mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-09-18 19:07:19 +03:00

Add information about ref handling

This adds some warnings when users with existing `ref`-laden sources try
to `niv update`.
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Mattia 2020-08-20 16:23:11 +02:00
parent 1294b321c8
commit d13bf5ff11
8 changed files with 60 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ cmdInit nixpkgs = do
-- Imports @niv@ and @nixpkgs@
say "Importing 'niv' ..."
(updateCmd githubCmd)
(PackageName "niv")
( specToFreeAttrs $ PackageSpec $
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ cmdInit nixpkgs = do
let (owner, repo) = case nixpkgs' of
Nixpkgs o r -> (o, r)
(updateCmd githubCmd)
(PackageName "nixpkgs")
( specToFreeAttrs $ PackageSpec $
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ parseCmdAdd =
-- implementer: it'll be tricky to have the correct arguments show up
-- without repeating "PACKAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE" for every package type.
parseShortcuts = parseShortcut githubCmd
parseShortcut cmd = uncurry (cmdAdd (updateCmd cmd)) <$> (parseShortcutArgs cmd)
parseCmd cmd = uncurry (cmdAdd (updateCmd cmd)) <$> (parseCmdArgs cmd)
parseShortcut cmd = uncurry (cmdAdd cmd) <$> (parseShortcutArgs cmd)
parseCmd cmd = uncurry (cmdAdd cmd) <$> (parseCmdArgs cmd)
parseCmdAddGit =
Opts.info (parseCmd gitCmd <**> Opts.helper) (description gitCmd)
parseCmdAddLocal =
@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ parseCmdArgs cmd = collapse <$> parseNameAndShortcut <*> parsePackageSpec cmd
<> Opts.help "Set the package name to <NAME>"
cmdAdd :: Update () a -> PackageName -> Attrs -> NIO ()
cmdAdd updateFunc packageName attrs = do
cmdAdd :: Cmd -> PackageName -> Attrs -> NIO ()
cmdAdd cmd packageName attrs = do
job ("Adding package " <> T.unpack (unPackageName packageName)) $ do
fsj <- getFindSourcesJson
sources <- unSources <$> li (getSources fsj)
when (HMS.member packageName sources)
$ li
$ abortCannotAddPackageExists packageName
eFinalSpec <- fmap attrsToSpec <$> li (tryEvalUpdate attrs updateFunc)
eFinalSpec <- fmap attrsToSpec <$> li (doUpdate attrs cmd)
case eFinalSpec of
Left e -> li (abortUpdateFailed [(packageName, e)])
Right finalSpec -> do
@ -413,12 +413,8 @@ cmdUpdate = \case
Just "git" -> gitCmd
Just "local" -> localCmd
_ -> githubCmd
fmap attrsToSpec
<$> li
( tryEvalUpdate
(specToLockedAttrs cliSpec <> specToFreeAttrs defaultSpec)
(updateCmd cmd)
spec = specToLockedAttrs cliSpec <> specToFreeAttrs defaultSpec
fmap attrsToSpec <$> li (doUpdate spec cmd)
Nothing -> li $ abortCannotUpdateNoSuchPackage packageName
case eFinalSpec of
Left e -> li $ abortUpdateFailed [(packageName, e)]
@ -438,13 +434,7 @@ cmdUpdate = \case
Just "git" -> gitCmd
Just "local" -> localCmd
_ -> githubCmd
finalSpec <-
fmap attrsToSpec
<$> li
( tryEvalUpdate
(updateCmd cmd)
finalSpec <- fmap attrsToSpec <$> li (doUpdate initialSpec cmd)
pure finalSpec
let (failed, sources') = partitionEithersHMS esources'
unless (HMS.null failed)
@ -452,6 +442,12 @@ cmdUpdate = \case
$ abortUpdateFailed (HMS.toList failed)
li $ setSources fsj $ Sources sources'
-- | pretty much tryEvalUpdate but we might issue some warnings first
doUpdate :: Attrs -> Cmd -> IO (Either SomeException Attrs)
doUpdate attrs cmd = do
forM_ (extraLogs cmd attrs) $ tsay
tryEvalUpdate attrs (updateCmd cmd)
partitionEithersHMS ::
(Eq k, Hashable k) =>
HMS.HashMap k (Either a b) ->

View File

@ -15,5 +15,7 @@ data Cmd
parseCmdShortcut :: T.Text -> Maybe (PackageName, Aeson.Object),
parsePackageSpec :: Opts.Parser PackageSpec,
updateCmd :: Update () (),
name :: T.Text
name :: T.Text,
-- | Some notes to print
extraLogs :: Attrs -> [T.Text]

View File

@ -31,9 +31,28 @@ gitCmd =
parseCmdShortcut = parseGitShortcut,
parsePackageSpec = parseGitPackageSpec,
updateCmd = gitUpdate',
name = "git"
name = "git",
extraLogs = gitExtraLogs
gitExtraLogs :: Attrs -> [T.Text]
gitExtraLogs attrs = noteRef <> warnRefBranch <> warnRefTag
noteRef =
textIf (HMS.member "ref" attrs) $
"Your source contains a `ref` attribute. Make sure your sources.nix is up-to-date and consider using a `branch` or `tag` attribute."
warnRefBranch =
textIf (member "ref" && member "branch") $
"Your source contains both a `ref` and a `branch`. Niv will update the `branch` but the `ref` will be used by Nix to fetch the repo."
warnRefTag =
textIf (member "ref" && member "tag") $
"Your source contains both a `ref` and a `tag`. The `ref` will be used by Nix to fetch the repo."
member x = HMS.member x attrs
textIf cond txt = if cond then [txt] else []
parseGitShortcut :: T.Text -> Maybe (PackageName, Aeson.Object)
parseGitShortcut txt'@(T.dropWhileEnd (== '/') -> txt) =
-- basic heuristics for figuring out if something is a git repo
@ -71,6 +90,7 @@ parseGitPackageSpec =
("branch",) . Aeson.String
<$> Opts.strOption
( Opts.long "branch"
<> Opts.short 'b'
<> Opts.metavar "BRANCH"
parseAttr =

View File

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ githubCmd =
parseCmdShortcut = parseAddShortcutGitHub,
parsePackageSpec = parseGitHubPackageSpec,
updateCmd = githubUpdate',
name = "github"
name = "github",
extraLogs = const []
-- TODO: here filter by type == tarball or file or builtin-

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@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ localCmd =
updateCmd = proc () -> do
useOrSet "type" -< ("local" :: Box T.Text)
returnA -< (),
name = "local"
name = "local",
extraLogs = const []
parseLocalShortcut :: T.Text -> Maybe (PackageName, Aeson.Object)

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@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ module Niv.Logger
@ -73,6 +76,15 @@ say msg = do
-- the end
liftIO $ putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" $ (indent <>) <$> lines msg
mkWarn :: T.Text -> T.Text
mkWarn w = tbold (tyellow "WARNING") <> ": " <> w
twarn :: MonadIO io => T.Text -> io ()
twarn = tsay . mkWarn
mkNote :: T.Text -> T.Text
mkNote w = tbold (tblue "NOTE") <> ": " <> w
green :: S
green str =
ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetConsoleIntensity ANSI.BoldIntensity]

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@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ warnIfOutdated :: IO ()
warnIfOutdated = do
tryAny (BL8.readFile pathNixSourcesNix) >>= \case
Left e ->
tsay $
T.unlines -- warn with tsay
[ T.unwords [tyellow "WARNING:", "Could not read", T.pack pathNixSourcesNix],
twarn $
[ T.unwords ["Could not read", T.pack pathNixSourcesNix],
T.unwords [" ", "(", tshow e, ")"]
Right content -> do

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ pkgs.runCommand "git-test"
exit 42
niv update my-git-repo -a ref=branch
niv update my-git-repo -b branch
nivrev2=$(nix eval --json '(import ./nix/sources.nix).my-git-repo.rev' | jq -r)
if [ ! "$gitrev2" = "$nivrev2" ]; then
echo "Mismatched revs: $gitrev2 != $nivrev2"