#ifndef MODELLIST_H #define MODELLIST_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals; struct ModelInfo { Q_GADGET Q_PROPERTY(QString id READ id WRITE setId) Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName) Q_PROPERTY(QString filename READ filename WRITE setFilename) Q_PROPERTY(QString dirpath MEMBER dirpath) Q_PROPERTY(QString filesize MEMBER filesize) Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray hash MEMBER hash) Q_PROPERTY(HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm MEMBER hashAlgorithm) Q_PROPERTY(bool calcHash MEMBER calcHash) Q_PROPERTY(bool installed MEMBER installed) Q_PROPERTY(bool isDefault MEMBER isDefault) Q_PROPERTY(bool isOnline MEMBER isOnline) Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description WRITE setDescription) Q_PROPERTY(QString requiresVersion MEMBER requiresVersion) Q_PROPERTY(QString versionRemoved MEMBER versionRemoved) Q_PROPERTY(QString url READ url WRITE setUrl) Q_PROPERTY(qint64 bytesReceived MEMBER bytesReceived) Q_PROPERTY(qint64 bytesTotal MEMBER bytesTotal) Q_PROPERTY(qint64 timestamp MEMBER timestamp) Q_PROPERTY(QString speed MEMBER speed) Q_PROPERTY(bool isDownloading MEMBER isDownloading) Q_PROPERTY(bool isIncomplete MEMBER isIncomplete) Q_PROPERTY(QString downloadError MEMBER downloadError) Q_PROPERTY(QString order MEMBER order) Q_PROPERTY(int ramrequired MEMBER ramrequired) Q_PROPERTY(QString parameters MEMBER parameters) Q_PROPERTY(QString quant READ quant WRITE setQuant) Q_PROPERTY(QString type READ type WRITE setType) Q_PROPERTY(bool isClone READ isClone WRITE setIsClone) Q_PROPERTY(bool isDiscovered READ isDiscovered WRITE setIsDiscovered) Q_PROPERTY(bool isEmbeddingModel MEMBER isEmbeddingModel) Q_PROPERTY(double temperature READ temperature WRITE setTemperature) Q_PROPERTY(double topP READ topP WRITE setTopP) Q_PROPERTY(double minP READ minP WRITE setMinP) Q_PROPERTY(int topK READ topK WRITE setTopK) Q_PROPERTY(int maxLength READ maxLength WRITE setMaxLength) Q_PROPERTY(int promptBatchSize READ promptBatchSize WRITE setPromptBatchSize) Q_PROPERTY(int contextLength READ contextLength WRITE setContextLength) Q_PROPERTY(int maxContextLength READ maxContextLength) Q_PROPERTY(int gpuLayers READ gpuLayers WRITE setGpuLayers) Q_PROPERTY(int maxGpuLayers READ maxGpuLayers) Q_PROPERTY(double repeatPenalty READ repeatPenalty WRITE setRepeatPenalty) Q_PROPERTY(int repeatPenaltyTokens READ repeatPenaltyTokens WRITE setRepeatPenaltyTokens) Q_PROPERTY(QString promptTemplate READ promptTemplate WRITE setPromptTemplate) Q_PROPERTY(QString systemPrompt READ systemPrompt WRITE setSystemPrompt) Q_PROPERTY(int likes READ likes WRITE setLikes) Q_PROPERTY(int downloads READ downloads WRITE setDownloads) Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime recency READ recency WRITE setRecency) public: enum HashAlgorithm { Md5, Sha256 }; QString id() const; void setId(const QString &id); QString name() const; void setName(const QString &name); QString filename() const; void setFilename(const QString &name); QString description() const; void setDescription(const QString &d); QString url() const; void setUrl(const QString &u); QString quant() const; void setQuant(const QString &q); QString type() const; void setType(const QString &t); bool isClone() const; void setIsClone(bool b); bool isDiscovered() const; void setIsDiscovered(bool b); int likes() const; void setLikes(int l); int downloads() const; void setDownloads(int d); QDateTime recency() const; void setRecency(const QDateTime &r); QString dirpath; QString filesize; QByteArray hash; HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; bool calcHash = false; bool installed = false; bool isDefault = false; bool isOnline = false; QString requiresVersion; QString versionRemoved; qint64 bytesReceived = 0; qint64 bytesTotal = 0; qint64 timestamp = 0; QString speed; bool isDownloading = false; bool isIncomplete = false; QString downloadError; QString order; int ramrequired = -1; QString parameters; bool isEmbeddingModel = false; bool checkedEmbeddingModel = false; bool operator==(const ModelInfo &other) const { return m_id == other.m_id; } double temperature() const; void setTemperature(double t); double topP() const; void setTopP(double p); double minP() const; void setMinP(double p); int topK() const; void setTopK(int k); int maxLength() const; void setMaxLength(int l); int promptBatchSize() const; void setPromptBatchSize(int s); int contextLength() const; void setContextLength(int l); int maxContextLength() const; int gpuLayers() const; void setGpuLayers(int l); int maxGpuLayers() const; double repeatPenalty() const; void setRepeatPenalty(double p); int repeatPenaltyTokens() const; void setRepeatPenaltyTokens(int t); QString promptTemplate() const; void setPromptTemplate(const QString &t); QString systemPrompt() const; void setSystemPrompt(const QString &p); bool shouldSaveMetadata() const; private: QVariantMap getFields() const; QString m_id; QString m_name; QString m_filename; QString m_description; QString m_url; QString m_quant; QString m_type; bool m_isClone = false; bool m_isDiscovered = false; int m_likes = -1; int m_downloads = -1; QDateTime m_recency; double m_temperature = 0.7; double m_topP = 0.4; double m_minP = 0.0; int m_topK = 40; int m_maxLength = 4096; int m_promptBatchSize = 128; int m_contextLength = 2048; mutable int m_maxContextLength = -1; int m_gpuLayers = 100; mutable int m_maxGpuLayers = -1; double m_repeatPenalty = 1.18; int m_repeatPenaltyTokens = 64; QString m_promptTemplate = "### Human:\n%1\n\n### Assistant:\n"; QString m_systemPrompt = "### System:\nYou are an AI assistant who gives a quality response to whatever humans ask of you.\n\n"; friend class MySettings; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ModelInfo) class InstalledModels : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged) public: explicit InstalledModels(QObject *parent); int count() const { return rowCount(); } Q_SIGNALS: void countChanged(); protected: bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const override; }; class DownloadableModels : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool expanded READ isExpanded WRITE setExpanded NOTIFY expandedChanged) public: explicit DownloadableModels(QObject *parent); int count() const; bool isExpanded() const; void setExpanded(bool expanded); Q_INVOKABLE void discoverAndFilter(const QString &discover); Q_SIGNALS: void countChanged(); protected: bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const override; Q_SIGNALS: void expandedChanged(bool expanded); private: bool m_expanded; int m_limit; QString m_discoverFilter; }; class ModelList : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged) Q_PROPERTY(InstalledModels* installedModels READ installedModels NOTIFY installedModelsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(DownloadableModels* downloadableModels READ downloadableModels NOTIFY downloadableModelsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList userDefaultModelList READ userDefaultModelList NOTIFY userDefaultModelListChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool asyncModelRequestOngoing READ asyncModelRequestOngoing NOTIFY asyncModelRequestOngoingChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int discoverLimit READ discoverLimit WRITE setDiscoverLimit NOTIFY discoverLimitChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int discoverSortDirection READ discoverSortDirection WRITE setDiscoverSortDirection NOTIFY discoverSortDirectionChanged) Q_PROPERTY(DiscoverSort discoverSort READ discoverSort WRITE setDiscoverSort NOTIFY discoverSortChanged) Q_PROPERTY(float discoverProgress READ discoverProgress NOTIFY discoverProgressChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool discoverInProgress READ discoverInProgress NOTIFY discoverInProgressChanged) public: static ModelList *globalInstance(); enum DiscoverSort { Default, Likes, Downloads, Recent }; enum Roles { IdRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, NameRole, FilenameRole, DirpathRole, FilesizeRole, HashRole, HashAlgorithmRole, CalcHashRole, InstalledRole, DefaultRole, OnlineRole, DescriptionRole, RequiresVersionRole, VersionRemovedRole, UrlRole, BytesReceivedRole, BytesTotalRole, TimestampRole, SpeedRole, DownloadingRole, IncompleteRole, DownloadErrorRole, OrderRole, RamrequiredRole, ParametersRole, QuantRole, TypeRole, IsCloneRole, IsDiscoveredRole, IsEmbeddingModelRole, TemperatureRole, TopPRole, TopKRole, MaxLengthRole, PromptBatchSizeRole, ContextLengthRole, GpuLayersRole, RepeatPenaltyRole, RepeatPenaltyTokensRole, PromptTemplateRole, SystemPromptRole, MinPRole, LikesRole, DownloadsRole, RecencyRole }; QHash roleNames() const override { QHash roles; roles[IdRole] = "id"; roles[NameRole] = "name"; roles[FilenameRole] = "filename"; roles[DirpathRole] = "dirpath"; roles[FilesizeRole] = "filesize"; roles[HashRole] = "hash"; roles[HashAlgorithmRole] = "hashAlgorithm"; roles[CalcHashRole] = "calcHash"; roles[InstalledRole] = "installed"; roles[DefaultRole] = "isDefault"; roles[OnlineRole] = "isOnline"; roles[DescriptionRole] = "description"; roles[RequiresVersionRole] = "requiresVersion"; roles[VersionRemovedRole] = "versionRemoved"; roles[UrlRole] = "url"; roles[BytesReceivedRole] = "bytesReceived"; roles[BytesTotalRole] = "bytesTotal"; roles[TimestampRole] = "timestamp"; roles[SpeedRole] = "speed"; roles[DownloadingRole] = "isDownloading"; roles[IncompleteRole] = "isIncomplete"; roles[DownloadErrorRole] = "downloadError"; roles[OrderRole] = "order"; roles[RamrequiredRole] = "ramrequired"; roles[ParametersRole] = "parameters"; roles[QuantRole] = "quant"; roles[TypeRole] = "type"; roles[IsCloneRole] = "isClone"; roles[IsDiscoveredRole] = "isDiscovered"; roles[IsEmbeddingModelRole] = "isEmbeddingModel"; roles[TemperatureRole] = "temperature"; roles[TopPRole] = "topP"; roles[MinPRole] = "minP"; roles[TopKRole] = "topK"; roles[MaxLengthRole] = "maxLength"; roles[PromptBatchSizeRole] = "promptBatchSize"; roles[ContextLengthRole] = "contextLength"; roles[GpuLayersRole] = "gpuLayers"; roles[RepeatPenaltyRole] = "repeatPenalty"; roles[RepeatPenaltyTokensRole] = "repeatPenaltyTokens"; roles[PromptTemplateRole] = "promptTemplate"; roles[SystemPromptRole] = "systemPrompt"; roles[LikesRole] = "likes"; roles[DownloadsRole] = "downloads"; roles[RecencyRole] = "recency"; return roles; } int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; QVariant data(const QString &id, int role) const; QVariant dataByFilename(const QString &filename, int role) const; void updateDataByFilename(const QString &filename, QVector> data); void updateData(const QString &id, const QVector> &data); int count() const { return m_models.size(); } bool contains(const QString &id) const; bool containsByFilename(const QString &filename) const; Q_INVOKABLE ModelInfo modelInfo(const QString &id) const; Q_INVOKABLE ModelInfo modelInfoByFilename(const QString &filename) const; Q_INVOKABLE bool isUniqueName(const QString &name) const; Q_INVOKABLE QString clone(const ModelInfo &model); Q_INVOKABLE void removeClone(const ModelInfo &model); Q_INVOKABLE void removeInstalled(const ModelInfo &model); ModelInfo defaultModelInfo() const; void addModel(const QString &id); void changeId(const QString &oldId, const QString &newId); const QList exportModelList() const; const QList userDefaultModelList() const; InstalledModels *installedModels() const { return m_installedModels; } DownloadableModels *downloadableModels() const { return m_downloadableModels; } static inline QString toFileSize(quint64 sz) { if (sz < 1024) { return u"%1 bytes"_s.arg(sz); } else if (sz < 1024 * 1024) { return u"%1 KB"_s.arg(qreal(sz) / 1024, 0, 'g', 3); } else if (sz < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return u"%1 MB"_s.arg(qreal(sz) / (1024 * 1024), 0, 'g', 3); } else { return u"%1 GB"_s.arg(qreal(sz) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 0, 'g', 3); } } QString incompleteDownloadPath(const QString &modelFile); bool asyncModelRequestOngoing() const { return m_asyncModelRequestOngoing; } void updateModelsFromDirectory(); void updateDiscoveredInstalled(const ModelInfo &info); int discoverLimit() const; void setDiscoverLimit(int limit); int discoverSortDirection() const; void setDiscoverSortDirection(int direction); // -1 or 1 DiscoverSort discoverSort() const; void setDiscoverSort(DiscoverSort sort); float discoverProgress() const; bool discoverInProgress() const; Q_INVOKABLE void discoverSearch(const QString &discover); Q_SIGNALS: void countChanged(); void installedModelsChanged(); void downloadableModelsChanged(); void userDefaultModelListChanged(); void asyncModelRequestOngoingChanged(); void discoverLimitChanged(); void discoverSortDirectionChanged(); void discoverSortChanged(); void discoverProgressChanged(); void discoverInProgressChanged(); private Q_SLOTS: void resortModel(); void updateModelsFromJson(); void updateModelsFromJsonAsync(); void updateModelsFromSettings(); void updateDataForSettings(); void handleModelsJsonDownloadFinished(); void handleModelsJsonDownloadErrorOccurred(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code); void handleDiscoveryFinished(); void handleDiscoveryErrorOccurred(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code); void handleDiscoveryItemFinished(); void handleDiscoveryItemErrorOccurred(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code); void handleSslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList &errors); private: void removeInternal(const ModelInfo &model); void clearDiscoveredModels(); bool modelExists(const QString &fileName) const; int indexForModel(ModelInfo *model); QVariant dataInternal(const ModelInfo *info, int role) const; static bool lessThan(const ModelInfo* a, const ModelInfo* b, DiscoverSort s, int d); void parseModelsJsonFile(const QByteArray &jsonData, bool save); void parseDiscoveryJsonFile(const QByteArray &jsonData); QString uniqueModelName(const ModelInfo &model) const; private: mutable QMutex m_mutex; QNetworkAccessManager m_networkManager; InstalledModels *m_installedModels; DownloadableModels *m_downloadableModels; QList m_models; QHash m_modelMap; bool m_asyncModelRequestOngoing; int m_discoverLimit; int m_discoverSortDirection; DiscoverSort m_discoverSort; int m_discoverNumberOfResults; int m_discoverResultsCompleted; bool m_discoverInProgress; protected: explicit ModelList(); ~ModelList() { for (auto *model: m_models) { delete model; } } friend class MyModelList; }; #endif // MODELLIST_H