2024-06-24 10:33:13 +02:00

301 lines
11 KiB

# General workspace behavior settings:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.programs.plasma;
inherit (import ../lib/wallpapers.nix { inherit lib; }) wallpaperPictureOfTheDayType wallpaperSlideShowType;
cursorType = with lib.types; submodule {
options = {
theme = lib.mkOption {
type = nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "Breeze_Snow";
description = "The Plasma cursortheme. Run plasma-apply-cursortheme --list-themes for valid options.";
size = lib.mkOption {
type = nullOr ints.positive;
default = null;
example = 24;
description = "The size of the cursor. See the settings GUI for allowed sizes for each cursortheme.";
anyThemeSet = (cfg.workspace.theme != null ||
cfg.workspace.colorScheme != null ||
(cfg.workspace.cursor != null && cfg.workspace.cursor.theme != null) ||
cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null ||
cfg.workspace.iconTheme != null);
splashScreenEngineDetect = theme: (if (theme == "None") then "none" else "KSplashQML");
imports = [
(lib.mkRenamedOptionModule [ "programs" "plasma" "workspace" "cursorTheme" ] [ "programs" "plasma" "workspace" "cursor" "theme" ])
options.programs.plasma.workspace = {
clickItemTo = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr (enum [ "open" "select" ]);
default = null;
description = ''
Clicking files or folders should open or select them.
tooltipDelay = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr ints.positive;
default = null;
example = 5;
description = ''
The delay in milliseconds before an element's tooltip is shown when hovered over.
theme = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "breeze-dark";
description = ''
The Plasma theme. Run plasma-apply-desktoptheme --list-themes for valid options.
colorScheme = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "BreezeDark";
description = ''
The Plasma colorscheme. Run plasma-apply-colorscheme --list-schemes for valid options.
cursor = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr cursorType;
default = null;
example = { theme = "Breeze_Snow"; size = 24; };
description = ''
Allows to configure the cursor in plasma. Both the theme and size are configurable.
lookAndFeel = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "org.kde.breezedark.desktop";
description = ''
The Plasma look and feel theme. Run plasma-apply-lookandfeel --list for valid options.
iconTheme = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "Papirus";
description = ''
The Plasma icon theme.
wallpaper = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr path;
default = null;
example = "${pkgs.kdePackages.plasma-workspace-wallpapers}/share/wallpapers/Kay/contents/images/1080x1920.png";
description = ''
The Plasma wallpaper. Can be either be the path to an image file or a kpackage.
wallpaperSlideShow = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr wallpaperSlideShowType;
default = null;
example = { path = "${pkgs.kdePackages.plasma-workspace-wallpapers}/share/wallpapers/"; };
description = ''
Allows you to set wallpaper slideshow. Needs a directory of your wallpapers and an interval length.
wallpaperPictureOfTheDay = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr wallpaperPictureOfTheDayType;
default = null;
example = { provider = "apod"; };
description = ''
Allows you to set wallpaper using the picture of the day plugin. Needs the provider.
wallpaperPlainColor = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "0,64,174,256";
description = ''
Allows you to set wallpaper using a plain color. Color is a comma-seperated R,G,B,A string. Alpha optional (default is 256).
soundTheme = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "freedesktop";
description = ''
The sound-theme to use with plasma.
splashScreen = {
engine = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "none";
description = ''
The engine for the splash-screen theme. If not specified it will try
to set an appropriate engine for you, but if this doesn't work you
might want to manually specify this.
theme = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "None";
description = ''
The splash-screen theme shown at login. To see available values see the
Theme key in ~/.config/ksplashrc after applying the splash-screen via
the settings app. Can also be set to "None" to disable the splash-screen
windowDecorations = {
library = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "org.kde.kwin.aurorae";
description = ''
The library for the window decorations theme. To see available values
see the library key in the org.kde.kdecoration2 section of
~/.config/kwinrc after applying the window-decoration via the
settings app.
theme = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "__aurorae__svg__CatppuccinMocha-Modern";
description = ''
The window decorations theme. To see available values see the theme key
in the org.kde.kdecoration2 section of ~/.config/kwinrc after
applying the window-decoration via the settings app.
config = (lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
assertion =
wallpapers = with cfg.workspace; [ wallpaperSlideShow wallpaper wallpaperPictureOfTheDay wallpaperPlainColor ];
lib.count (x: x != null) wallpapers <= 1;
message = "Can set only one of wallpaper, wallpaperSlideShow, wallpaperPictureOfTheDay, and wallpaperPlainColor.";
assertion = (cfg.workspace.splashScreen.engine == null || cfg.workspace.splashScreen.theme != null);
message = ''
Cannot set plasma.workspace.splashScreen.engine without a
corresponding theme.
assertion = !(lib.xor (cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.theme == null) (cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.library == null));
message = ''
Must set both plasma.workspace.windowDecorations.library and
plasma.workspace.windowDecorations.theme or none.
warnings = (if
((cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null) &&
(cfg.workspace.splashScreen.theme != null ||
cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.theme != null)) then
''Setting lookAndFeel together with splashScreen or windowDecorations in
plasma-manager is not recommended since lookAndFeel themes often
override these settings. Consider setting each part in the lookAndFeel
theme manually.''
] else [ ]);
programs.plasma.configFile = (lib.mkMerge [
kdeglobals = {
KDE.SingleClick = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.clickItemTo != null) (cfg.workspace.clickItemTo == "open"));
Sounds.Theme = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.soundTheme != null) cfg.workspace.soundTheme);
plasmarc = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.tooltipDelay != null) {
PlasmaToolTips.Delay = cfg.workspace.tooltipDelay;
kcminputrc = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.cursor != null && cfg.workspace.cursor.size != null) {
Mouse.cursorSize = cfg.workspace.cursor.size;
ksplashrc.KSplash = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.splashScreen.theme != null) {
Engine = (if (cfg.workspace.splashScreen.engine == null) then
(splashScreenEngineDetect cfg.workspace.splashScreen.theme)
else cfg.workspace.splashScreen.engine);
Theme = cfg.workspace.splashScreen.theme;
kwinrc = (lib.mkIf (cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.theme != null) {
"org.kde.kdecoration2".library = cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.library;
"org.kde.kdecoration2".theme = cfg.workspace.windowDecorations.theme;
# We add persistence to some keys in order to not reset the themes on
# each generation when we use overrideConfig.
(lib.mkIf (cfg.overrideConfig && anyThemeSet) (
colorSchemeIgnore =
if (cfg.workspace.colorScheme != null || cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null) then
(import ../lib/colorscheme.nix {
inherit lib;
}) else { };
kcminputrc.Mouse.cursorTheme.persistent = lib.mkDefault (cfg.workspace.cursor != null && cfg.workspace.cursor.theme != null);
kdeglobals.General.ColorScheme.persistent = lib.mkDefault (cfg.workspace.colorScheme != null || cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null);
kdeglobals.Icons.Theme.persistent = lib.mkDefault (cfg.workspace.iconTheme != null);
kdeglobals.KDE.LookAndFeelPackage.persistent = lib.mkDefault (cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null); = lib.mkDefault (cfg.workspace.theme != null);
# We create a script which applies the different theme settings using
# kde tools. We then run this using an autostart script, where this is
# run only on the first login (unless overrideConfig is enabled),
# granted all the commands succeed (until we change the settings again).
programs.plasma.startup.startupScript."apply_themes" = (lib.mkIf anyThemeSet {
text = ''
${if cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel != null then "plasma-apply-lookandfeel -a ${cfg.workspace.lookAndFeel}" else ""}
${if cfg.workspace.theme != null then "plasma-apply-desktoptheme ${cfg.workspace.theme}" else ""}
${if (cfg.workspace.cursor != null && cfg.workspace.cursor.theme != null) then
"plasma-apply-cursortheme ${cfg.workspace.cursor.theme}" +
(if cfg.workspace.cursor.size != null then " --size ${builtins.toString cfg.workspace.cursor.size}" else "")
else ""}
${if cfg.workspace.colorScheme != null then "plasma-apply-colorscheme ${cfg.workspace.colorScheme}" else ""}
${if cfg.workspace.iconTheme != null then "${pkgs.kdePackages.plasma-workspace}/libexec/plasma-changeicons ${cfg.workspace.iconTheme}" else ""}
priority = 1;
# The wallpaper configuration can be found in panels.nix due to wallpaper
# configuration and panel configuration being stored in the same file, and
# thus should be using the same desktop-script.