
#[arg(short, long, requires_all=["line", "column", "file"])]
line: Option<usize>,
/// Column of the expression.
#[arg(short, long, requires_all=["line", "column", "file"])]
column: Option<usize>,
pub fn main() {
// let mut output = io::stdout();
let opts = Options::parse();
if let Some(nix_file) = opts.file {
if !nix_file.exists() {
println!("file does not exist: {:?}", nix_file);
let mut positions = HashMap::new();
positions.insert(opts.line.unwrap(), vec![opts.column.unwrap()]);
let pos = DocIndex::new(&nix_file, positions);
if let Some(docs) = pos.get_docs(opts.line.unwrap(), opts.column.unwrap()) {
println!("{:?}", docs);
if let Some(pos_file) = opts.pos_file {
let data = Pasta::new(&pos_file);
// data.doc_map
let mut json_list: Vec<Document> = vec![];
for item in data.docs.iter() {
let document = Document::new(&item, &data.doc_map);
let matter = &document.meta;
let content = &document.content;
let signature = content
.map(|c| c.content.as_ref().map(|s| find_type(&s)))
match opts.format {
Format::DIR => {
if let Some((_, dir)) = item.path.split_last() {
let dir_dest = format!("{}/{}", opts.out, dir.join("/"));
let file_dest = format!(
item.path.join("/").replace("'", "' (Prime)")
let mut file = File::create(file_dest).unwrap();
if let Some(content) =
content.as_ref().map(|ref i| i.content.as_ref()).flatten()
// let fmt = dedent(content.strip_prefix("\n").unwrap_or(&content));
Format::JSON => json_list.push(document.clone()),
if opts.format == Format::JSON {
let mut file = File::create(opts.out).unwrap();
/// Find the content which should be displayed.
/// The own attribute content is the correct one usually.
/// Sometimes there is no attribute content.
/// The we search all the aliases for their attribute content.
/// As a fallback we can display the own lambda content.
fn find_document_content<'a>(
item: &'a Docs,
all: &'a HashMap<Rc<ValuePath>, Docs>,
) -> Option<ContentSource<'a>> {
let content = match &item.docs.attr.content {
Some(ref c) if !c.is_empty() => Some(ContentSource {
content: Some(dedent(c)),
source: Some(SourceOrigin {
position: item.docs.attr.position.as_ref(),
path: Some(&item.path),
pos_type: Some(PositionType::Attribute),
// _ if item. item.lambda_content().is_some() => item.lambda_content(),
_ => match item.fst_alias_content(&all) {
Some(d) => Some(d),
None => item.lambda_content(),
return content;
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct Document<'a> {
meta: DocumentFrontmatter<'a>,
content: Option<ContentSource<'a>>,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct DocumentFrontmatter<'a> {
title: String,
path: &'a Rc<ValuePath>,
aliases: Option<&'a AliasList>,
signature: Option<String>,
/// If an item is primop then it should have the PrimopMeta field.
is_primop: Option<bool>,
primop_meta: Option<PrimopMatter<'a>>,
/// is functor
is_functor: Option<bool>,
/// Where the attribute is defined at.
attr_position: Option<&'a FilePosition>,
/// Where the original lambda is defined at.
lambda_position: Option<&'a FilePosition>,
/// How many times the function is applied.
count_applied: Option<usize>,
content_meta: Option<SourceOrigin<'a>>,
// content_position: Option<&'a FilePosition>,
pub trait FromDocs<'a> {
fn new(docs: &'a Docs, data: &'a HashMap<Rc<ValuePath>, Docs>) -> Self;
impl<'a> FromDocs<'a> for Document<'a> {
fn new(item: &'a Docs, data: &'a HashMap<Rc<ValuePath>, Docs>) -> Self {
let content = find_document_content(item, &data);
Self {
meta: DocumentFrontmatter {
signature: content
.map(|c| c.content.as_ref().map(|s| find_type(s)))
content_meta: content.as_ref().map(|inner| inner.source.clone()).flatten(),
title: item.path.join(".").replace("'", "' (Prime)"),
path: &item.path,
aliases: item.aliases.as_ref(),
attr_position: item.docs.attr.position.as_ref(),
lambda_position: item
.map(|i| i.position.as_ref())
is_primop: item.docs.lambda.as_ref().map(|i| i.isPrimop),
is_functor: item.docs.lambda.as_ref().map(|i| i.isFunctor).flatten(),
count_applied: item.docs.lambda.as_ref().map(|i| i.countApplied).flatten(),
primop_meta: match &item.docs.lambda {
None => None,
Some(lambda) if lambda.isPrimop => Some(PrimopMatter {
name: lambda.name.as_ref(),
args: lambda.args.as_ref(),
experimental: lambda.experimental,
arity: lambda.arity,
_ => None,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct PrimopMatter<'a> {
pub name: Option<&'a String>,
pub args: Option<&'a Vec<String>>,
pub experimental: Option<bool>,
pub arity: Option<usize>,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CompressedDocument<'a> {
/// meta
m: CompressedDocumentFrontmatter<'a>,
/// content
c: Option<ContentSource<'a>>,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CompressedDocumentFrontmatter<'a> {
/// path
pa: &'a Rc<ValuePath>,
// aliases
al: Option<&'a AliasList>,
/// If an item is primop then it should have the PrimopMeta field.
ip: Option<bool>,
/// primop meta
pm: Option<CompressedPrimopMatter<'a>>,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CompressedContentSource<'a> {
// content
c: Option<&'a String>,
// position
p: Option<&'a FilePosition>,
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CompressedPrimopMatter<'a> {
// arguments
pub ar: Option<&'a Vec<String>>,
// arity
pub ay: Option<usize>,
// Translation matrix
// m: meta
// c: content
// p: position
// al: aliases
// ar: arguments
// ay: arity
// ip: is primop
// pa: path
// pm: primop meta