mirror of https://github.com/nmattia/niv.git synced 2024-09-18 19:07:19 +03:00

Finish init logic

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Mattia 2019-01-28 21:25:09 +01:00
parent e1231e1341
commit dc6fd5af27
2 changed files with 127 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC "-Wall" #-}
module Main (main) where
-- TODO: qualified imports
-- TODO: format code
-- TODO: document commands
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
@ -20,6 +26,7 @@ import GHC.Exts (toList)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Process (readProcess)
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
@ -28,26 +35,6 @@ import qualified GitHub as GH
import qualified GitHub.Data.Name as GH
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts
fileFetchNix :: FilePath
fileFetchNix = "nix" </> "fetch.nix"
-- TODO: file "nix/default.nix"
fileFetchNixContent :: String
fileFetchNixContent = unlines
fileVersionsJson :: FilePath
fileVersionsJson = "nix" </> "versions.json"
fileVersionsJsonContent :: String
fileVersionsJsonContent = unlines
newtype VersionsSpec = VersionsSpec
{ unVersionsSpec :: HMap.HashMap PackageName PackageSpec }
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON)
@ -55,7 +42,7 @@ newtype VersionsSpec = VersionsSpec
getVersionsSpec :: IO VersionsSpec
getVersionsSpec = do
putStrLn $ "Reading versions file"
decodeFileStrict fileVersionsJson >>= \case
decodeFileStrict pathNixVersionsJson >>= \case
Just (Object obj) ->
fmap (VersionsSpec . mconcat) $
forM (HMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
@ -67,7 +54,7 @@ getVersionsSpec = do
Nothing -> error "Cannot decode versions"
setVersionsSpec :: VersionsSpec -> IO ()
setVersionsSpec versionsSpec = encodeFile fileVersionsJson versionsSpec
setVersionsSpec versionsSpec = encodeFile pathNixVersionsJson versionsSpec
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: String }
deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, Show)
@ -222,13 +209,6 @@ setPackageSpecAttr attrName attrValue = do
let obj' = HMap.insert attrName attrValue obj
put (PackageSpec obj')
:: [String]
-> StateT PackageSpec IO Bool
hasPackageSpecAttrs attrNames = do
PackageSpec obj <- get
pure $ all (\k -> HMap.member (T.pack k) obj) attrNames
packageSpecStringValues :: PackageSpec -> [(String, String)]
packageSpecStringValues (PackageSpec m) = mapMaybe toVal (HMap.toList m)
@ -246,30 +226,34 @@ parseCmdInit = (Opts.info (pure cmdInit <**> Opts.helper)) Opts.fullDesc
cmdInit :: IO ()
cmdInit = do
putStrLn "Creating directory nix (if it doesn't exist)"
createDirectoryIfMissing True "nix"
putStrLn $ "Creating file " <> fileFetchNix <> " (if it doesn't exist)"
fileFetchNixExists <- doesFileExist fileFetchNix
-- Writes all the default files
[ (pathNixVersionsJson, initNixVersionsJsonContent)
, (pathNixFetchNix, initNixFetchNixContent)
, (pathNixDefaultNix, initNixDefaultNixContent)
, (pathDefaultNix, initDefaultNixContent)
, (pathShellNix, initShellNixContent)
] $ \(path, content) -> do
putStrLn $ "Creating file " <> path <> " (if it doesn't exist)"
let dir = takeDirectory path
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
exists <- doesFileExist path
if exists
then do
putStrLn $ "Not creating " <> path <> " (already exists)"
else do
putStrLn $ "Creating " <> path <> " (doesn't exist)"
writeFile path content
if fileFetchNixExists
then do
putStrLn $ "Not writing " <> fileFetchNix
putStrLn "(file exists)"
else do
putStrLn $ "Writing " <> fileFetchNix
writeFile fileFetchNix fileFetchNixContent
putStrLn $ "Creating file " <> fileVersionsJson <> " (if it doesn't exist)"
fileVersionsJsonExists <- doesFileExist fileVersionsJson
if fileVersionsJsonExists
then do
putStrLn $ "Not writing " <> fileVersionsJson
putStrLn "(file exists)"
else do
putStrLn $ "Writing " <> fileVersionsJson
writeFile fileVersionsJson fileVersionsJsonContent
-- Imports @niv@ and @nixpkgs@ (18.09)
putStrLn "Importing 'niv' ..."
cmdAdd (PackageName "nmattia/niv", PackageSpec HMap.empty) Nothing
putStrLn "Importing 'nixpkgs' ..."
( PackageName "NixOS/nixpkgs-channels"
, PackageSpec (HMap.singleton "branch" "nixos-18.09"))
(Just (PackageName "nixpkgs"))
-- ADD
@ -300,7 +284,7 @@ cmdAdd (PackageName str, spec) mPackageName = do
pure (PackageName repo)
_ -> pure (PackageName str)
VersionsSpec versionsSpec <- getVersionsSpec
versionsSpec <- unVersionsSpec <$> getVersionsSpec
let packageName' = fromMaybe packageName mPackageName
@ -327,7 +311,7 @@ cmdShow :: IO ()
cmdShow = do
putStrLn $ "Showing versions file"
VersionsSpec fileVersionsValue <- getVersionsSpec
fileVersionsValue <- unVersionsSpec <$> getVersionsSpec
forWithKeyM_ fileVersionsValue $ \key (PackageSpec spec) -> do
putStrLn $ "Package: " <> unPackageName key
@ -351,7 +335,7 @@ cmdUpdate :: Maybe (PackageName, PackageSpec) -> IO ()
cmdUpdate = \case
Just (packageName, packageSpec) -> do
putStrLn $ "Updating single package: " <> unPackageName packageName
VersionsSpec versionsSpec <- getVersionsSpec
versionsSpec <- unVersionsSpec <$> getVersionsSpec
packageSpec' <- case HMap.lookup packageName versionsSpec of
Just packageSpec' -> do
@ -364,7 +348,7 @@ cmdUpdate = \case
HMap.insert packageName packageSpec' versionsSpec
Nothing -> do
VersionsSpec versionsSpec <- getVersionsSpec
versionsSpec <- unVersionsSpec <$> getVersionsSpec
versionsSpec' <- forWithKeyM versionsSpec $
\packageName packageSpec -> do
@ -386,7 +370,7 @@ parseCmdDrop =
cmdDrop :: PackageName -> IO ()
cmdDrop packageName = do
putStrLn $ "Dropping package: " <> unPackageName packageName
VersionsSpec versionsSpec <- getVersionsSpec
versionsSpec <- unVersionsSpec <$> getVersionsSpec
when (not $ HMap.member packageName versionsSpec) $
error $ "No such package: " <> unPackageName packageName
@ -486,3 +470,89 @@ renderTemplate vals = \case
_ -> Nothing
c:str -> (c:) <$> renderTemplate vals str
[] -> Just []
-- Files and their content
-- | @nix/fetch.nix@
pathNixFetchNix :: FilePath
pathNixFetchNix = "nix" </> "fetch.nix"
-- | Glue code between nix and versions.json
initNixFetchNixContent :: String
initNixFetchNixContent = [s|
# A record, from name to path, of the third-party packages
versions = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./versions.json);
fetchTarball =
# fetchTarball version that is compatible between all the versions of
# Nix
{ url, sha256 }@attrs:
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchTarball;
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchTarball { inherit url; }
fetchTarball attrs;
builtins.mapAttrs (_: spec:
fetchTarball {
url =
with spec;
sha256 = spec.sha256;
) versions
-- | @nix/default.nix@
pathNixDefaultNix :: FilePath
pathNixDefaultNix = "nix" </> "default.nix"
-- | File importing @nixpkgs@, setting up overlays, etc
initNixDefaultNixContent :: String
initNixDefaultNixContent = [s|
with { fetch = import ./fetch.nix; };
import fetch.nixpkgs
{ overlays =
[ (self: super:
{ niv = import fetch.niv {};
] ;
config = { } ;
-- | @default.nix@
pathDefaultNix :: FilePath
pathDefaultNix = "default.nix"
-- | Top level @default.nix@
initDefaultNixContent :: String
initDefaultNixContent = [s|
let pkgs = import ./nix; in pkgs.hello
-- | @shell.nix@
pathShellNix :: FilePath
pathShellNix = "shell.nix"
-- | Simple shell that loads @niv@
initShellNixContent :: String
initShellNixContent = [s|
let pkgs = import ./nix;
in pkgs.mkShell
{ buildInputs = [ pkgs.niv ];
-- | @nix/versions.json"
pathNixVersionsJson :: FilePath
pathNixVersionsJson = "nix" </> "versions.json"
-- | Empty JSON map
initNixVersionsJsonContent :: String
initNixVersionsJsonContent = "{}"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ executable:
- aeson
- directory
- string-qq
- filepath
- github
- mtl