{ lib , config , ... }: with lib.types; let inherit (builtins) length listToAttrs foldl' toString attrNames getAttr concatStringsSep add isAttrs; inherit (lib) mkOption mkIf; inherit (lib.trivial) mergeAttrs; inherit (lib.lists) imap0; inherit (lib.attrsets) optionalAttrs filterAttrs mapAttrsToList; cfg = config.programs.plasma; applyRules = { "do-not-affect" = 1; "force" = 2; "initially" = 3; "remember" = 4; }; matchRules = { "exact" = 1; "substring" = 2; "regex" = 3; }; windowTypes = { normal = 1; desktop = 2; dock = 4; toolbar = 8; torn-of-menu = 16; dialog = 32; menubar = 128; utility = 256; spash = 512; osd = 65536; }; matchNameMap = { "window-class" = "wmclass"; "window-types" = "types"; }; matchOptionType = hasMatchWhole: submodule { options = { value = mkOption { type = str; description = "${name} to match"; }; type = mkOption { type = enum (attrNames matchRules); default = "exact"; description = "${name} match type"; }; } // optionalAttrs hasMatchWhole { match-whole = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = "Match whole ${name}"; }; }; }; basicValueType = oneOf [ bool float int str ]; applyOptionType = submodule { options = { value = mkOption { type = basicValueType; description = "value to set"; }; apply = mkOption { type = enum (attrNames applyRules); default = "initially"; description = "how to apply the value"; }; }; }; mkMatchOption = name: hasMatchWhole: mkOption { type = nullOr (coercedTo str (value: { inherit value; }) (matchOptionType hasMatchWhole)); default = null; description = "${name} matching"; }; fixMatchName = name: matchNameMap.${name} or name; buildMatchRule = name: rule: ({ "${fixMatchName name}" = rule.value; "${fixMatchName name}match" = getAttr rule.type matchRules; } // optionalAttrs (rule ? match-whole) { "${fixMatchName name}complete" = rule.match-whole; }); buildApplyRule = name: rule: { "${name}" = rule.value; "${name}rule" = getAttr rule.apply applyRules; }; buildWindowRule = rule: let matchOptions = filterAttrs (_name: isAttrs) rule.match; matchRules = mapAttrsToList buildMatchRule matchOptions; applyRules = mapAttrsToList buildApplyRule rule.apply; combinedRules = foldl' mergeAttrs { } (matchRules ++ applyRules); in { Description = rule.description; } // optionalAttrs (rule.match.window-types != 0) { types = rule.match.window-types; } // combinedRules; windowRules = listToAttrs (imap0 (i: rule: { name = toString (i + 1); value = buildWindowRule rule; }) cfg.window-rules); in { options.programs.plasma = { window-rules = mkOption { type = listOf (submodule { options = { match = mkOption { type = submodule { options = { window-class = mkMatchOption "Window class" true; window-role = mkMatchOption "Window role" false; title = mkMatchOption "Title" false; machine = mkMatchOption "clientmachine" false; window-types = mkOption { type = listOf (enum (attrNames windowTypes)); default = [ ]; description = "Window types to match"; apply = values: foldl' add 0 (map (val: getAttr val windowTypes) values); }; }; }; }; apply = mkOption { type = attrsOf (coercedTo basicValueType (value: { inherit value; }) applyOptionType); default = { }; description = "Values to apply"; }; description = mkOption { type = str; description = "value to set"; }; }; }); description = "Kwin window rules"; default = [ ]; }; }; config = mkIf (length cfg.window-rules > 0) { programs.plasma.configFile = { kwinrulesrc = { General = { count = length cfg.window-rules; rules = concatStringsSep "," (attrNames windowRules); }; } // windowRules; }; }; }