mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-09-18 19:07:19 +03:00

Don't forward stderr

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Mattia 2019-09-08 18:52:22 +02:00
parent 83d7e3ec5b
commit 43747ff10b

View File

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import Niv.GitHub
import Niv.Update
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import UnliftIO
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
@ -524,12 +524,14 @@ abort msg = do
nixPrefetchURL :: Bool -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
nixPrefetchURL unpack (T.unpack -> url) =
lines <$> readProcess "nix-prefetch-url" args "" >>=
(l:_) -> pure (T.pack l)
_ -> abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput
where args = if unpack then ["--unpack", url] else [url]
nixPrefetchURL unpack (T.unpack -> url) = do
(exitCode, sout, serr) <- runNixPrefetch
case (exitCode, lines sout) of
(ExitSuccess, l:_) -> pure $ T.pack l
_ -> abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput (T.pack sout) (T.pack serr)
args = if unpack then ["--unpack", url] else [url]
runNixPrefetch = readProcessWithExitCode "nix-prefetch-url" args ""
-- Files and their content
@ -676,15 +678,15 @@ abortUpdateFailed errs = abort $ T.unlines $
pname <> ": " <> tshow e
) errs
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput :: IO a
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput = abort [s|
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO a
abortNixPrefetchExpectedOutput sout serr = abort $ [s|
Could not read the output of 'nix-prefetch-url'. This is a bug. Please create a
Thanks! I'll buy you a beer.
|] <> T.unlines ["stdout: ", sout, "stderr: ", serr]
tshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
tshow = T.pack . show