- Can be used with the Effect pattern and [elm-program-test](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/avh4/elm-program-test/3.6.3/) to simulate input to the select.
Note that if you have the list of items in your model already, you can also pass them directly in the view instead of setting the items in init and it will work just as well:
There are issues when the input is placed within a parent element that has overflow scroll or auto: the menu may be clipped by the parent. This can be overcome by using [Select.withMenuPositionFixed](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/nunntom/elm-ui-select/2.1.1/Select/#withMenuPositionFixed), but if the parent also has a transform applied, it gets clipped again. This means any parent with e.g. Element.scrollBarY + Element.moveDown/moveLeft etc. can cause issues. This is due to [a feature of the current CSS spec](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20574).