mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-09-16 01:47:08 +03:00

Merge pull request #67 from nmattia/nm-cleanup

Light cleanup
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Mattia 2019-06-09 19:07:09 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 65786ee156
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 82 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey)
import Data.Char (isSpace, toUpper)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified GitHub as GH
import qualified GitHub.Data.Name as GH
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ parseCommand = Opts.subparser (
Opts.command "drop" parseCmdDrop )
newtype Sources = Sources
{ unSources :: HMap.HashMap PackageName PackageSpec }
{ unSources :: HMS.HashMap PackageName PackageSpec }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON)
getSources :: IO Sources
@ -67,19 +68,18 @@ getSources = do
decodeFileStrict pathNixSourcesJson >>= \case
Just (Aeson.Object obj) ->
fmap (Sources . mconcat) $
forM (HMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
forM (HMS.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
case v of
Aeson.Object v' ->
pure $ HMap.singleton (PackageName (T.unpack k)) (PackageSpec v')
pure $ HMS.singleton (PackageName k) (PackageSpec v')
_ -> abortAttributeIsntAMap
Just _ -> abortSourcesIsntAMap
Nothing -> abortSourcesIsntJSON
-- TODO: pretty
setSources :: Sources -> IO ()
setSources sources = encodeFile pathNixSourcesJson sources
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: String }
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: T.Text }
deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, Show)
parsePackageName :: Opts.Parser PackageName
@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ newtype PackageSpec = PackageSpec { _unPackageSpec :: Aeson.Object }
parsePackageSpec :: Opts.Parser PackageSpec
parsePackageSpec =
(PackageSpec . HMap.fromList . fmap fixupAttributes) <$>
(PackageSpec . HMS.fromList . fmap fixupAttributes) <$>
many parseAttribute
parseAttribute :: Opts.Parser (String, String)
parseAttribute :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
parseAttribute =
Opts.option (Opts.maybeReader parseKeyVal)
( Opts.long "attribute" <>
@ -116,32 +116,32 @@ parsePackageSpec =
-- Parse "key=val" into ("key", "val")
parseKeyVal :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parseKeyVal :: String -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text)
parseKeyVal str = case span (/= '=') str of
(key, '=':val) -> Just (key, val)
(key, '=':val) -> Just (T.pack key, T.pack val)
_ -> Nothing
-- Shortcuts for common attributes
shortcutAttributes :: Opts.Parser (String, String)
shortcutAttributes :: Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
shortcutAttributes = foldr (<|>) empty $ mkShortcutAttribute <$>
[ "branch", "owner", "repo", "version" ]
mkShortcutAttribute :: String -> Opts.Parser (String, String)
mkShortcutAttribute :: T.Text -> Opts.Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
mkShortcutAttribute = \case
attr@(c:_) -> (attr,) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long attr <>
attr@(T.uncons -> Just (c,_)) -> (attr,) <$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long (T.unpack attr) <>
Opts.short c <>
Opts.metavar (toUpper <$> attr) <>
Opts.metavar (T.unpack $ T.toUpper attr) <>
( T.unpack $
"Equivalent to --attribute " <>
attr <> "=<" <> (toUpper <$> attr) <> ">"
attr <> "=<" <> (T.toUpper attr) <> ">"
_ -> empty
fixupAttributes :: (String, String) -> (T.Text, Aeson.Value)
fixupAttributes (k, v) = (T.pack k, Aeson.String (T.pack v))
fixupAttributes :: (T.Text, T.Text) -> (T.Text, Aeson.Value)
fixupAttributes (k, v) = (k, Aeson.String v)
parsePackage :: Opts.Parser (PackageName, PackageSpec)
parsePackage = (,) <$> parsePackageName <*> parsePackageSpec
@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ completePackageSpec = execStateT $ do
whenNotSet "url_template" $
(Aeson.String $ T.pack githubURLTemplate)
(Aeson.String githubURLTemplate)
githubURLTemplate :: String
githubURLTemplate :: T.Text
githubURLTemplate =
@ -283,18 +283,18 @@ getPackageSpecAttr
-> StateT PackageSpec IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
getPackageSpecAttr attrName = do
PackageSpec obj <- get
pure $ HMap.lookup attrName obj
pure $ HMS.lookup attrName obj
:: T.Text -> Aeson.Value
-> StateT PackageSpec IO ()
setPackageSpecAttr attrName attrValue = do
PackageSpec obj <- get
let obj' = HMap.insert attrName attrValue obj
let obj' = HMS.insert attrName attrValue obj
put (PackageSpec obj')
packageSpecStringValues :: PackageSpec -> [(String, String)]
packageSpecStringValues (PackageSpec m) = mapMaybe toVal (HMap.toList m)
packageSpecStringValues (PackageSpec m) = mapMaybe toVal (HMS.toList m)
toVal :: (T.Text, Aeson.Value) -> Maybe (String, String)
toVal = \case
@ -334,12 +334,12 @@ cmdInit = do
createFile path initNixSourcesJsonContent
-- Imports @niv@ and @nixpkgs@ (18.09)
putStrLn "Importing 'niv' ..."
cmdAdd Nothing (PackageName "nmattia/niv", PackageSpec HMap.empty)
cmdAdd Nothing (PackageName "nmattia/niv", PackageSpec HMS.empty)
putStrLn "Importing 'nixpkgs' ..."
(Just (PackageName "nixpkgs"))
( PackageName "NixOS/nixpkgs-channels"
, PackageSpec (HMap.singleton "branch" "nixos-18.09"))
, PackageSpec (HMS.singleton "branch" "nixos-18.09"))
, \path _content -> dontCreateFile path)
] $ \(path, onCreate, onUpdate) -> do
exists <- Dir.doesFileExist path
@ -385,12 +385,13 @@ cmdAdd :: Maybe PackageName -> (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdAdd mPackageName (PackageName str, spec) = do
-- Figures out the owner and repo
(packageName, spec') <- flip runStateT spec $ case span (/= '/') str of
(owner@(_:_), '/':repo@(_:_)) -> do
(packageName, spec') <- flip runStateT spec $ case T.span (/= '/') str of
( owner@(T.null -> False)
, T.uncons -> Just ('/', repo@(T.null -> False))) -> do
whenNotSet "owner" $
setPackageSpecAttr "owner" (Aeson.String $ T.pack owner)
setPackageSpecAttr "owner" (Aeson.String owner)
whenNotSet "repo" $ do
setPackageSpecAttr "repo" (Aeson.String $ T.pack repo)
setPackageSpecAttr "repo" (Aeson.String repo)
pure (PackageName repo)
_ -> pure (PackageName str)
@ -398,14 +399,14 @@ cmdAdd mPackageName (PackageName str, spec) = do
let packageName' = fromMaybe packageName mPackageName
when (HMap.member packageName' sources) $
when (HMS.member packageName' sources) $
abortCannotAddPackageExists packageName'
spec'' <- updatePackageSpec =<< completePackageSpec spec'
putStrLn $ "Writing new sources file"
setSources $ Sources $
HMap.insert packageName' spec'' sources
HMS.insert packageName' spec'' sources
@ -421,8 +422,8 @@ cmdShow = do
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
forWithKeyM_ sources $ \key (PackageSpec spec) -> do
putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName key
forM_ (HMap.toList spec) $ \(attrName, attrValValue) -> do
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName key
forM_ (HMS.toList spec) $ \(attrName, attrValValue) -> do
let attrValue = case attrValValue of
Aeson.String str -> str
_ -> "<barabajagal>"
@ -452,10 +453,10 @@ parseCmdUpdate =
cmdUpdate :: Maybe (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdUpdate = \case
Just (packageName, packageSpec) -> do
putStrLn $ "Updating single package: " <> unPackageName packageName
T.putStrLn $ "Updating single package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
packageSpec' <- case HMap.lookup packageName sources of
packageSpec' <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Just packageSpec' -> do
-- TODO: something fishy happening here
@ -465,14 +466,14 @@ cmdUpdate = \case
Nothing -> abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage packageName
setSources $ Sources $
HMap.insert packageName packageSpec' sources
HMS.insert packageName packageSpec' sources
Nothing -> do
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
sources' <- forWithKeyM sources $
\packageName packageSpec -> do
putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName packageName
T.putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName packageName
updatePackageSpec =<< completePackageSpec packageSpec
setSources $ Sources sources'
@ -504,29 +505,29 @@ parseCmdDrop =
cmdDrop :: PackageName -> [T.Text] -> IO ()
cmdDrop packageName = \case
[] -> do
putStrLn $ "Dropping package: " <> unPackageName packageName
T.putStrLn $ "Dropping package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
when (not $ HMap.member packageName sources) $
when (not $ HMS.member packageName sources) $
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage packageName
setSources $ Sources $
HMap.delete packageName sources
HMS.delete packageName sources
attrs -> do
putStrLn $ "Dropping attributes :" <>
(T.unpack (T.intercalate " " attrs))
putStrLn $ "In package: " <> unPackageName packageName
T.putStrLn $ "In package: " <> unPackageName packageName
sources <- unSources <$> getSources
packageSpec <- case HMap.lookup packageName sources of
packageSpec <- case HMS.lookup packageName sources of
Nothing ->
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage packageName
Just (PackageSpec packageSpec) -> pure $ PackageSpec $
(\k v -> if k `elem` attrs then Nothing else Just v) packageSpec
setSources $ Sources $
HMap.insert packageName packageSpec sources
HMS.insert packageName packageSpec sources
-- Aux
@ -556,14 +557,14 @@ encodeFile fp = L.writeFile fp . AesonPretty.encodePretty' config
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMap.HashMap k v1
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> m (HMap.HashMap k v2)
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
forWithKeyM = flip mapWithKeyM
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> HMap.HashMap k v1
=> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> m ()
forWithKeyM_ = flip mapWithKeyM_
@ -571,20 +572,20 @@ forWithKeyM_ = flip mapWithKeyM_
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m v2)
-> HMap.HashMap k v1
-> m (HMap.HashMap k v2)
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m (HMS.HashMap k v2)
mapWithKeyM f m = do
fmap mconcat $ forM (HMap.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMap.singleton k <$> f k v
fmap mconcat $ forM (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
:: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monad m)
=> (k -> v1 -> m ())
-> HMap.HashMap k v1
-> HMS.HashMap k v1
-> m ()
mapWithKeyM_ f m = do
forM_ (HMap.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMap.singleton k <$> f k v
forM_ (HMS.toList m) $ \(k, v) ->
HMS.singleton k <$> f k v
-- | Renders the template. Returns 'Nothing' if some of the attributes are
-- missing.
@ -601,9 +602,9 @@ renderTemplate vals = \case
c:str -> (c:) <$> renderTemplate vals str
[] -> Just []
abort :: String -> IO a
abort :: T.Text -> IO a
abort msg = do
putStrLn msg
T.putStrLn msg
nixPrefetchURL :: Bool -> String -> IO String
@ -638,18 +639,18 @@ shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content =
warnIfOutdated :: IO ()
warnIfOutdated = do
tryAny (B.readFile pathNixSourcesNix) >>= \case
Left e -> putStrLn $ unlines
[ "Could not read " <> pathNixSourcesNix
, "Error: " <> show e
Left e -> T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "Could not read " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix
, "Error: " <> tshow e
Right content ->
if shouldUpdateNixSourcesNix content
putStrLn $ unlines
[ "WARNING: " <> pathNixSourcesNix <> " is out of date."
T.putStrLn $ T.unlines
[ "WARNING: " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " is out of date."
, "Please run"
, " niv init"
, "or add the following line in the " <> pathNixSourcesNix <> " file:"
, "or add the following line in the " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesNix <> " file:"
, " # niv: no_update"
else pure ()
@ -700,17 +701,17 @@ Make sure the repository exists.
abortSourcesDoesntExist :: IO a
abortSourcesDoesntExist = abort $ unlines [ line1, line2 ]
abortSourcesDoesntExist = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> pathNixSourcesJson
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file does not exist! You may need to run 'niv init'.
abortSourcesIsntAMap :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntAMap = abort $ unlines [ line1, line2 ]
abortSourcesIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> pathNixSourcesJson
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The sources file should be a JSON map from package name to package
specification, e.g.:
@ -718,9 +719,9 @@ specification, e.g.:
abortAttributeIsntAMap :: IO a
abortAttributeIsntAMap = abort $ unlines [ line1, line2 ]
abortAttributeIsntAMap = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> pathNixSourcesJson
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = [s|
The package specifications in the sources file should be JSON maps from
attribute name to attribute value, e.g.:
@ -728,13 +729,13 @@ attribute name to attribute value, e.g.:
abortSourcesIsntJSON :: IO a
abortSourcesIsntJSON = abort $ unlines [ line1, line2 ]
abortSourcesIsntJSON = abort $ T.unlines [ line1, line2 ]
line1 = "Cannot use " <> pathNixSourcesJson
line1 = "Cannot use " <> T.pack pathNixSourcesJson
line2 = "The sources file should be JSON."
abortCannotAddPackageExists :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAddPackageExists (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotAddPackageExists (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot add package " <> n <> "."
, "The package already exists. Use"
, " niv drop " <> n
@ -744,7 +745,7 @@ abortCannotAddPackageExists (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot update package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist. Use"
, " niv add " <> n
@ -752,13 +753,13 @@ abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage :: PackageName -> IO a
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ unlines
abortCannotAttributesDropNoSuchPackage (PackageName n) = abort $ T.unlines
[ "Cannot drop attributes of package " <> n <> "."
, "The package doesn't exist."
@ -772,3 +773,6 @@ ticket:
Thanks! I'll buy you a beer.
tshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
tshow = T.pack . show

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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@ -44,5 +44,5 @@
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