# nixos-remote - install nixos everywhere via ssh nixos-remote makes it possible to install nixos from Linux machines reachable via ssh. Under the hood uses a [kexec image](https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images#kexec-tarballs) to boot into a NixOS installer from a running Linux system. It then uses [disko](https://github.com/nix-community/disko) to partition and format the disks on the target system before it installs the user provided nixos configuration. ## Requirements - x86_64 Linux system with kexec support (most x86_64 machine do have kexec support) - At least 2.5GB RAM (swap does not count). If you do not have enough RAM you will see failures unpacking the initrd), this is because kexec needs to load the whole nixos into memory. ## Usage Needs a repo with your configurations with flakes. For a minimal example checkout https://github.com/numtide/nixos-remote-examples. Your NixOS configuration will also need a [disko](https://github.com/nix-community/disko) configuration as we can see in our [example](https://github.com/numtide/nixos-remote-examples/blob/9768e438b1467ec55d42e096860e7199bd1ef43d/flake.nix#L15-L19) Afterwards you can just run: ``` nix run github:numtide/nixos-remote -- root@yourip --flake github:your-user/your-repo#your-system ``` The parameter passed to `--flake` should point to your nixos configuration exposed in your flake (`nixosConfigurations.your-system` in the example above). `nixos-remote --help` ``` shell Usage: nixos-remote [options] ssh-host Options: * -f, --flake flake set the flake to install the system from * -L, --print-build-logs print full build logs * -s, --store-paths set the store paths to the disko-script and nixos-system directly if this is give, flake is not needed * --no-ssh-copy skip copying ssh-keys to target system * --no-reboot do not reboot after installation, allowing further customization of the target installation. * --kexec url use another kexec tarball to bootstrap NixOS * --stop-after-disko exit after disko formating, you can then proceed to install manually or some other way * --extra-files files files to copy into the new nixos installation * --disk-encryption-keys remote_path local_path copy the contents of the file or pipe in local_path to remote_path in the installer environment, after kexec but before installation. Can be repeated. * --debug enable debug output ``` ## Using your own kexec image By default `nixos-remote` will download the kexec image from [here](https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images#kexec-tarballs). It is also possible to provide your own by providing a file to `--kexec`. The image will than uploaded prior to executing. ``` shell nixos-remote \ --kexec "$(nix build --print-out-paths github:nix-community/nixos-images#packages.x86_64-linux.kexec-installer-nixos-unstable)/nixos-kexec-installer-x86_64-linux.tar.gz" \ --flake 'github:your-user/your-repo#your-system' \ root@yourip ``` `--kexec` can be useful for example for aarch64-linux, where there is no pre-build image. The following example assumes that your local machine can build for aarch64-linux either natively or through a remote builder ``` shell nixos-remote \ --kexec "$(nix build --print-out-paths github:nix-community/nixos-images#packages.aarch64-linux.kexec-installer-nixos-unstable)/nixos-kexec-installer-aarch64-linux.tar.gz" \ --flake 'your-flake#your-system' \ root@yourip ```