lewo fa6bb0a115
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Merge pull request #150 from nlewo/update-patch-hash
Update the Skopeo patch hash
2024-08-30 07:48:55 +02:00

490 lines
20 KiB

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, system }:
l = pkgs.lib // builtins;
nix2container-bin = pkgs.buildGoModule rec {
pname = "nix2container";
version = "1.0.0";
src = l.cleanSourceWith {
src = ./.;
filter = path: type:
p = baseNameOf path;
in !(
p == "flake.nix" ||
p == "flake.lock" ||
p == "examples" ||
p == "tests" ||
p == "" ||
p == "default.nix"
vendorHash = "sha256-/j4ZHOwU5Xi8CE/fHha+2iZhsLd/y2ovzVhvg8HDV78=";
ldflags = pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin [
skopeo-nix2container = pkgs.skopeo.overrideAttrs (old: {
EXTRA_LDFLAGS = pkgs.lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin "-X";
nativeBuildInputs = old.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.patchutils ];
preBuild = let
patch = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256-1Tj9D+ePjGL5u04aT7zr5rJw4vHAVrXAsr4owdooC/Y=";
in ''
mkdir -p vendor/
cp -r ${nix2container-bin.src}/* vendor/
cd vendor/
mkdir nix/
touch nix/transport.go
# The patch for alltransports.go does not apply cleanly to skopeo > 1.14,
# filter the patch and insert the import manually here instead.
filterdiff -x '*/alltransports.go' ${patch} | patch -p1
sed -i '\#_ ""#a _ ""' transports/alltransports/alltransports.go
cd -
writeSkopeoApplication = name: text: pkgs.writeShellApplication {
inherit name text;
runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.jq skopeo-nix2container ];
excludeShellChecks = [ "SC2068" ];
copyToDockerDaemon = image: writeSkopeoApplication "copy-to-docker-daemon" ''
echo "Copy to Docker daemon image ${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag}"
skopeo --insecure-policy copy nix:${image} docker-daemon:${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag} $@
copyToRegistry = image: writeSkopeoApplication "copy-to-registry" ''
echo "Copy to Docker registry image ${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag}"
skopeo --insecure-policy copy nix:${image} docker://${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag} $@
copyTo = image: writeSkopeoApplication "copy-to" ''
echo Running skopeo --insecure-policy copy nix:${image} $@
skopeo --insecure-policy copy nix:${image} $@
copyToPodman = image: writeSkopeoApplication "copy-to-podman" ''
echo "Copy to podman image ${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag}"
skopeo --insecure-policy copy nix:${image} containers-storage:${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag}
skopeo --insecure-policy inspect containers-storage:${image.imageName}:${image.imageTag}
# Pull an image from a registry with Skopeo and translate it to a
# nix2container image.json file.
# This mainly comes from nixpkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix.
# Credentials:
# If you use the nix daemon for building, here is how you set up creds:
# docker login URL to whatever it is
# copy ~/.docker/config.json to /etc/nix/skopeo/auth.json
# Make the directory and all the files readable to the nixbld group
# sudo chmod -R g+rx /etc/nix/skopeo
# sudo chgrp -R nixbld /etc/nix/skopeo
# Now, bind mount the file into the nix build sandbox
# extra-sandbox-paths = /etc/skopeo/auth.json=/etc/nix/skopeo/auth.json
# update /etc/nix/skopeo/auth.json every time you add a new registry auth
pullImage =
fixName = name: l.replaceStrings [ "/" ":" ] [ "-" "-" ] name;
{ imageName
# To find the digest of an image, you can use skopeo:
# see doc/functions.xml
, imageDigest
, sha256
, os ? "linux"
, arch ? pkgs.go.GOARCH
, tlsVerify ? true
, name ? fixName "docker-image-${imageName}"
}: let
authFile = "/etc/skopeo/auth.json";
dir = pkgs.runCommand name
inherit imageDigest;
impureEnvVars = l.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars;
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHash = sha256;
nativeBuildInputs = l.singleton pkgs.skopeo;
SSL_CERT_FILE = "${pkgs.cacert.out}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
sourceURL = "docker://${imageName}@${imageDigest}";
} ''
skopeo \
--insecure-policy \
--tmpdir=$TMPDIR \
--override-os ${os} \
--override-arch ${arch} \
copy \
--src-tls-verify=${l.boolToString tlsVerify} \
if test -f "${authFile}"
echo "--authfile=${authFile} $sourceURL"
echo "$sourceURL"
) \
"dir://$out" \
| cat # pipe through cat to force-disable progress bar
in pkgs.runCommand "nix2container-${imageName}.json" { } ''
${nix2container-bin}/bin/nix2container image-from-dir $out ${dir}
pullImageFromManifest =
{ imageName
, imageManifest ? null
# The manifest dictates what is pulled; these three are only used for
# the supplied manifest-pulling script.
, imageTag ? "latest"
, os ? "linux"
, arch ? pkgs.go.GOARCH
, tlsVerify ? true
, registryUrl ? ""
, meta ? {}
}: let
manifest = l.fromJSON (l.readFile imageManifest);
buildImageBlob = digest:
blobUrl = "https://${registryUrl}/v2/${imageName}/blobs/${digest}";
plainDigest = l.replaceStrings ["sha256:"] [""] digest;
insecureFlag = l.strings.optionalString (!tlsVerify) "--insecure";
in pkgs.runCommand plainDigest {
outputHash = plainDigest;
outputHashMode = "flat";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
} ''
# This initial access is expected to fail as we don't have a token.
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --location ${insecureFlag} "${blobUrl}" --head --silent --write-out '%header{www-authenticate}' --output /dev/null > bearer.txt
tokenUrl=$(sed -n 's/Bearer realm="\(.*\)",service="\(.*\)",scope="\(.*\)"/\1?service=\2\&scope=\3/p' bearer.txt)
declare -a auth_args
if [ -n "$tokenUrl" ]; then
echo "Token URL: $tokenUrl"
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --location ${insecureFlag} --fail --silent "$tokenUrl" --output token.json
token="$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq --raw-output .token token.json)"
auth_args=(-H "Authorization: Bearer $token")
echo "No token URL found, trying without authentication"
echo "Blob URL: ${blobUrl}"
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl ${insecureFlag} --fail "''${auth_args[@]}" "${blobUrl}" --location --output $out
# Pull the blobs (archives) for all layers, as well as the one for the image's config JSON.
layerBlobs = map (layerManifest: buildImageBlob layerManifest.digest) manifest.layers;
configBlob = buildImageBlob manifest.config.digest;
# Write the blob map out to a JSON file for the GO executable to consume.
blobMap = l.listToAttrs(map (drv: { name =; value = drv; }) (layerBlobs ++ [configBlob]));
blobMapFile = pkgs.writeText "${imageName}-blobs.json" (l.toJSON blobMap);
# Convenience scripts for manifest-updating.
filter = ''.manifests[] | select((.platform.os=="${os}") and (.platform.architecture=="${arch}")) | .digest'';
getManifest = writeSkopeoApplication "get-manifest" ''
set -e
manifest=$(skopeo inspect docker://${registryUrl}/${imageName}:${imageTag} --raw | jq)
if echo "$manifest" | jq -e .manifests >/dev/null; then
# Multi-arch image, pick the one that matches the supplied platform details.
hash=$(echo "$manifest" | jq -r '${filter}')
skopeo inspect "docker://${registryUrl}/${imageName}@$hash" --raw | jq
# Single-arch image, return the initial response.
echo "$manifest"
in pkgs.runCommand "nix2container-${imageName}.json" { passthru = { inherit getManifest; }; } ''
${nix2container-bin}/bin/nix2container image-from-manifest $out ${imageManifest} ${blobMapFile}
buildLayer = {
# A list of store paths to include in the layer.
deps ? [],
# A derivation (or list of derivations) to include in the layer
# root directory. The store path prefix /nix/store/hash-path is
# removed. The store path content is then located at the layer /.
copyToRoot ? null,
# A store path to ignore. This is mainly useful to ignore the
# configuration file from the container layer.
ignore ? null,
# A list of layers built with the buildLayer function: if a store
# path in deps or copyToRoot belongs to one of these layers, this
# store path is skipped. This is pretty useful to
# isolate store paths that are often updated from more stable
# store paths, to speed up build and push time.
layers ? [],
# Store the layer tar in the derivation. This is useful when the
# layer dependencies are not bit reproducible.
reproducible ? true,
# A list of file permisssions which are set when the tar layer is
# created: these permissions are not written to the Nix store.
# Each element of this permission list is a dict such as
# { path = "a store path";
# regex = ".*";
# mode = "0664";
# }
# The mode is applied on a specific path. In this path subtree,
# the mode is then applied on all files matching the regex.
perms ? [],
# The maximun number of layer to create. This is based on the
# store path "popularity" as described in
maxLayers ? 1,
# Deprecated: will be removed on v1
contents ? null,
}: let
subcommand = if reproducible
then "layers-from-reproducible-storepaths"
else "layers-from-non-reproducible-storepaths";
copyToRootList =
let derivations = if !isNull contents then contents else copyToRoot;
in if isNull derivations
then []
else if !builtins.isList derivations
then [derivations]
else derivations;
# This is to move all storepaths in the copyToRoot attribute to the
# image root.
rewrites = (p: {
path = p;
regex = "^${p}";
repl = "";
}) copyToRootList;
rewritesFile = pkgs.writeText "rewrites.json" (l.toJSON rewrites);
rewritesFlag = "--rewrites ${rewritesFile}";
permsFile = pkgs.writeText "perms.json" (l.toJSON perms);
permsFlag = l.optionalString (perms != []) "--perms ${permsFile}";
allDeps = deps ++ copyToRootList;
tarDirectory = l.optionalString (! reproducible) "--tar-directory $out";
layersJSON = pkgs.runCommand "layers.json" {} ''
mkdir $out
${nix2container-bin}/bin/nix2container ${subcommand} \
$out/layers.json \
${closureGraph allDeps ignore} \
--max-layers ${toString maxLayers} \
${rewritesFlag} \
${permsFlag} \
${tarDirectory} \
${l.concatMapStringsSep " " (l: l + "/layers.json") layers} \
in checked { inherit copyToRoot contents; } layersJSON;
# Create a nix database from all paths contained in the given closureGraphJson.
# Also makes all these paths store roots to prevent them from being garbage collected.
makeNixDatabase = closureGraphJson:
assert l.isDerivation closureGraphJson;
pkgs.runCommand "nix-database" {}''
mkdir $out
echo "Generating the nix database from ${closureGraphJson}..."
export NIX_REMOTE=local?root=$PWD
# A user is required by nix
export USER=nobody
export PATH=${pkgs.jq.bin}/bin:${pkgs.sqlite}/bin:"$PATH"
# Avoid including the closureGraph derivation itself.
# Transformation taken from
jq -r 'map([.path, .narHash, .narSize, "", (.references | length)] + .references) | add | map("\(.)\n") | add' ${closureGraphJson} \
| head -n -1 \
| ${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-store --load-db -j 1
# Sanitize time stamps
sqlite3 $PWD/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite \
'UPDATE ValidPaths SET registrationTime = 0;';
# Dump and reimport to ensure that the update order doesn't somehow change the DB.
sqlite3 $PWD/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite '.dump' > db.dump
mkdir -p $out/nix/var/nix/db/
sqlite3 $out/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite '.read db.dump'
mkdir -p $out/nix/store/.links
mkdir -p $out/nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/
for i in $(jq -r 'map("\(.path)\n") | add' ${closureGraphJson}); do
ln -s $i $out/nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/$(basename $i)
# Write the references of `path' to a file but do not include `ignore' itself if non-null.
closureGraph = paths: ignore:
let ignoreList =
if ignore == null
then []
else if !(builtins.isList ignore)
then [ignore]
else ignore;
in pkgs.runCommand "closure-graph.json"
exportReferencesGraph.graph = paths;
__structuredAttrs = true;
PATH = "${pkgs.jq}/bin";
ignoreListJson = builtins.toJSON ( builtins.toString ignoreList);
outputChecks.out = {
disallowedReferences = ignoreList;
builder = l.toFile "builder"
jq --argjson ignore "$ignoreListJson" \
'.graph|map(select(.path as $p | $ignore | index($p) | not))|map(.references|=sort_by(.))|sort_by(.path)' \
.attrs.json \
> ''${outputs[out]}
buildImage = {
# Image tag, when null then the nix output hash will be used.
tag ? null,
# An attribute set describing an image configuration as defined in
config ? {},
# A list of layers built with the buildLayer function: if a store
# path in deps or copyToRoot belongs to one of these layers, this
# store path is skipped. This is pretty useful to
# isolate store paths that are often updated from more stable
# store paths, to speed up build and push time.
layers ? [],
# A derivation (or list of derivation) to include in the layer
# root. The store path prefix /nix/store/hash-path is removed. The
# store path content is then located at the image /.
copyToRoot ? null,
# An image that is used as base image of this image.
fromImage ? "",
# A list of file permisssions which are set when the tar layer is
# created: these permissions are not written to the Nix store.
# Each element of this permission list is a dict such as
# { path = "a store path";
# regex = ".*";
# mode = "0664";
# }
# The mode is applied on a specific path. In this path subtree,
# the mode is then applied on all files matching the regex.
perms ? [],
# The maximun number of layer to create. This is based on the
# store path "popularity" as described in
# Note this is applied on the image layers and not on layers added
# with the buildImage.layers attribute
maxLayers ? 1,
# If set to true, the Nix database is initialized with all store
# paths added into the image. Note this is only useful to run nix
# commands from the image, for instance to build an image used by
# a CI to run Nix builds.
initializeNixDatabase ? false,
# If initializeNixDatabase is set to true, the uid/gid of /nix can be
# controlled using nixUid/nixGid.
nixUid ? 0,
nixGid ? 0,
# Time of creation of the image.
created ? "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
# Deprecated: will be removed
contents ? null,
meta ? {},
configFile = pkgs.writeText "config.json" (l.toJSON config);
copyToRootList =
let derivations = if !isNull contents then contents else copyToRoot;
in if isNull derivations
then []
else if !builtins.isList derivations
then [derivations]
else derivations;
# Expand the given list of layers to include all their transitive layer dependencies.
layersWithNested = layers:
let layerWithNested = layer: [layer] ++ (builtins.concatMap layerWithNested (layer.layers or []));
in builtins.concatMap layerWithNested layers;
explodedLayers = layersWithNested layers;
ignore = [configFile]++explodedLayers;
closureGraphForAllLayers = closureGraph ([configFile] ++ copyToRootList ++ layers) ignore;
nixDatabase = makeNixDatabase closureGraphForAllLayers;
# This layer contains all config dependencies. We ignore the
# configFile because it is already part of the image, as a
# specific blob.
perms' = perms ++ l.optionals initializeNixDatabase
path = nixDatabase;
regex = ".*";
mode = "0755";
uid = nixUid;
gid = nixGid;
customizationLayer = buildLayer {
inherit maxLayers;
perms = perms';
copyToRoot = if initializeNixDatabase
then copyToRootList ++ [nixDatabase]
else copyToRootList;
deps = [configFile];
ignore = configFile;
layers = layers;
fromImageFlag = l.optionalString (fromImage != "") "--from-image ${fromImage}";
createdFlag = "--created ${created}";
layerPaths = l.concatMapStringsSep " " (l: l + "/layers.json") (layers ++ [customizationLayer]);
image = let
imageName = l.toLower name;
imageTag =
if tag != null
then tag
l.head (l.strings.splitString "-" (baseNameOf image.outPath));
in pkgs.runCommand "image-${baseNameOf name}.json"
inherit imageName meta;
passthru = {
inherit fromImage imageTag;
# provide a cheap to evaluate image reference for use with external tools like docker
# DO NOT use as an input to other derivations, as there is no guarantee that the image
# reference will exist in the store.
imageRefUnsafe = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "${imageName}:${imageTag}";
copyToDockerDaemon = copyToDockerDaemon image;
copyToRegistry = copyToRegistry image;
copyToPodman = copyToPodman image;
copyTo = copyTo image;
${nix2container-bin}/bin/nix2container image \
$out \
${fromImageFlag} \
${createdFlag} \
${configFile} \
in checked { inherit copyToRoot contents; } image;
checked = { copyToRoot, contents }:
pkgs.lib.warnIf (contents != null)
"The contents parameter is deprecated. Change to copyToRoot if the contents are designed to be copied to the root filesystem, such as when you use `buildEnv` or similar between contents and your packages. Use copyToRoot = buildEnv { ... }; or similar if you intend to add packages to /bin."
pkgs.lib.throwIf (contents != null && copyToRoot != null)
"You can not specify both contents and copyToRoot."
inherit nix2container-bin skopeo-nix2container;
nix2container = { inherit buildImage buildLayer pullImage pullImageFromManifest; };